The Sandlot
The Sandlot
PG | 07 April 1993 (USA)
The Sandlot Trailers

During a summer of friendship and adventure, one boy becomes a part of the gang, nine boys become a team and their leader becomes a legend by confronting the terrifying mystery beyond the right field wall.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
pjames10 I rarely feel the urge to comment on movies but after scanning the other reviews, I have to say Im kind of embarrassed for them. This movie is cute but poorly written/directed. It had all the elements for being a wonderful and nostalgic look back at childhood but became a hallmark card schmaltz fest of corny behaviors and dialogue that barely sounded like 12 year old friends. Very few films capture this dynamic but Stand By Me was much closer to the truth of childhood (I also want to include 400 Blows, but I haven't seen that in a while).On your next rainy day, do a triple feature run and get back to me.
Mr-Fusion It's always disappointing - even just a little - when a favored childhood movie doesn't have the same sheen when viewed through adult eyes. Thankfully, "The Sandlot" is not one of those, and I think it's because of the this is a great group of kids; they have a nice camaraderie and their natural ball-busting is right for that age. That is, until James Earl Jones walks in and steals the movie, but that's a whole other virtue. But all of the comedic elements still retain their value, and it helps that it's in the nostalgic spirit of something like "A Christmas Story" (really feels like it should've been narrated by Jean Shepherd). My wife even thought of it as a fluffy "Stand By Me".It's easy to write this off as a kids movie, but it's too versatile for that.
sol- Passionate about baseball, a middle aged man fondly recalls the summer when he first learned how to play, the friends he made and the mischief they got up to in this popular comedy. While there are some funny moments to be had and the kids interact with one another credibly, the first half of 'The Sandlot' is difficult to get through at times with lots of excessively sentimental voice over narration and several silly shenanigans. The second half of the film is a blast though as a lost ball over a fence brings out the kids' creative sides. The inventions they come up with to retrieve the ball (without disturbing the dog in the yard) are delightfully wacky and inventive, especially a souped-up vacuum cleaner. The second half also features a chase sequence done with unexpected originality (if still the odd heavily telegraphed gag). Suffice it to say, footage from 'The Wolf Man' has rarely been appropriated so well. It has been said that 'The Sandlot' is the type of film that will only appeal to baseball lovers and those who like reminiscing about their youth. It is true that those from these demographics will likely get more from the film, but the project is still probably worth a look for others. The annoying voice-over does disappear for certain stretches and uneven as the first 45 minutes may well be, everything picks up once the kids get to show off their ingenuity.
mkh-25370 If your remember the Little Rascals, you really enjoyed the movie, but wished it had less romance and more laughs than it already did, David Mickey Evan's "The Sandlot" is an unforgettable, cliché, adorable, and nostalgic film that your just can't help but love. Despite the hyperbolic nature of, The Sandlot, this coming-of-age comedy leaves the watcher with a life-affirming message, and at the same times does not take itself too seriously, making it the perfect movie for adults and children alike. "The Sandlot" follows Scotty Smalls, played by Tom Guiry, and his summer adventures with his baseball team mates as they improve their baseball skills, get into trouble, and frequently spew out adorably cringe worthy insults including, "you play ball like a girl, you mix your Wheaties with your mama's toe jam," and the classic, "L7 weenie." All cringe worthy moments are easily forgiven as the supporting cast, Ham (Patrick Renna) and Squints Paradores (Chauncey Leopardi), an more, fit into their roles so beautifully, you eat up very word, action, and glacé they throw at you. 70 percent of the movies plot line is completely unnecessary, but if any part was not in it, the movie would almost feel incomplete. The humorous inserts make this movie, "classic." Sure it might be cliché and a compilation of funny scenes trying to fill that hour and a half time space, but the way the movie flows, develops the characters, and sets you up to fall in love with the entire baseball team, makes this movie extremely compelling and fun to watch over and over again. Though the actual story doesn't begin until about half the way into the movie, when the movie finishes, you are left with not only the urge to time travel back to the 60's, but a realization that life is going to be okay if you follow your dreams and face your fears; cliché, but somehow amazing. The short comings of "Sandlot" are not easily missed by the viewer. Adult narration of grown-up Scott Smalls is not only unnecessary but extremely repetitive. "The biggest pickle we had ever been in" is repeated three or more times, and though important for younger children to keep track of the story, from the eyes of an adult, it makes the movie feel like it is stuck in a loop, never really starting. In 2016, children not born anywhere near this time era (1960's) or who lack understanding of this time era, will be completely lost. The freedom, independence, and adventurers that this baseball team of twelve year old children goes on, are extremely different from the lifestyle of twelve year old children today who are born into: a more non confrontational, sheltered, and technology savvy environment. However, this leads right back into the beauty of the film, it's ability to make children see how much fun running around with your friends can be, going on adventures, and learning from all your foolish mistakes.