Just My Luck
Just My Luck
PG-13 | 12 May 2006 (USA)
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Manhattanite Ashley is known to many as the luckiest woman around. After a chance encounter with a down-and-out young man, however, she realizes that she's swapped her fortune for his.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
n-p-hunt This film has a dumb script and I could have done without McFly (I'm not a fan. Lindsey and the other two girls are great, I could have done with seeing more of them. The daft things they make Lindsey do is an embarrassment to watch (and I'm certain for Lindsey too). Somebody get her a great script like in "Mean Girls" (please)!
juneebuggy I'm not entirely sure why I decided to watch this, Chris Pine maybe? Anyways it wasn't half bad; cute, mindless, entertainment. Lindsay Lohan was actually decent here, present, well dressed and amusing with her silly physical gags as she goes from lucky, polished career gal to blundering bowling alley janitor, after her good fortune is reversed when she kisses the unluckiest guy in N.Y at a masked ball.I enjoyed Chris Pine here too, he doesn't stretch himself too far in terms of acting and just plays a nice guy. There are some amusing secondary stories and characters; Ashley's gal pals set up a sort of 'Sex and The City' vibe, the rich music producer, a male prostitute neighbour and a young girl that 'Jake' looks out for.The British boy band Mcfly was overused in my opinion but others seem to have liked them and their music. This is clearly aimed at a young adult audience, there aren't any sex scenes, no profanity, nothing blows up, its just a cute easy story. 4/25/15
Danii Disaster First of all, Lindsay Lohan was COMPLETERY unsuitable for the role. She still looks like the 15-year-old teen from "Mean Girls", so she's very unconvincing as someone, who's got the kind of job most people would have to study for 4 years and work for 10+ years to get promoted to.Extremely formulaic and predictable. Not one moment of spontaneity or surprise. You know how it's going to end -- before you've even started watching it.The acting wasn't very good, but you wouldn't expect much better from a generic rom-com anyway, so even that is hardly a surprise.Nothing at all original about this movie. It's composed of two elements: boring and cheesy. At times, it gets so ridiculous, it's actually a pain to watch.It's an entirely unremarkable movie -- I didn't remember ANYTHING from it the next day. I know it wasn't supposed to be a "serious" movie, but the point of rom-coms is entertainment. There was none here. It was just TOO predictable, generic, and uninspiring.Unless they're a die-hard fan of Lindsay Lohan's, I really don't think anyone would miss anything by skipping this nondescript piece of...
elshikh4 Why this is a rare movie ? The fantastic plot. The effort behind writing all the unbroken unlucky events. The smart ideas (like kissing all the dancers..). The scenes seem perfect (the one of the art gallery was SO PERFECT !). The thrilling pace; where you ask all the time what would happen next ?! The cute and talented cast. And the colorful directing. Now to have all of these elements in an original, not a remake, recent rom-com from Hollywood is so rare indeed.The fun of it is super. Thank god that (Chris Pine) isn't just another pretty boy. (Lindsay Lohan) can't be better; especially when it comes to her choice this time away from Disney, though it looks like a Disney comedy which Disney didn't produce (At any cost it is not I Know Who Killed Me !). The thing is she still looks like a teen girl, sometimes a kido ! I wished for the young (Meg Ryan) at times. And (Faizon Love) steals the scene whenever he shows up; his performance is natural and lovable.So…what's here to bug ? Almost nothing. I say almost due to all the feces' references (as if they're put to attract certain viewers). And the love story; being so fast. It's not enough to see him half naked and to throw lather at her to be both madly in love ! However, I'm used to this case in other romantic comedies; they remember everything about comedy, making it with diligence, forgetting strengthening the romance, or making it with the same diligence ! How this didn't turn into a hit is a mystery. I'm pushed to believe that the clean, innocent, or old-fashioned entertainment for that matter, has become without-a-chance nowadays. Because when it's made by ($28,000,000) to gain only ($17,324,744), being strangely an outrageous flop, then this is more than bad luck. Anyway I guess I'm the one with the bad luck, since this kind of fun, my fun, is unsuccessful, or unneeded, in today's world !