PG-13 | 08 June 2001 (USA)
Evolution Trailers

A comedy that follows the chaos that ensues when a meteor hits the Earth carrying alien life forms that give new meaning to the term "survival of the fittest." David Duchovny, Orlando Jones, Seann William Scott, and Julianne Moore are the only people standing between the aliens and world domination... which could be bad news for the Earth.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
docm-32304 I really loved this film. Great acting, comedy and the special effects were campy enough to be funny and professional enough to not make the film look amateurish. I didn't find it had anything in common with MIB as some commented. It is a hilarious stand alone sci-fi comedy. I watched this on a Sunday afternoon and my wife and I were kept in stitches. Great entertainment and both of us highly recommend it for those who just want a fun escape.
Kirpianuscus a film with an only risk - to be viewed by a too serious public. because it is one of parodies who seems be necessary. for pure joy to laugh. to forget the not impressive scientific culture you have. for taunt the news from Internet, the conspiracy theories, the lessons of biology, the old roles of David Ducovny, the stereotypes and to remind the not soft humor. so, an useful film about space, danger and the war to save human race. about the genius of men and the authority of women, about army force and about nice creatures. and, sure, about simple solutions to huge problems. so, a nice film. out of high expectations. but comfortable for reconquest the reactions of a late teenager.
darosslfc Every time I watch Evolution after a year or two of not viewing it I expect the film not to hold up. Thankfully I'm wrong about this and find myself laughing throughout the movie. That's not to say that this film ranks top tier in comedies of all time, but it definitely lodges itself as a guilty pleasure comedic flick. The story is about Ira (David Duchovny) and Harry (Orlando Jones), two community college professors, who are the first to investigate a meteor that crashed to Earth. The meteor brings with it basic alien life forms. Wayne (Seann William Scott), a want to be firefighter who discovered the meteor, and Allison (Juilianne Moore), a klutzy government scientist, join Ira and Harry to combat the alien organisms that have been rapidly evolving since their arrival on Earth.It is a simple script with not many twists or turns, but the thing that gets me every time is the chemistry between the actors. Duchovny, Jones, and Moore are the heavy weights in this film and they bring great skill to the table. Wile it is a straight forward film with not a lot of surprises the one thing that you can depend on is great situational dialogue. The movie doesn't rely on gross out humor or shock value but rather on well crafted scenes that allow for mature comedic dialogue. And at the end of the day I'm always down to watch this movie once a year just for some good fun.
Python Hyena Evolution (2001): Dir: Ivan Reitman / Cast: David Duchovny, Orlando Jones, Seann William Scott, Julianne Moore, Ted Levine: Ghostbusters rip-off that has no real bearing on evolution at all in a meaningful sense. David Duchovny plays a biology teacher and Orlando Jones plays a girls' volleyball coach who answer a call to the site where a meteor landed. A sample indicates that there is an organism evolving at an alarming rate. They are sabotaged when scientists take them to court to gain possession of the research. Although the solution is clever the plot is recycled and dull. It seems that director Ivan Reitman is trying to relive the success of Ghostbusters and failing miserably. Duchovny is basically playing his X-Files role while Jones spouts one-liners as if he was auditioning for a nightclub gig. Julianne Moore serves no purpose than to play the woman. She doesn't even get slimed when things get unbelievably messy. Seann William Scott who opens the film, becomes unnecessary from each passing moment. The special effects will remind viewers of Ghostbusters and while the effects here are good, they are not accompanied with a story worth evolving into a movie to begin with. Ghostbusters is funnier and far better written but Reitman proves that he cannot catch lightning in a bottle. It is a pointless and boring mess that should be sent through a blender. Score: 2 / 10