A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol
| 20 November 2000 (USA)
A Christmas Carol Trailers

A modern version of the classic Dickens tale, in which Eddie Scrooge is a mean loan shark who sees the error of his ways.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Prismark10 This modern reworking stars Ross Kemp as Eddie Scrooge, a loan shark in a council estate. He is mean but unlike other loan sharks he does not break your arms and legs or threaten to rape single mothers. He just throws down the television set from the 15th floor instead of selling it in Cash Converters for some ever readies.On Christmas Eve Eddie is visited by the ghost of his late murdered business partner Marley who warns him that if he does not mend his ways he will face an afterlife of misery, presumably he will owe himself some money.Marley tells him that Eddie will be visited by three ghosts. The first ghost is his father who harks back to his impoverished childhood and his later blossoming love life with Bell who is a nurse but who left him because of his increasing meanness.However each time Eddie is visited by a ghost his life resets to that Christmas Eve which he relives like Groundhog Day and Eddie clumsily tries to improve his ways but with little success as his heart is not in it until he meets the third and final ghost.It seems that Eddie needs to face up to hard truths such as his role in the death of Marley which is why he tries to avoid Marley's mother or his world-view of the feckless and deserving poor.It is an interesting update on the Dickens tale. Of course Eddie comes across too much as Grunt Mitchell that famous character Kemp played in Eastenders and the ending is not as sentimental as the Dickens novel but the comic elements does not quiet work and Michael Maloney seems miscast as Bob Cratchett.
Sabrina Gardiner A modern take on Charles Dickens' Christmas classic, where Scrooge is a loan shark squeezing money out of people, rather like the original Scrooge. It's a lot darker than some other adaptations of A Christmas Carol I've seen - especially the scene where Scrooge meets the Ghost of Christmas Future and sees his own grave! That scene actually almost drove me to tears and I screamed at him to wake up, it was only a dream! However, it does end well for Scrooge and his family and friends, as in every other version of this classic festive tale.Definitely worth watching if you want something that's a little more different from your usual cheery, merry Christmas movie fare.
Tickleroftheivories I loved this "Christmas Carol"; I saw it on TV a couple years ago and today I found it on IMDb. Needless to say, I found this version to be quite amazing; it was compact and really made you get to know Scrooge as a character. I think this movie was really well done even though it had been adapted to modern-day; in fact, I think it's adaption contributed to the brilliance. The love interest was also very realistic. If you are a fan of the classics, you should see this first-class version of "A Christmas Carol". Altogether, I really enjoyed this movie and if it ever comes out on DVD or VHS, I will be first in line... anyway...MERRY Christmas!
csrusso I actually stumbled upon this version from 2000 by accident. It was Christmas morning, 2002 and I was laying in bed looking for something to watch. I just happened to click on one of the local public stations out of Long Island and immediately became transfixed. I wasn't even sure of what I was watching. Then it struck me. A modern day Christmas Carol, complete with the British accents! What a treasure. The only negative thing I can say about this film is that it's next to impossible to find it playing on TV here in the states. It's also not available in any media form (VHS / DVD).This is my favorite version of the Dickens classic and every cold-hearted anti holiday Grinch would be served well by one viewing.If anyone knows where I can find this, please email me!!!! Thanks