R | 29 August 2008 (USA)
College Trailers

A wild weekend is in store for three high school seniors who visit a local college campus as prospective freshmen.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Python Hyena College (2008): Dir: Deb Hagen / Cast: Drake Bell, Andrew Caldwell, Kevin Covais, Haley Bennett, Ryan Pinkston: Vulgar teen comedy about experience. Three high school seniors decide to check out the college scene in preparation for the following year. Instead of an exciting time they become the brunt of many cruel jokes launched by a senior frat house. Director Deb Hagan is not given a screenplay of any worth. Perhaps a viewing of National Lampoon's Animal House might have better inspired her. Drake Bell suffered a breakup and decides to add more excitement to his life. If that is truly the case then he would have starred in a different film than this. Perhaps this film is part of the countless cruel jokes he had to endure. Andrew Caldwell plays a loud and obnoxious friend and that is his basic function from start to finish. Kevin Covais is steered by his parents but it is clear that he will be coaxed into rebelling, which leads to a job interview gone wrong, and a session involving puke and a toilet. Haley Bennett plays the standard romantic interest who does little more than look stunning and somehow end up with the hero whom in reality she wouldn't be caught in public with. Ryan Pinkston makes this a career move towards more adult, but not more mature roles. None of them are any better off in the end. It aims low with drunkenness, vomiting and other lewd acts. Score: 3 / 10
kosmasp ... you might actually kinda enjoy this. Not that it is any good compared to many other "raunchy" teen comedies (some of the best lately being the first American Pie movies), but if you stop comparing this to other movies (like Superbad, another great comedy, that cannot be touched by this movie), this won't be a complete waste of time. The characters are cliché, but while mostly bland, the actors still try their best and almost achieve to give them some edges.There are many flaws (if I start to think about them, it'll loose a point or two), but in the end, this movie delivered, what you could expect it to do. So while my rating is low, if you happen to have low expectations too, they will be met, by this. Of course the fecal and urine jokes are not really the best side of this, but it's up to you to decide, if you wanna go down "that road".Some story lines are being left in the dark, others are underplayed (or dealt with wrongly, the girlfriend storyline), but the three main girl characters have a sweetness to them, that is kinda fun. I guess I liked seeing them try ...
Scott Baldwin (Meven_Stoffat) This isn't a review for the movie, which I'm sure is crap. I will admit, I have not seen the movie, and I nor do I plan on seeing it. The reason I leave this comment is because of the early comments. Quite clearly the people who leave these comments are studio plants, hired by the studio to make people go see the movie. I've noticed they're all at least a paragraph long and the users review the same movies: The Life Before Her Eyes, Flawless, and The Signal. And they all say the same thing. Just the fact that studio plants repeat the same thing over and over goes to show how crappy this film must be. And now that the film is out on DVD, they are also doing the same routine for Return to Sleepaway Camp. Just the titles like "Best weekend ever? Best Movie ever!" or "Where can I enroll? :)" are enough to make you think. Then again, I have not seen the movie, but that's something I noticed.
harbingerofapocalypse If you didn't believe we were on the far end of the downhill slope, this 'film' would utterly change your mind. It is grease on the rails of the rocket sled to oblivion.Now, don't get me wrong, there is a time and place for black, 'gross-out', or just plain stupid humor. This film is disgusting, but not in the way you think. Well, it is disgusting in the way you think. But that's not what's truly offensive about this filth. The offense here is the fact that this unimaginative, derivative, terribly cast and acted, horridly written, badly shot, intelligence-raping load of sub-direct-to-video effluence exists. Any one of those negative attributes alone in a film could be overlooked. But in this unholy vision they all exist at once, permeating every frame. I'm sure there are other things wrong with it as well, but my eyes began bleeding profusely after about 30 minutes and my psyche fractured not soon after, which is why I cannot describe this movie in more specific terms as I've blocked it from memory except for the above impressions. I assume that I didn't finish it, since I awoke some hours later in the fetal position in a dark corner of the garage. I would guess that if you checked the original negative you would find the edges blackened and singed - an indicator of its infernal origins.This is the Anti-Film. I pray that you do not see it. And if you do, I pray for your soul for surely nobody connected with the creation of this 'movie' has one.