The Prince & Me 2: The Royal Wedding
The Prince & Me 2: The Royal Wedding
PG | 21 February 2006 (USA)
The Prince & Me 2: The Royal Wedding Trailers

With just weeks before their royal wedding, Paige and Edvard find their relationship and the Danish monarchy in jeopardy when an old law is brought to light, stating that an unmarried heir to the throne may marry only a woman of noble blood or else he must relinquish his crown.

GazerRise Fantastic!
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Skyggemunk This movie is not only condescending to the danish people, but it actually contributes to the sarcastic American image that "they don't know what's happening outside their borders..." (We all seen "the world map according to USA" and "here be dragons") I know it isn't so, but I'm sorry to say that this movie sends those signals... An all round bad movie with no intention of contributing with anything remotely danish... You could have called it Czech, Swedish, Polish, Russian, Romanian, German... It would still be just as inaccurate... At least you could expect just a little fact, not even the license plates! c'mon! The only somewhat correct thing I saw was the national guards hats...Besides that... Bad acting, lousy plot, superficial dialogue... Do not watch...
Claire While I truly enjoyed the first movie, this one stinks, I mean really stinks. The only returning character is the guy playing King Edvard - everybody else ran a mile when they saw the scripts for this, what a joke and a bad one at that. Where is the continuation of the story? why is the father alive and well when he was dying in the first movie which is why the prince couldn't have a normal life and had to come home to save the monarchy. It really is abysmal when you get morons making a sequel (and heaven forbid a third instalment, this time the actor playing Edvard has gone and is played by someone else again) which they proceed to ruin completely. Did they not see the 1st movie, were they unaware it is a sequel and understand what a sequel is - a continuation????? No, they did not. How these fools ever get the money to make rubbish like this is beyond me. It tarnishes the memory of how good the 1st movie was, what a shame the fools who made this couldn't even be bothered to do it right.
Adelina N Why? Why did they make this movie! It's so predictable and bad that I switched of the TV after the first 15 minutes. But then I decided to finish watching and it was a disappointment! While the first movie was in my opinion great and I still watch it sometimes, the second one is a disaster! Thank God it was aired on TV and I hadn't bought a DVD (but I wanted). It would have been a complete waste of money! I didn't like the second Paige and I compared her with the amazing Julia Stiles. The thing about the "Book" was copied from "Princess Diaries", the main characters didn't have a chemistry, Paige's rival was sooooo bad!!!!! And the King and the Queen didn't resemble monarchs!!!! How could that possibly be!
claudiazap0509 Seriously,where in the world did they get her and who ever thought it was a good idea to hire her!She made the movie dreadful and she looked SO FAKE!Nothing like Julia,she was so down to earth and gave the character such a great presence.Maybe the movie would had been a little better if they had Julia there.The Prince didn't even seem interested in the new girl,sorry if i hadn't mentioned her name,i seriously don't even care to know it!LOL i sound like a hater,but i'm just warning you. I recommend to just not waste your time with this movie because it will ruined the magic and awesomeness of the first one.O and no wonder it went straight to DVD!They knew how horrendous that would had been for them!