Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
PG | 14 December 1977 (USA)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind Trailers

After an encounter with UFOs, an electricity linesman feels undeniably drawn to an isolated area in the wilderness where something spectacular is about to happen.

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
strike-1995 Who knew there was beauty in science fiction? Everyone.
slightlymad22 Continuing My Plan To Watch Every Steven Spielberg movie in order, I come to Close Encounters Of A Third Kind. I'll admit from the off, I watched this movie when I was 10, did not like it at all, and have never revisited it since.Spielberg left Zanuck/Brown and their deal at Univeral to make this movie for Julia and Michael Phillips at Columbia Pictures, with the budget set at $4.1 million. As is happened the effects alone would cost about $3 million, and the budge was estimated to run to $20 million. Columbia pictures were in financial difficulty by this point and had effectively bet the farm on this movie.Julia Phillips was eventually forced to the sidelines due to her drug use. In her autobiography "You'll Never Eat Lunch in This Town Again", she says how she and the studio did not want to meet Richard Dreyfuss' price of $500,000 plus gross points to play Roy Neary and offered the script to Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson, Gene Hackman James Caan and Steve McQueen. Pacino wasn't interested, Nicholson thought that any actor would be overwhelmed by the special effects. Hackman turned down the role because he was in a troubled marriage and could not spend 16 weeks on location-shooting. Cann wanted $1 million plus 10% of the gross, whilst McQueen turned the role down because he said he wasn't able to cry on film. So Phillips went back to Dreyfuss, and he became immortalized on film as Roy Neary. Truthfully, like 2001, this one still leaves me a but cold. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it more today than I did all those years ago. All of the cast are grea, and its compelling at times especially during the first hour as Roy appears to be descending into madness. It is also refreshing to see a movie about aliens that does not involve them blowing New York up. But as it went on, I found myself willing it to hurry up. Spielberg's Daddy issues are front and centre in this one. Legend has it the cry baby scene is directly out of his childhood. I wonder what his Dad thought watching all these movies. I noticed it in Jaws, and there is a lot of product placement in this one too Coca-Cola. McDonald's being obvious standouts. Close Encounters Of A Third Kind grossed $116 million at the domestic box office (more than Saturday Night Fever, Annie Hall and The Spy Who Loved Me) to end the year the third highest grossing movie of 1977. Only Star Wars and Smokey & The Bandit grossed more.
Andrea Tsereteli (House of Targaryen) An enchanting film with great special effects, yet I feel reluctant to regard the aliens as peaceful and awe-inspiring since they do abduct people, even children - and it is also hard to accept the protagonist's selfish decision at the end without any concern for his family.
Richie-67-485852 When this first came out it was a must see. It was entertaining but a little confusing at some points. Why would things start appearing out of no where? Why would people be abducted and then returned? When contact is finally made, all they do is play music? How about answering who, what, where, when and how questions like a thousand of them. Never the less, it is enjoyable and did what it is supposed to do i.e. entertain. UFO's running around like hot rods dragging awaits you. Enjoy