The Hive
The Hive
R | 14 September 2015 (USA)
The Hive Trailers

An amnesiac must reach back into his mind for memories that will help him save the love of his life before a virus completely takes over.

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Kely Christmas This movie could have been something, could have been different, but it was so lame and lazy throughout that I just can't force myself to even pretend to like it.I mean, I'm not going to lie-- I came here just for Basso, but man is is his acting insufferable in this movie. I knew from the moment the "horror" scenes arrived that I was completely disappointed in this movie. Not to mention that I actually laughed out loud, even as I tried to hold it in, when Basso's character professes his love for Prescott's character. It was so abysmal that I'm disappointed that the casting directors, directors, and writers even agreed to release this thing.I sound like I'm over exaggerating, and I am, but it was just a really bad movie experience. There were things that I truly liked: the plot, the message from the movie, but the delivery was way off. And the worst thing about this movie is that it has so much potential, even if it is set in just one room throughout-- it has so much potential! I just couldn't get around Basso's acting, the music, the editing, the writing, and just everything that had to do with delivery.Why, oh why did they release this thing?
Dan Ashley (DanLives1980) I tend not to look for horror films anymore. Call me jaded but I grew up in the '80s. By the time I turned twenty there was nothing I hadn't seen, whether it was done well or badly. CGI ruined the rest! But the past few years has seen a resurgence in excellently crafted and executed horror films and The Hive is the latest that I must rank so highly. I believe this to be one of the best of the decade.Don't think zombies when you see the trailer. Think Invasion of the Body Snatchers and Evil Dead. Don't think tweeny love story like it was marketed. Although it has those elements, and they are a driving force, they're done well and quite maturely.This is one of those movies that wades neck deep in the kind of horror that gave you nightmares as a kid and yet it also has the intelligence of Christopher Nolan's Memento, yet with a dash of Friday 13th and the late '90s Liev Schreiber sci-fi horror Phantoms.I had very few hang-ups, going in with zero expectations, and left with zero hang-ups, all but for the choice in music at the end credits and the slightly cliché end narration.The rest, from beginning to end, is an exercise in creepy, suspenseful, horror with a mind of its own; and possibly a secret subtext with a message about our modern society.That dormitory scene later on...
Argemaluco I didn't know what to exactly expect from The Hive, and after having watched it, my ambivalence remains, because despite including an interesting premise and an attractive visual style, the screenplay tends to deflate as we start to guess where the "big mystery" is heading, not to mention that some poor performances ruin various scenes which should have been shocking but end up being just irritating due to the null talent from the actors. Nevertheless, I appreciate the fact that director David Yarovesky decided to face such an unusual project in his first film. First, the pros: the mystery contained in The Hive is interesting, and it is well built in order to keep us in suspense about its origin and possible evolution. Co-screenwriters Yarovesky and Will Honley play with our expectations, offering us vague clues of an uncertain meaning... Are we in the middle of a zombie invasion, a multiple satanic possession or a simple epidemic of apocalyptic proportions? Fortunately, the answer is more complicated (even though it includes a bit of all that), and it's interesting to build the puzzle at the same time as the main character. At least, that's what I felt during the first half of The Hive. But eventually, new clues to solve the mystery are revealed, and that's when it feels a bit tiring to spin around the same events while the main character writes notes on the walls and experiments repetitive flashbacks to reach the "big revelation" we had been waiting from half an hour before. However, the main problem is the bad performances from Gabriel Basso as the main character and Jacob Zachar as his best friend. Both feel very forced in their roles, and as a consequence, it's difficult for the audience to root for their characters. Fortunately, the supporting actors make a decent work in their roles, including Kathryn Prescott, Gabrielle Walsh, Elya Baskin and Sean Gunn. In conclusion, The Hive managed to keep me interested, and I can give it a moderate recommendation as a curious fusion of horror and science fiction. Its second half decays a bit, but it still brings us new information to complement the mystery I felt kinda predictable. With better actors than Basso and Zachar and a more refined screenplay, The Hive might have been a hidden gem; but in its current state, it fell short of its big potential, and even though I found it interesting, it didn't leave me completely satisfied.
jsjoeysawyer I was lucky enough to see this film during its one-night Fathom event and couldn't be happier that I got a chance to experience it on the big screen. This is the type of film that benefits from having large, booming speakers to enhance its awesome visuals. The Hive is the reason people love low-budget horror, proving again and again that talent is more important than a large budget. I will not review any plot details as I think this is the type of film that benefits from the viewer going in blind. If you are looking for a film that both honors the horror/zombie genre but isn't afraid to throw out some new ideas, this is pure, adrenaline-pumping ecstasy. Bloody, gruesome, and often slightly silly, this little film will give genre fans happy little nightmares.Awesome! Check it out!