Happiness Is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown
Happiness Is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown
G | 29 March 2011 (USA)
Happiness Is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown Trailers

Linus is pushed to his limits when he learns Grandma is coming to visit and plans on ridding him of his childish security blanket.

HeadlinesExotic Boring
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Syl When the beloved blanket goes missing, he is on a search to find it. Then a grandmother is coming for a visit. The Peanuts gang is back with children voicing the characters. The director did a terrific job in bringing the legacy of the Peanuts gang under the Charles Schulz Estate and Foundation. The special is only 45 minutes but heartwarming and special to Peanut fans of all ages. You can relate to the characters here just as when you were a child. Peanuts never grows old but we aged over years.
mylancer03 The lucy charactr was mean and rude. At some point the rudeness of the characters made me put the show on mute. We are living in a mean spirited age where writers think its okay to speak like this. If Mr. Schultz was living he wouldn't approve. I hope my granddaughter wasn't watching.In the past the characters seemed to Show a sense of concern and caring.for the producers to make this a hour long show was staggering. Thank you the characters remained in tack. I guess because of the copy right rstrictions nothing could be done to change this. I did get a feeling by the nature of the voices that this was an updatesbversion and when insaw 2011 i knew something was amiss. Even my oldest grand said she didn't care for this version. Please don't mess with perfection.
jdollak First, I'll get all the good stuff out of the way. I love the animation. They retain most of the elements that make the Peanuts specials look the way they do. They enhance the style with a few things that are truly spectacular. There are far more shots the utilize a greater sense of perspective. The animation for talking is much more realistic, and Snoopy has some really great animations, making him a little less human, and a bit more dog. This makes him more endearing. Seeing the Peanuts universe in widescreen adds a lot of depth to the experience. Combined with the absence of adults (none of the story takes place at school) there's a greater sense of the world that the kids live in. There are some very enjoyable gags recreated for the story, including the first strip. The story seems a little more adult. While there's a whole lot of jumping around from vignette to vignette, the overall story deals with security, and Linus has a spectacular monologue near the end where he points out the reliance of most of the other characters on their crutches. While this is not of much interest to kids, it seemed surprisingly powerful material for adults.The negative elements, and there are a few, but they aren't deal-breakers. The voices aren't quite right. For most of the characters, it doesn't seem too bad. Lucy seemed notably off, though. Lucy seems more cruel than usual. A little less passively mean than she usually was, and a little more outwardly so. The special is more scattered than it should be. Most of the time, I don't mind this, but one instance really was annoying; we see Lucy playing checkers with Violet. Then the action follows Linus outside. We see Lucy skipping rope past him. Then the shot switches back to Lucy being back inside, still playing checkers.I have doubts that this special will be of as much interest to children as it will to adults. But I don't think that's a bad thing. The depth of the program will make it more suitable for children who are growing up.
jonathan-1974 I must admit I was a bit dubious about this new special for it was the 1st one without the great and late Bill Melendez. It seems Lee Mendelson was not involved either, but Schulz' son was. This one stood out from all the other post-Schulz era specials for its '60s style. As a comic-strip fan I appreciate attention to detail. The "classic" effect obtained through the retro animation worked out pretty well, bringing some nostalgia. The story development was somewhat modern, deeper, beyond previous attempts, and yet kept all the action faithful to the Peanuts world and spirit. The gags were delightfully funny, they cracked me up quite a few times. I simply loved the use of one of the most famous Beethoven symphonies, but I won't spoil it for you. Not only the music, but the way they managed to create a matching animated treat, was indeed a creative highlight.The color tones used according to mood, the "reaction" of some cards to Linus' feelings, and flashbacks to the very first specials truly shone.The plot might not be complex. However, by using the well-known blanket attachment issues Linus has, they address the insecurity most of the other characters have, their human weakness, which is not to plainly be criticized, but rather accepted as a natural part of life.Another remarkable element was the comeback of some old characters that had not gotten much attention over the years. Again, an interesting addition for all the fans, in an already captivating special that has enough quality potential to be considered an instant Peanuts classic. Growing up was never as bittersweet, and as thoroughly enjoyable as doing it along Linus, Snoopy, good ol' Charlie Brown, and the rest of the gang!