The Ringer
The Ringer
PG-13 | 23 December 2005 (USA)
The Ringer Trailers

Pressured by a greedy uncle and a pile of debt, lovable loser Steve Barker resorts to an unthinkable, contemptible, just-crazy-enough-to-work scheme. He pretends to be mentally challenged to rig the upcoming Special Olympics and bring home the gold. But when Steve's fellow competitors get wise to the con, they inspire him to rise to the greatest challenge of all: becoming a better person.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
willcundallreview Rating-6/10The Ringer is a comedy movie about a guy who wants to rig the Special Olympics to pay for his gardeners needed surgery, yes it is pretty crazy. Starring Johnny Knoxville, Katherine Heigl and a huge cast behind them, this movie is positively brimming with life, and the occasional laugh from them. You may think a movie about a man pretending to have learning difficulties is offensive and that casting people with similar conditions is too, but the true warm feel of this movie makes them not a thing to laugh at, they are good actors and can make some good jokes of their own. The story is pretty basic there's no doubt but it is still unique and with the kind of comedy that can at times be silly, mixed with genuine emotion too, this is one movie that can have you laughing on moments and stirring your heart the next. That said this film is far from perfect, some jokes aren't too great and with a film that as said is kind of silly, you get some hit and miss moments but all in all it is OK for me.Knoxville plays Steve(or Jeffy as he becomes known when pretending), and he acts it out well enough, not great all the way through but a good choice nevertheless. Katherine Heigl you may feel wastes her talent with a comedy like this but it's far from it, she is probably the most serious character but for me she is finest when being kind, it makes Heigl come off very well as an actor. The film uses a lot of people with learning disabilities, and they are great and as I said, they bring warmth to this and they are not to laugh at, you laugh with them.Director Barry Blaustein I felt does this very well, he works with the comedy duo the Farrelly Brothers who produced this and together they just seem to make this work, whether it's the story or the humour I'll never know. This movies writing isn't exactly spot on, Blaustein seems to direct the bad parts of the script well enough not to be a disaster but then again the script isn't all bad, just not great. Overall this movie really isn't for everybody, I expect mixed reviews and also mixed reactions as this could stir up an argument or two. In the end it is a sweet movie I felt and one that although I wouldn't be bursting to see again, is still worth another watch and for me that is all that counts. Oh and one more thing to mention, if you like the Farrelly brothers style of comedy seen in such films as "There's Something about Mary" and "Dumb and Dumber" among many others, then you should love this as this is just like the brand of comedy they represent.
poe426 Brian Cox as the unrepentant gambling uncle almost steals the show in THE RINGER, but Johnny Knoxville hops aboard the short bus to success when he agrees to fix the Special Olympics. THE RINGER is often laugh-out-loud hilarious (as when Knoxville discovers that his undercover name will henceforth be "Jeffy Dahmer"), but it's also a nice little love story and- most important of all- a reaffirmation of the Human Spirit. I LOVE the fact that the guys with whom "Jeffy" is rooming not only find him out (when he lets his guard down and "acts different"), but also agree to help him perpetrate his fraud because they can't stand the star of the Special Olympics, Jimmy (who arrives in a limo with a gaggle of publicity people), who is favored to win again this year. On a personal note, I can sympathize with people who might be offended by some of the humor in THE RINGER, but it's actually relatively mild when compared to the kind of hurtful, humiliating humor that one encounters out in The Real World. (With LOVE, this one's for Sissy.)
Mike Kiker While this isn't a horrible movie, it's certainly not good. After the bombs that were "Say It Isn't So", "Shallow Hal", & "Stuck On You", I was hoping that this would be something of a comeback for the Farrelly Brothers. Little did I know, that this would be nothing more than a predictable rip-off of a South Park episode.Also, it seems to me that the Farelly Brothers are fixated with using the mentally handicapped in their films, usually for comedic purposes (a good example is the character Warren from "There's Something About Mary"). This film seems to be the ultimate payoff of that fixation, with the main plot being all about the handicapped, and some of the main actors either acting handicapped or really being handicapped! I know that the brothers do good things. But do they do it out of guilt for their use of handicapped people as the butt of jokes? Seems like it to me.However, despite this film being sub-par, the acting is actually surprisingly well done. I think that Johnny Knoxville is actually a decent actor. The material here is hardly worthwhile, but he does breathes some life into the script. I'd recommend watching "Grand Theft Parsons" and/or "Daltrey Calhoun" if you really wanna see Knoxville's acting chops put to work.This film is also known as the film that jump-started the career of the vexatious Katherine Heigl. I can only tolerate this woman for her... um... how can I put this?... her... um... Nevermind. Anyway, I thought she was good in "Knocked Up", at first, but on repeated viewings, I realized that it was just her... um... ya know... the... ah, forget it. I stopped caring about her when she had the audacity to go out and trash "Knocked Up". She's completely full of herself (wait... could that be a double entendre?), and has not a shred of acting chops whatsoever. She's just eye candy. Hey, Heigl! Fulfill your role as eye candy, and do all of us guys a favor, and take your top off or pose for Playboy already! There I said it! Happy? Anyway, back to "The Ringer"...It's definitely not on par with what I believe to be their masterworks; "Dumb & Dumber", "Kingpin", and "Outside Providence". However, I've seen some WAY worse films. This is just mildly average. Not bad, but not good either. I'd recommend seeing the South Park episode, "Up The Down Steroid" instead. That episode is only 22 minutes, has a more engaging storyline that's better written and better acted, and best of all, no Katherine Heigl (unless you can stand watching anything that she's in for her... um... ah... man this is tough to say over IMDb... Alright... Her large pendulous breasts!!!! There I finally said it! I'm a sick, sick pervert who likes large-breasted women! Happy?).
muhlessuh Can I have a hug, one of the best lines from the movie. What is meant to be a simple gesture backed by a not so simple motive. This also displays the well thought out script in and behind the acting of the movie. I really think that script was written excellently in every little detail about it from Stavi to Uncle Gary, to Thomas and Glen, every actor perfectly played out and the interaction of the cast as a whole really amplifies the movie. The plot however unrealistic it might be is a great story line that can be spun in any direction and you never know where the movie is going to go, just when you think Steve is going to get caught he doesn't, and instead of turning him in the athletes help him. The special effects and background music, as minute as they are really add pizazz. The music that plays in the background fits extremely well with the scenarios they actors find themselves in. It's hard to say that a movie about rigging the Special Olympics is actually a great movie and has a good message behind it but it does. The ringer is a great movie that shows what true friends are for, and how when a group of people pulls together any and everything can be accomplished. Through many funny jokes and one-liners the audience is always engaged and there's never a dull moment when watching.