Breakin' All the Rules
Breakin' All the Rules
PG-13 | 14 May 2004 (USA)
Breakin' All the Rules Trailers

After being dumped by his model girlfriend, aspiring writer Quincy Watson quits his job and is inspired to pen the ultimate how-to book on breaking up. When it becomes a smash bestseller, he starts giving his player cousin, Evan, choice tips on how to win the battle of the sexes. After Evan's beautiful girlfriend, Nikki, utters the words "we need to talk", Evan panics and decides to leave her before she can leave him. But when Nikki realizes Evan's connection to break-up guru Quincy, it's these players that end up getting played.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
jemswan123 I loved this film. and guess what I am white! most people seem to feel the film is racist.. i don't see it myself.. Jamie Fox is so funny and i love the love triangles in the film. there's slight confusion in a few parts of the film tho that still confuse me. I like the girl actress. Jamie Foxx's best mate was a little tiresome, but i loved the humour. in this film. i loved the soundtrack too. Id be interested in buying this on DVD and watching it again as it was an A Class film!! i though this film would be "typical black comedy" but it proved me totally wrong. I want the soundtrack too as some of the songs were amazing. Also the female singer in the 2nd club scene was amazing, if she isn't a real singer she should be. She has an amazing voice. My favourite part of the film.. well i don't know its all really funny stuff. I watched it with my boyfriend, he agreed on the soundtrack and the humour. I would recommend this film to all ages. Excellent !! * Highly ReccommendS*
MLDinTN Watching this was like watching some generic relationship movie on USA network. Nothing original here. It's about a guy, who wrote a best seller on how to break up, and his cousin. The cousin, Evan, has a girl he wants to break up with and also get back. Quincy starts liking the girl before he knows she's his cousin's girl. The girl knows who he is. The two play a game of half truths and nearly hooking up. The side plot involves a businessman obtaining Quincy's help to break up with his gold digging girlfriend. But, it ends up with her having an affair with who she thinks is Quincy. Any ways, in typical fashion the two lead characters decide they really love each other and you have this cheesy biting of the hand. See the movie to get that part.BTW: There is a dirty old man in this who should have been slapped silly.FINAL VERDICT: Nothing more than a way to fill 90 minutes of your day. I definitely don't recommend it if you want something that will hold your attention.
CitizenCaine Jamie Foxx stars as a guy just dumped by his fiancé who ends up writing a best selling book about how to dump significant others. Along the way, there are mistaken identities, gender and racial stereotypes, and a decided lack of comedy and wit. Gabrielle Union serves as the eye candy object of Foxx's affections by mistake when he's sent to dump her by his "player" cousin, Morris Chestnut, who specializes in booty calls that expire after three months. Due to a very subtle change in her appearance, Foxx doesn't recognize her as the person he's supposed to give the message to, and a romance between him and Union ensues.Parallel to this story, there is a sub-plot involving advice-giving to Peter MacNicol, who is trying to rid himself of gold-digging Jennifer Esposito. Kudos to the director for trying to make a comedy with black lead actors that are not all "urban" stereotypes. However, there are other tired routines that are apparent in the film. The black male "player", the dirty old white man, the dog joke that runs throughout the film, etc. The laughs are few and far between and rely more on the aforementioned devices (and ones similar to them), instead of actual sophisticated writing and character development. The film is rather formulaic, and, without further plot developments beyond my opening comments of this review, becomes static to the viewer. This is another disappointing, unsophisticated comedy with too few laughs on any level. ** of 4 stars.
angeliqx I have to say I wasn't expecting it to be so hilarious. It was just one laugh after the next. Jaime Fox has definitely come a long way from In Living Color, showing not only his comedic talents but also his flair for the romantic. Gabrielle Union adding her charisma to the women stuck between two cousins, and Morris Chestnut looking as sexy as ever. I'm surprised it wasn't advertised as much. Jennifer Esposito is the woman you love to hate, and Peter MacNicol with his nervous humor makes for a film that you don't want to miss. The music was integrated perfectly into the dialogue. Heather Headley being the topper with her song "He Is", moving the audience to remember what it was like to fall in love. If you haven't seen it, see it. If you've seen it, see it again. Don't let this film go unnoticed.