Don't Blink
Don't Blink
| 18 September 2014 (USA)
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Ten people arrive at a secluded mountain resort to find it completely deserted. With no gas for the return trip, the visitors are forced to stay and investigate the mystery surrounding the abandoned lodge.

FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Rav1122 "They all disappear"That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. They all disappear, then the credits roll. Thats literally it. Don't get me wrong, it was entertaining, but it kinda feels like the whole movie was pointless and went nowhere. From the start they introduce little clues and hints that make you think there will be a twist at the end but there isn't. The little notes left behind by the former guests, the lack of animals/insects, the severe temperature shifts, the lights going out at the exact moment they call for help, all of these elements are pointless. Its not very good writing when certain key events are emphasized, then go nowhere.What was the point in mentioning the lack of animals? What was the point in the severe temperature shifts? What was the reason for mentioning (an emphasizing) the importance of finding the gas pump key if no one ever tries to look for it? In mystery-esque movies like this I always make a point to remember when something is mentioned that might be of importance later on. You get that "AHA!" moment when a character stumbles upon something they mentioned needed in the beginning, or when the climax happens and you go "Now I get it!" when all or at least some of the pieces fit together. Not here, not with this movie.My major issue was the constant emphasis on the temperature shifting. First they say its unseasonably warm, then they discover that the lake froze over rather quickly, trapping a boat in the center, then there's snow on the ground after nightfall and no one knows how the temperature dropped 50 degrees in a matter of hours. They keep mentioning the changing temperature outside, but in the end it was pointless to mention as it had absolutely no bearing on the plot of the story. I would say you should give this movie a shot if you're up for an entertaining little thriller, but don't bother thinking too much or looking to deep into anything as nothing ever comes together. Remember, "They all disappear" literally sums up the first scene to the last.
jandriod2012 I think this film could have been rather good if the director and writers had the courage to take a risk and avoid the usual slasher/horror premise. I was interested to read some of the theories here, and agree that the film was a missed opportunity to explore our beliefs about death. There was so much potential to add depth to the story, some of which was hinted at but which they seemed to run scared of and revert to stereotypes. The characters could have been developed also, but again appeared to rely more on stock horror film types. I think the director and writers unfortunately appear to be of the opinion that we, the audience, are creatures of little brain, and felt the need to 'dumb down'. Why, for instance, have someone produce a gun when there was clearly nothing to shoot at (other than each other)? And of course, the gratuitous sex scene - who in their right mind would strip off then have sex with their ex when your in a creepy cabin and everyone is disappearing around you??? This could have been such a great film if only those involved had the guts to try something a bit different. They played safe instead, which has backfired anyway, and produce something quite mediocre
Coral Grainger This movie is Awesome! i cant believe so many people are giving it such bad reviews!I mean sure it didn't tell us how they were disappearing or whether Noah new all along, or even how Charlotte stayed alive so long at the end while the others weren't watching her. but that doesn't matter, that can be over looked! I love the idea (although kinda stealing the idea, and name from the doctor who episode with the weeping angles) the tense moments where their could be a jump scare keeps the viewer on edge, and when they pulls out guns, bits of glass and a noose its so cool! The way they made the people before look like they just up and left is a bit odd because it looks like they didn't know people where disappearing? I love the way that the characters don't stick with their typical looks, the emo chick pulls out strip poker and a bible, the sensible blonde guy has this weird glass in hand thing for no reason, the smart chick (who in any other movie would have died by now) stays till the end and looses her "dorky" look. Yeah it wasn't very obvious who was related to who, what their names where and who was married, dating, siblings, or X's but that doesn't matter, we aren't watching how these people live their ordinary lives we are watching how a group of people react when a "monster" makes them disappear. the ending is brilliant and i cant wait to forget abut this movie in a few months so i can watch it all over again fro the beginning like I've never seen it before!
LovingMoviesSince98 So I was pondering through Netflix after watching a few episodes of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia when I decided I was in the mood for a good low-star-rated horror movie. I was going through my list that's filled with several crappy B-horror movies and I decided to watch Don't Blink. I remember adding it to my list because it had the actress who played Jenna in the U.S. version of the show, Wilfred (Fiona Gubelmann). So that's what I did.The movie was great. This is a perfect example of paranoia horror. It's almost like the stuff of nightmares. As a matter of fact, that is EXACTLY what this movie is. I can even prove it to you.When I was about eight years old, I had a dream where I was in this crowded public place with my mom. We saw from a little ways of a distance there was a red button on the wall. I was afraid to press it, not knowing what would happen. Somehow though, I managed to gain the courage to hug my mom, walk straight up to the button, and press it. Immediately after pressing the mysterious red button, I quickly spun around to see tons of passers-by carrying out with their business. My mom was nowhere in sight. I was alone.And I was scared sh**less.This movie reminded me of that nightmare and then I became intrigued. I absolutely LOVE it when horror movies do that. Remind me of personal nightmares. I can tell you all about it in my review for It Follows. True horror comes from the place we fear the most: our own imaginations. Which actually leads me up to another reason as to why I adore this movie so much.I noticed this film has a low rating on both Netflix and IMDb. I read a few of the reviews on this site to see why that is and it was exactly why I had expected it to be.One review had stated that the major flaw with this movie was the ambiguity it had left when the director's name appeared on the screen. It just had this huge build-up that kept taking its time to elaborate at a suspenseful pace that would just lead to....nothing. Questions were left unanswered as it left the ending completely open. That's the problem people have. They were never given the answers they were looking for. But if you really think about it, that's the great thing about this movie. It never explains itself. It leaves it to the imaginations of the viewers watching. I was really hoping this movie would do that...and it did!!Of course there's going to be people wanting the answers to everything. So if you're that type of person, this movie might not be your cup of tea. But if you're into a good mystery like myself, you will enjoy this movie.Rating: 9/10