| 12 October 2001 (USA)
Dagon Trailers

A boating accident off the coast of Spain sends Paul and his girlfriend Barbara to the decrepit fishing village of Imboca. As night falls, people start to disappear and things not quite human start to appear. Paul is pursued by the entire town. Running for his life, he uncovers Imboca's secret..they worship Dagon, a monstrous god of the sea...and Dagon's unholy offspring are on the loose...

Alicia I love this movie so much
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Ben Hattrell Dagon film review (6/10) Setting the scene The scene setting is pretty obscure from the outset starting with a real shock perhaps like a real horror should. Well at least a glimpse of that all important action from the film climax to entice you in. This film sucks you in with a firm tug from the outset. The locations for scenes are very pleasant and scenic which makes the film seem like more of an odyssey that a dull studio affair. The characters are clear from the word go with a straight forward introduction of a limited number. Relationships are included with romance which is always good to see (especially in a horror before something happens to your favourite). Main body The romance quickly fades as a characters mental state is seriously challenged by scary thoughts. After the initial shocker things settle to almost a crawl for a long time. This is perhaps where the rating comes down and the story needs a little injection of enthusiasm or humour. Perhaps the lack of drama with effects results in a flat period. For whatever reason you have to struggle through to retain enjoyment which is a shame after the great opening. The concepts and story-line is good however so would have been nice to be driven forward with a little more imagination for costumes and creature mobility. Music The music is fairly dramatic, if limited and does not resonate fear like it should for a good horror especially during the climax of the film which it would really benefit from. The music is far from exciting and not very memorable. Ending If you make it to the last half an hour you get your first hit from complex sides and relationships which make everything more interesting and exciting. For the last 30 minutes the characters gel and the acting really comes through in a more positive light. The main characters bonds are truly tested and the pace dramatically picks up. The emotions are evidently lacking where they should be, yet abundant where needed. All sorts of fight scenes, escape scenes, gore and turmoil explode out to finish things nicely. This almost makes up for the dull centre and closes things out in the correct way for the beginning shock to " reveal all" like a good ending should. This does however mean that a sequel may be quite impossible to create as a continuation. Summary A well thought out, imaginative story with good acting in parts. A great opening and conclusion with a little boredom and drawn out plot in the middle. With adaptation the film if remade has the potential to be amazing due to simplicity and themes. Needs to be shorter or more dramatic in the middle.
siderite Dagon is the first story Lovecraft wrote and this adaptation is both good in the sense it captures the original material's unsettling story, but also bad because it goes through the classic monster movie routines with no respect to character development or quality of story and using the clichés I game to hate so much like "Americans in spooky European country trying to communicate by adding an 'o' to every English word", "Americans looking for police and/or a phone and, lacking that, looking for a car or a gun", Deus ex Machina overload and so on.This is the second time I watch the film and, besides some scenes that I vaguely remembered, the rest of the movie was completely forgettable. In truth, with a little effort this could have been a decent movie. I don't get why they had to break it using such bad acting and such a silly script.
Tor Johnson-Lugosi I wanted to like this one, especially after Stuart Gordon's RE-ANIMATOR and FROM BEYOND, both of excellent revamps of HPL. But this Dagon is over-lit, generic "big" music, and overall not very atmospheric. Jeffrey Coombs would have compensated for this, he's got screen presence. Instead this hero is a dorky doof better suited as a Friday the 13th victim - you just want this goof to get it - and we sure don't need to see him making out with a hot girlfriend for the first 10 minutes. It's reminiscent of the endless Italian horror cheesers of the 1980s, more adolescent than adult. A shame.Read the original HPL - that story literally oozes gloom; the film version just drips.
iamwhitewica The story behind the movie is good. It could actually be a great movie that stands time, but instead of this it looks like a movie acted by high school kids. I don't know if the actors in this movie have ever acted before but they are really bad.The main character is such an idiot I even compared it to someone we know. It was even more funny. But this movie should not be funny that is the whole point. The bad acting made us wonder if it was another of those horror-comedy film that are numerous at the moment.Anyway, the story is good and it is worth watching. My warning is: don't let the main character stress you, he is a bad actor, just don't listen to him too much, you won't miss the main plot anyway, he is the main character but acts like a comic relief...a kind of Robin, and the girl is more like Batman but they gave her a second role. I guess she was eclipsing the main guy too much!