Terminal Invasion
Terminal Invasion
R | 14 September 2002 (USA)
Terminal Invasion Trailers

Aliens in human disguise commandeer a rural airport during a snowstorm. To survive, the people trapped inside must determine which of their own is not of this Earth.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
bowmanblue Terminal Invasion is about an alien invasion, set in an airport terminal - the clue is in the title. The film has a cheap, daytime TV feel about it, with special effects to match. Probably the only reason it ever got green-lighted was due to having Bruce Campbell in it, who is, of course, the best part of the whole film.As the cast try to figure out who is an alien and who's not, they spout off some reasonable dialogue, but the supporting cast don't always deliver it too well. Sooner or later one stereotype after the next gets bumped off - you know the unlikeable characters are always going to end up as alien-chow.But, for all its faults, I couldn't help but get some small amount of satisfaction out of it. Yes, it's cheesy, yes the acting and SFX leave a lot to be desired and yes, they even went as far as to copy one of the scenes from Alien where Ripley is directing Dallas through the maze via headset.Ultimately, it's one of those films you'll either love or hate. If you like Bruce Campbell and his jaw, you'll probably not think you wasted an hour and a half of your life. But, be warned, Men In Black standard it is not.http://thewrongtreemoviereviews.blogspot.co.uk/
gavin6942 Aliens in human disguise commandeer a rural airport during a snowstorm. To survive, the people trapped inside must determine which of their own is not of this Earth.Ever wanted to see Bruce Campbell as a killer? Or Jason Jones as a weak, clueless military man? This is the film for you. While not particularly amazing, and with special effects that leave a lot to be desired, it is a good time waster from the fine folks at the SyFy Channel.What saves this from being even worse is the inclusion of Bruce Campbell. While he may not be everyone's cup of tea, he has a commanding presence that will keep most people interested. The script is a bit fast and loose with him, as you never know if he is going to be good or bad from one scene to the next, and everyone seems to take his murderous antics rather lightly.
superman1 I'd like to add to the bad reviews. This film is terminal. This film contains nothing but spoilers. This goes to show how expectations can ruin a poor movie.1) To start, major disappointment the "terminal" is not an airport, but a room in the middle of nowhere.2) Second major disappoint: You know from the start the whole film will not leave that damn room. similar to what some features from Full Moon Studios threaten to do, yet I think they always manage to leave it.Looking bad so far...3) And you also know pretty early it is a total talk fest, with no action.4) You also know it is purely derivative - or pure dribble.I thought there was one decent line in the whole movie, for that was the only one with some thought, not a cliché. At the end, but I will spoil it for you.When the police siren is heard by the criminal, he says, "They're playing my song." (But maybe I haven't seen the movie it was stolen from.)The only shock was that Sean S. Cunningham directed it.At least other Sci-fi Channel pics have interesting CGI monsters, action, and some tension.
Randy Cliff There are lots of other relevant comments here. The only reason I tried this movie was because I enjoy Bruce Campbell and Chase Masterson. Bruce did great considering what he was given to work with. I don't find Chase a very effective "Alpha Female" here -- I think I would like her to stick with comedies.The suspense of the movie is good, but most of the story is predictable. The thing that drives me nuts is when so many of the characters are acting just plain stupid. The idea of stumbling into an invasion is an appealing plot. The story is intriguing with a touch of "First Wave" and "The Thing", but there were times I almost had enough. I hung in until the end, but I wouldn't bother watching this a second time.
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