R | 25 October 1996 (USA)
Thinner Trailers

An obese lawyer finds himself growing "Thinner" when an old Romani man places a hex on him. Now the lawyer must call upon his friends in organized crime to help him persuade the old man to lift the curse. Time is running out for the desperate lawyer as he draws closer to his own death, and grows ever thinner.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Python Hyena Thinner (1996): Dir: Tom Holland / Cast: Robert John Burke, Joe Mantegna, Kari Wuhrer, Michael Constantine, Lucinda Jenney: Gruesome horror film about evaporation. It stars Robert John Burke as a lawyer with an eating disorder. On his way home one evening he accidentally hits an elderly woman with his car and she dies. Seeing that Burke is a respected lawyer he is rendered innocent by the judge and arresting officer but outside the courthouse he is touched by an old gypsy with a curse that will evaporate him regardless how much he eats. To add to problems his wife is having an affair. The judge and arresting officer are cursed also but he is advised to seek revenge. Interesting concept is quite detailed but wayward. Directed by Tom Holland who previously made one of the best vampire films of the 1980's in Fright Night. He also made the doll possessed Child's Play. Burke plays his role with subtle humour despite plans that don't quite fan out. Joe Mantegna is interesting as a client who owes Burke favors. He is a criminal who answers Burke's problem by disrupting the gypsies. Kari Wuhrer plays a gypsy girl given a unique interrogation. Michael Constantine steals scenes as the old gypsy who may have met his match. Lucinda Jenney plays Burke's cheating wife who may meet karma. Clever horror about consequences that evaporate our senses. Score: 8 / 10
Paul Magne Haakonsen I have never read the Stephen King story upon which this movie is based, so how true the movie is to the book I can only speculate about. I have, however, seen this movie three times by now, not because it is my favorite movie or anything, just because I have had the chance.The story is about a guy who kills a gypsy woman in a car accident, an accident he walks free from because of his legal connections. As he walks out from the courtroom and old gypsy comes up and puts a curse on him. Being seriously overweight and on a diet, the weight starts to quickly come off, but at an alarming rate, and soon becomes a physical danger to his very life.I will say that the story is interesting enough, although it isn't particularly scary, so not really a typical movie version of a Stephen King story from the mid 1990's.The effects were actually quite good and still hold up by today's standards. The whole weight-loss process was quite good, as were the prosthetics of the corpses. Just bear in mind that the movie is not heavy-laden with special effects though.As for the cast and the acting, then people were doing good jobs with their given roles and characters.All in all, then "Thinner" is an adequate movie, although not the best of concepts to have sprung from the creative mind of Stephen King.
Lee Wiseman This movie may not deserve an Academy Award by today's standards, but that's no way to measure a film. I had fun watching it the entire time, and the whole adaptation exudes Stephen King in spirit.Although the story is undoubtedly cheesy at points and the acting is as expected from a 1996 Stephen King adaptation, the whole production comes together into a charming piece of film that can (at the right moments) leave you in shock, and by the end you can't help but have a big sadistic grin on your face. I cannot recommend this more for an interesting night in. It's star rating doesn't do it justice. Simply entertaining.
leaderoftheforestpeople Simply stunning, I needed every one of the one hundred tacos I bought as sustenance specifically for this feast of horror.It is hard to pick a favourite scene from so many, but for me it has to be the defining moment of the film (and perhaps all gypsy horror films), when the fat man is confronted by his magical gypsy nemesis. "Thinner".The aftermath of this simple event will have you reeling from start to terrifying finish. I simply couldn't look for large portions of the film as I cowered behind my fridge.I recommend the blu-ray for the ultimate in high definition thinning.