All of My Heart
All of My Heart
G | 14 February 2015 (USA)
All of My Heart Trailers

A young caterer’s life suddenly changes course when she inherits a country home and learns she must share it with a career obsessed Wall Street trader. At first, these opposites do not attract, but feelings begin to change when they find themselves having to work side-by-side to restore their newly acquired home.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
LuLuBelleKy First Off, I'm a HUUUUGGE Fan of Brennan Elliot. I can't believe he hasn't been in more movies!! Hot, SWEET, AND Sexy! Like someone else here wrote, "he outacted Lacey" -I'd say he was actually a great compliment to Lacey. They both have awesome screen chemistry. I just saw that Hallmark came out with a sequel to this: All of My Heart: Inn Love (2017). How did I not see this???? My goal is to just buy the DVD of it along with the first one. Lacey and Brennan shine in All of my heart, as they experience the ups and downs of taking ownership of a house that was left to them after the owner died. The home has a charm that Lacey loves, and she sees potential in fixing it up, and making it a B&B. Brennan is a big city professional who doesn't have the time or patience for a place like this. They go thru things breaking left and right, and then experiencing sweet little victories when things start to get better. Watching them grow closer together on screen was amazing!!! Soooo Believable. (I know, I need a life...I'm way too into this movie). By the end, you'll be sniffling happy tears when they become the proud parents of Gabby Goats "kids" ~it's just TOO GOOD to pass up! A+++ Hallmark. I can't stand when Hallmark has to insult my intelligence by spelling out e v e r y little emotion. Seems to me if the actors have any merit, as well as the screenwriters, all should be able to follow and read in between the lines. No saccharine sweet garbage here. Just a light, happy ending movie with awesome actors and pretty locations.
phd_travel It's quite delightful to see how chef Jenny played by Lacey Chabert fixes up a house she inherits into a B&B and bakes pastries and sells them. She inherits the house 50/50 with a Wall Street guy. Of course a romance develops. Lacey Chabert acts well - not too perky and quite sympathetic. Brennan Elliot is funny as the Wall Street guy Brian who gets laid off and turns to fixing up the B&B. At first he seemed a bit old for Lacey Chabert but the dialog is so snappy it doesn't matter. Greyston Holt as her boyfriend who who put his career first looks a bit out of place as an executive. Liked the comic tone throughout and the supporting characters are funny too. Hope Brian doesn't have to give up his Wall Street job totally - what happens if nobody comes to the B&B?
rwootn I love Hallmark movies... This one is really cute... I did a lot of awing and awing in this one.., I loved the music in this one... I wonder if there is any way to find the songs in this... I think the music helps make the movie and this music fit the movie perfectly... Like most of the Hallmark movies... I love it! The main characters are two of my favorites... Lacey Chabert and Brennan Elliott have been very popular on Hallmark lately... I would like to see more movies with them together... This will definitely be one I will want to buy... to add to my growing Hallmark collection... I like movies that make me happy, are pleasant to watch, and hate to see it end... this one was all that... I think it is scheduled to show again in September... I will for sure be watching again...
Trevor Dewey A sweet, small and unpretentious Hallmark TV movie much like the star Lacey Chabert herself. It's a very traditional romantic movie cute meet: newly single girl Jenny Fintley (Ms. Chabert) yearning for the country meets too busy for romance man Brian Howell (Brennan Elliott) who loves the city. The plot revolves around the two's different plans for a house which they have unexpectedly inherited but it's really just an excuse to put the two actors into a room together and see what happens. There's some nice chemistry between Ms. Chabert and Mr. Elliot with Ed Asner (as Vern) on screen now and then to steal a scene.There are no surprises in this kind of movie but so what? It's sweet, it's light, it's unpretentious and it's enjoyable. I will add that the baby goats are a bit too much on the sweet side but overall: 7 out of 10.