Midnight Movies: From the Margin to the Mainstream
Midnight Movies: From the Margin to the Mainstream
| 20 June 2006 (USA)
Midnight Movies: From the Margin to the Mainstream Trailers

From 1970-1977, six low budget films shown at midnight transformed the way we make and watch films.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
dromasca The collection of films gathered in this documentary is centered around the cult of the midnight movies, a series of films in the 70s which were not only experimental in form and shocking in content, but also presented a different type of viewing experience in the decade between the flower power 60s and the electronic explosion of the 80s. All these films became cult objects and enjoyed success which was not necessarily, or not only commercial, but also focused on a type of non-mainstream audience. The films themselves were very unequal judged on the art scale, with three of the six being important films, to be remembered in any history of the moving pictures art, and the other three closer to the trash pan. It is however interesting to see the authors of the movies looking back to the time of the making and the critics trying to put them in perspective. At the end it is not so much the documentary material that stays with the viewer but the reflection process that makes us think about the relationship between art, viewing conditions, experiment and success.
Colin Burrowes I found this on my TV instead of another listed program and was quite happy the cable guide screwed up. A romp through some of my favorite spunk filled films of all time. the midnight film has a spirit that most films being released these days fail to capture. this was fun to view. Maybe I've heard the same words before but we could all use hearing these words again. Very inspiring. Love this stuff! John Waters, George A. Romero, and the Rocky Horror picture show. What else do I need to get my ass in gear to make another film. did I mention this is inspiring to those who love underground cinema. This ain't smut...this is art.
lastliberal It was exciting to see the greats of cult cinema in one film - John Waters, Reorge Romero, David Lynch and others.Not having experienced the phenomenon of midnight movies, I was excited to see how those on the margins brought their works to the screen.Bizarre and surreal films like Eraserhead; black humor in Night of the Living Dead; the quirky Pink Flamingos; a surreal western like El Topo; and the drag classic Rocky Horror Picture Show were all discussed by their creators and critics.Anyone interested in the history of cinema should add this to their viewing list.
fnorful This is a well-constructed movie that is entertaining, informative and at times disturbing.We have seen or heard of all six movies: El Topo, Night of the Living Dead, Pink Flamingos, The Harder They Come, The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Eraserhead. It would be worth an entire movie just to see the clips, but these are presented one at a time, each movie given the full treatment of talking heads and loads of footage.The interviewees are shown historically and recently. The film moves along quickly, giving a good sense of the film, its production, distribution and the culture it blossomed in.It's a must-see for any film fan.