R | 27 February 2004 (USA)
Twisted Trailers

Recently promoted and transferred to the homicide division, Inspector Jessica Shepard feels pressure to prove herself -- and what better way than by solving San Francisco's latest murder? However, as Shepard and her partner, Mike Delmarco, soon discover, the victim shared a romantic connection to her. As more of Shepard's ex-lovers turn up dead, her mind starts to become unstable, and she begins to wonder if she could be the very killer she's trying to track down.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Majikat Ashley Judd did a fair few of these crime thrillers and all of them easy watching, this one is no different.
Spikeopath From the middle tier of what we know as being Neo-Noir, Twisted is a frustrating experience. Right off the bat the cast list boasts weighty worth, giving us the promise of a dramatic thriller, filmed on location in Frisco, with misty lenses, lamp lights, waterside moods etc, it's set up a treat. As is the premise...Ashley Judd stars as a newly promoted hot-shot police detective, who in quality noir traditions has a whole heap of problems going on. Her family back story is shattering, she herself is heavily reliant on alcohol and she likes casual sex with strangers, strangers who start turning up dead, the kicker of which sees her basically investigating herself as a the prime suspect! Unfortunately with everything in place the pic never shifts out of first gear. The red herrings stack up, but nothing with any real conviction, and the whole premise starts to get monotonous, worse still the big reveal really isn't a surprise. There was a raft of these type of films in the 80s and 90s that were done much better, and on completion of viewing this effort one hankers for those pics - not to mention for the film noir of old!Ashley Judd always frustrates, one can see a very good actress in her body of work, but she's more often than not starring in so so thrillers. It can possibly be argued that her co-star Andy Garcia is a great actor who hasn't reached the heights he should have, the days of The Untouchables and Godfather III seeming to be fleeting glimpses of talent. Here he gets a thankless role that's poorly written, while both Samuel L. Jackson and David Strathairn add nice touches but aren't asked to extend themselves. Directed by Phillip Kaufman who as with Rising Sun, here also looks out of his comfort zone with the genre. But the presence of Mulholland Dr. DOP Peter Deming is noticeable and one of the pics strengths. 5/10
callanvass (Credit, IMDb) Jessica, whose father was a serial killer, is a female police officer. While investigating a murder, she finds herself in the center of her own investigation, when her former lovers start dying around her at a furious paceI saw this on DVD over a year ago. I don't remember too much about it, so my memory is probably a little sketchy. I do remember that I was pleasantly surprised by how watchable it was. There were some decent twists and turns, as well as above average character development. I think the problem with serial killer flicks is that many things have been done before, and it's hard to be original. It is derivative, but fairly enjoyable. I thought Ashley Judd was as solid as ever. Samuel L. Jackson is always great. Andy Garcia was good as well. Is it original? hell no. Is it bad? I didn't think so. I'll give it a recommendation for a rainy day watch6/10
Xikar I know this movie has many bad reviews. However,I found it suspenseful and it kept me in my chair. Yes, it was obvious in many ways, and one or two scenes were contrary to anybody's logic, but what movie doesn't have a few of those. So I kept watching as it had many twists and turns to keep me interested. No pun intended. I kept guessing who the bad guy was or wasn't, and I was surprised more than once. I already like Ashley Judd, Andy Garcia and Samuel Jackson, so maybe I'm just a tiny bit biased. But I'm honest in my scoring, and I watch more than my share of movies.Although, I just watched it for the first time in March 2013, it's a 2004 release. I don't know how I missed this one when it was released.I enjoyed it very much. Overall, "That's Entertainment".