Beverly Hills Ninja
Beverly Hills Ninja
PG-13 | 17 January 1997 (USA)
Beverly Hills Ninja Trailers

Haru, an orphaned American who washes ashore in Japan and is mistaken for the great White Ninja of legend. Raised among the finest Ninjas, Haru grows strong and big - very big. With the grace of all Three Stooges rolled into one body, Haru is an embarrassment to his clan. But when a beautiful blonde pleads for his help, Haru is given one dangerous, disastrously funny chance to prove himself.

Jacomedi A Surprisingly Unforgettable Movie!
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
kaneerj this is one of my favorite movies of all time, it is great and enjoyable, me and my brothers must have watched it once a month growing up and I watched it a few times again as an adult as well, the story was fun, it was funny all around, wish I could have seen more movies from chris farley
Irishchatter Some people say Chris Farley is better off with David Spade. However I think he is still funny as hell regardless! Man, he just got the moves of a true karate kid and champion!I know he was with Chris Rock, it just was so disappointing that he didn't have enough scene's. Both of them would have been great partners to kick the bad guys butts. I wouldn't call them ninjas, I would rather call them Hollywood legends cause really that's who they really are!Robin Shou was awesome. He had amazing stunts and was great in disguising himself as different people so Farley wouldn't know he's really helping him. I really wish I could do these karate moves if I was into doing them a lot lol. That's not gonna happen any time soon unfortunately!I don't know why Chris Farley wasn't proud in doing this film, it was brilliant thanks to him!
Python Hyena The Beverly Hills Ninja (1997): Dir: Dennis Dugan / Cast: Chris Farley, Nicolette Sheridan, Robin Shou, Nathaniel Parker, Chris Rock: About the mix of two cultures and practices with a baby washed ashore and founded by ninjas. Although brought up on their customs Chris Farley fails to meet their standards. Eventually Nicolette Sheridan shows up offering him a task of spying on her husband. Robin Shou is secretly sent to assist him. Series of mishaps occur that are meant to satire a film that is every bit as bad as this one called Mortal Kombat. Lame plot directed by Dennis Dugan whose long list of stupid films include Problem Child and Happy Gilmore. Farley makes a lot of noise and is surprisingly skilled at driving. This is never explained but it plays like a plot convenience. Sharidan plays the typical damsel with no other purpose other than to look good and be available for possible sexual conquest. Shou is there to engage in combat, which is exactly what he did in Mortal Kombat. Nathaniel Parker is the target Sheridan focuses upon but one imagines that being part of this ridiculous film is punishment enough. Chris Rock makes a start here and thankfully he harnesses his comedic talents in better projects than this. It could have been a satire of the genre but unfortunately it is merely a vehicle for Farley's antics resulting in something that is as bad as many of the films it makes fun of. Score: 3 / 10
Gunnar_Runar_Ingibjargarson A slapstick comedy starring Chris Farley, Beverly Hills Ninja is part prop-gag movie and part testament to the late comedian's physical comedic abilities. As a baby, Haru (Farley) appeared on the coastal shores of Japan. Legend has it that a foreigner would arrive and become the greatest ninja ever, known as the "Great White Ninja." As Haru grew, it became apparent: he was not the one. But when a beautiful stranger named Sally (Nicollette Sheridan) appears at the Jojo seeking a ninja's help, Haru finds his calling. Through a series of mix-ups (generally caused by Haru himself), Haru is framed for murder and he follows Sally to Beverly Hills to set things right. Finding out Sally's boyfriend is a counterfeiter and murderer, Haru with the help of hotel bellboy Joey (Chris Rock) and unknowingly with the help of his ninja brother Gobei (Robin Shou) takes down the counterfeit ring and finds his place among the ninja clan. Beverly Hills Ninja is full of individual comic gags that are hilarious in their purity--call it sadistic, but sometimes it's just plain funny watching a guy unwittingly walk into a lamppost while carrying on a conversation. Farley was a master at these tried-and-true gags, which reach right back into the origins of comedy. But it's not all slapstick; a scene where Haru is so taken by dancers at a local strip bar that he joins in is reminiscent of the mud-wrestling scene from Stripes. Beverly Hills Ninja may be considered a low-brow romp, but a romp it is nonetheless.