Outpost: Rise of the Spetsnaz
Outpost: Rise of the Spetsnaz
| 26 June 2013 (USA)
Outpost: Rise of the Spetsnaz Trailers

In the third installment of the hit Nazi Zombie action horror movie, Outpost: Rise Of The Spetnaz, we discover the horrifying origins of these supernatural soldiers and see them in ferocious gladiatorial battle against the most ruthless and notorious of all military special forces: the Russian Spetsnaz.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
851222 Greetings from Lithuania."Outpost: Rise of the Spetsnaz" (2013) is just what you might expect and nothing more. It gives you exactly what it promises - a gory blood fest with some zombies and specnaz. That's it. Acting is OK for this material, just didn't understood why these zombies always entered to fight like they were professional wrestlers. And how did American, Russian and German communicated? In what language would have they speak and perfectly understand each other? But you don't ask questions like these in a movie called "Outpost: Rise of the Spetsnaz" - you just go with it. Overall, if you a hard fan of the first part (which in my opinion was very cool low-budget B horror / sci-fi / action flick), you might actually enjoy a bit of this installment, and if you have a very boring evening, this flick can do the justice for one time.
Rob Bayley I like science fiction, horror, thriller, I dislike bad science fiction, horror, thriller - and I hate being cheated by reviews and hype. I bought Outpost III having read some good reviews. Hopefully this review will stop you making the same mistake. I should have learned my lesson with Outpost I, low budget, bad script, bad acting, bad direction. I skipped Outpost II and tripped up on III. The review I read said that it was a definite boost to the franchise, fine acting, fine camera work, script, etc., etc. In my opinion all of those do not apply. Imagine Outpost I and effectively you have Outpost III. This is lazy film-making. When a Nazi quotes Shakespeare expect the worst and you will not be disappointed. When someone says Bryan Larkin puts in a fine performance ask - in which scene? When Nazi soldiers attack like retards and start filling up the corridors with their stupid dead bodies and you think - is this it, is this the movie? Answer yes and find something else to do. I am generous giving this 3 stars out of 10.
hobgoblinlol Honestly, don't know why it got 4.2 in my opinion the movie at least deserves 5.0-6.0 yes it is a cheesy sci-fi plot, but I think it is well executed. The thing I love about Outpost movies is the atmosphere and even though I think that the film took an odd turn by going back to WW2 to have an origin story it was still well done. But we can all see that the budget of the movie isn't completely as good as the first Outpost. The acting is decent and the action is good. Plot and the story maybe little bit too cheesy, but it's a Nazi zombie sci-fi flick so what do you expect? god father? I'm actually surprised with the stern treatment Outpost movies receive. Not to mention when people call ''Dead Snow'' good it's just eerie. Even Frankenstein's army has 5.0 than this considering the fact that it is not as good. War of the dead has 4.0 even though it's not an awful disaster. This one actually had some cameos and references from the previous films including the Beethoven song that starts randomly playing once in a while in all three films (very good touch in my opinion) as far as I am concerned the movie is definitely a 5.0 - 6.0/10. It wouldn't hurt to let the logic fly out and enjoy a cheesy flick that can grant you certain entertainment.IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes logic: if it's not a masterpiece, it's bad. Even though IMDb is a saint compared to Rotten Tomatoes. Hopefully, when more people vote it'll at least get the rating of 5.0
Jesse Boland I would like this one if it was not the 3rd of it's line. I would like this one if it was not simply the end of an almost endless loop that they can mess with when ever they want to go back, and make a cheap movie. I would like this one if it was a stand alone story. I don't like Outpost 1, or 2. The first 2 movies tried really hard, but were too dark, and working on such small budgets that you could only expect what you got. They were not all that great though, the first being just a retelling of the old Zombie bunker unsealed after 50 + years, and the second one tried to take that one further even though the original team had pretty much ended it. So now we have the 3rd of this series which if it were on it's own merits would be an alright late 90's early 00's army movie with too much back story, and narration, so it is too bad those first two movies ever happened. Though as is more the case than would be expected these days you would not have this half decent pile of crap if it had not been for the fully steaming piles that proceeded it, and have still not gone back up.If you have watched the first 2 then this movie will be as fun to you as Lobsterman from Mars once was, otherwise pass on by this film.