Mortal Thoughts
Mortal Thoughts
R | 19 April 1991 (USA)
Mortal Thoughts Trailers

A loathsome man ends up dead, but it's not clear who's to blame. If ever a person got what he deserved, it's James Urbanksi, an abusive drunk who steals from his wife, Joyce, and promises her close friend Cynthia Kellogg that she'll be the next target of his rage. At a group outing, James bleeds to death after someone cuts his throat. But because he's such a terrible human being, police aren't sure which of his acquaintances decided to kill him.

Alicia I love this movie so much
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
slightlymad22 I caught this on TV last night, and decided to give it a go because it started Demi Moore and Bruce Willis. Cynthia (Moore) comes forward to talk to detective John (Harvey Keitel) about the murder of her best friend's husband. The story is told as a series of flashbacks... James (Willis) was a bullying, physically abusive husband. His wife Joyce has, on a number of occasions, expressed her intention to kill him.All the cast do a fine job, Glenne Headly slightly over does it with her accent, but it's only a minor gripe. Willis is solid as the sleazy violent husband, Keitel does what is required of him and then, there is Moore. This was the second of three Box Office disappointments she made inbetween the success of Ghost and A Few Good Men. It's a shame this never found an audience as Moore puts in a really good performanceFor me, Demi Moore remains one of the most talented and beautiful women in movies, and her sexiness is in rare supply. Any movie becomes promising just by having her name in it's cast.
Robert J. Maxwell "Thelma and Louise" was an entertaining movie about two women who shed their men and take off on a vacation in their convertible, during which they kill one man and humiliate and rob innumerable others. It's all okay, though, because all men are brutes anyway and deserve what they get. The climax has Thelma and Louise sailing off into the cerulean sky above the Grand Canyon, laughing gaily all the way.Demi Moore and Glenne Headly are pals too, and it has its comic moments, but it's not a cartoon but rather a reasonably well thought-out narrative of friendship, love, hypocrisy, marriage, betrayal, morality, and community. I don't mean to make it sound more complicated and pretentious than it is. It really boils down to a murder mystery.Moore is being questioned by the police and she tells the story in a series of flashbacks. Her girlhood friend, Headly, is married to the most abusive and obnoxious man you could ever hope to meet (Willis) and one night apparently cuts his throat and kills him. Moore helps Headly out, dumping Willis's body, getting rid of evidence, lying to the cops, and so forth. The murder is blamed on car jackers.Here's an example of what I meant before when I referred to comic moments. At Willis's wake, Moore's father, an old-fashioned, working-class, urban type, blames the killing on black kids, going into this extravagantly angry, hand-waving rant about how they should take all of them, line them up against a wall, and shoot them. Then immediately he asks about Willis, "Did he rent or own?" All the writing, comic or otherwise, is pretty clever and convincing. And the dialog coach should get a medal. Bayonne, New Jersey, is an ugly little industrial town but it's just across the Hudson from Manhattan and has a grand view of the city's majestic skyline.I don't think I'll reveal the ending because it comes as something of a surprise. Maybe a little too much of a surprise, like an Alfred Hitchcock television episode with a twist at the end. The director, Alan Rudolph, sometimes lapses into self indulgence with split-second flashbacks, mirror shots, and that sort of thing, but not often enough to distract the viewer. It may be Demi Moore's best performance in an adult movie; Glenne Headly has the most curious epicanthic folds; fascinating to see Bruce Willis as a thoroughly rotten villain; Harvey Keitel (who also tried to reason with Thelma and Louise) pronounces the name of "Joyce" as "Jerse."
BaronBl00d I was pleasantly surprised by this film for its guts to take a story and almost present it all through Demi Moore talking to two police detectives(Harvey Keitel and Bille Neal) in a room - everything we see is via her character's thoughts and perceptions and ideas of truth and untruth and is entirely in flashback form. The story centers around Moore and her friend Headly recently married to a brute of a guy played by Bruce Willis - and goes from there to murder, mystery, and the eventual uncovering of what is the truth behind everything. Director Alan Rudolph does a good job creating a story convincingly told throughout by flashback and from the first person whilst coming back to present time repeatedly. This is not as easy as it sounds and has been messed up in other films, but it does work here because of Rudolph's sure directorial talents and the acting of Moore, Willis, Headly and Keitel. Demi Moore gives perhaps one her best performances(looking lovely I might add as well) as a New York woman torn between several things. Headly is as strong as is Willis. All of the actors give serviceable performances and the whole movie looks and sounds like a spin off from The Sopranos or something the way all of the actors walk, talk, and act. You will have no doubts where the film takes place to be sure. The story is inventive and delivers at the end. I didn't see it coming but others could believably so - but even if that is the case the film works on other levels as well. There are some nice psychological examinations made in the film as well as challenges made to perceptions. I must agree the title is really quite horrible and has virtually nothing to do with this film, but all in all this is quite a good thriller that needs another look.
whpratt1 Demi Moore,(Cynthia Kellogg),"G.I. Jane", played an exceptionally difficult role, where she gets involved with a very abusive lover played by Bruce Willis,(James Urbanski) who has mood changes like the weather, hot, cold and goes completely nuts. I was beginning to lose my patience with Cynthia because she never reported these incidents to the police in order to prevent this horrible human abuse. This is a good film to show innocent women in this world, if you experience this type of behavior, run to the nearest police station and turn this guy in immediately. However, I must say that Bruce Willis did such a great acting job, you actually grew to hate him and the role he played. Good Film, Enjoy