Road Games
Road Games
| 10 September 2015 (USA)
Road Games Trailers

When hitchhiker Jack rescues Véronique from a road rage altercation, the twosome decide to travel together for safety’s sake after learning a serial killer is cutting a murderous swathe through the region. Tired and hungry, they decide against their better judgment to take up an offer to stay the night at a mysterious elderly couple’s mansion…

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
jtindahouse Admittedly I haven't seen a lot of French films, but those I have seen I've tended to love. In fact both 'Amour' and 'High Tension', despite being very different films, are both in my top 20 of all time. From what I can tell, the French make very patient films which are intended to be retrospectively thought-provoking and also tend to enjoy a good twist. All of which is on display here in 'Road Games'. There is a certainly a lot to consider and all was not as it seemed, however I'm not sure how useful actually analysing it is going to be, because I'm sure all of it made sense.So if we break the film down into thirds, the first two are very patient and mysterious. We haven't met a lot of characters and we are getting the distinct possibility we aren't going to meet many more along the way either. We have a love story of sorts going on, and we have a mystery element too, because we know (based on the very first shots of the films) that not every character is what they seem. Then something absolutely bizarre, random and inexplicable happens. And I don't just mean at the time, I mean even now, having finished the film, I'm not entirely sure why this event happened or what it was supposed to mean. I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen the film, but for those of you that have I'm pretty sure you will know what I'm talking about.It's at about this stage that the final third of the film begins and all hell breaks loose. Sadly, what should have been the strongest part of the movie, the part everything had been building up to, is the part that lets it all down. The concept is actually a novel one, I just don't think they did it quite right. A twist in a movie should almost physically hit you. You should feel it in a way. Here, I felt almost nothing. A quick, "Oh yeah, that's kind of cool" and that's it. Then the final scene, which had the potential for great dialogue and to leave the audience on a real high, wondering what will become of these people, is completely drowned out by the background music. You need subtitles for the English words in that scene because it is just inaudible. An incredibly disappointing way to finish the film.I think a stronger, more experienced film maker could have done a lot with this idea. Even as it is it's quite an enjoyable film at times. Sadly though, I can't see too many people being blown away by this one. A decent effort that comes up just short of the mark.
Tom Dooley Jack is hitch hiking home to England in 'rural France' – more on that later. Along the way he encounters Veronique and they decide to hitch together. This is against the backdrop of a serial killer who – you guessed it – hunts hitch hikers – mwahh etcThen they encounter a strange older couple who have an old Rover 2000 but live in a fantastic château and their paths having crossed will have ramifications. That is when things get interesting.Now to say any more would be too much of a reveal. That said there is not a lot of substance to this film. The actors are all very good and manage to illicit empathy and conjure up a sense of foreboding as and when is necessary. The music is right too and I liked the locations – actually believing it was France, but some of the shots were done in Kent.This film has its fans and its detractors and its fans but despite the tension and the pacing it still felt a little on the slow side. I did however 'enjoy' it for the most part but appreciate why some have labelled it a 'B Movie', than again some films in that genre are excellent.
Alf_Ant Really enjoyable suspense thriller. The whole French/English language barrier is what is so unique and sets it apart from other movies. It ups the tension and is my favourite aspect, how it uses the language barrier to its advantage. Just as Jack may (or may not!) be misinterpreting events and meaning, we too are kept unsure about what we think is actually happening.It's interesting how the language is used in this way, as part of moving the plot forward. It's intriguing and pulls you into the story, leaving you trying to untangle the madness. I'm not sure I've quite seen that in a movie before, not done in a thriller at least. There are a few weak points plot-wise but the film works as a whole and is definitely worth a look if you're into something fun and a little different.
albereinstein Before watching this film, I came on here and read the two reviews about how good this movie was, one user even comparing it to the style of Hitchcock. So giving them the benefit of the doubt, I downloaded it, and after we came in from church, me and my wife thought we were gonna watch a really good Friday night suspense thriller, based off what I read from the other two user's comments, and were very disappointed. First off, there is no subtitle to understand the french parts of the film, so a lot of the dialogue is already lost in translation, which most the plot is spoken in. Second the story was just mediocre. Not providing any spoilers because, I just wanna make the point that, this movie is no where near the style or story of Hitchcock. As a matter of fact, after watching this 21st century silly teen like flick, I downloaded and watched Dial M For Murder, a true Hitchcock, classic, to make up to my wife, and enjoy our movie time together. Is this film watchable? I guess, for someone who likes this kinda immaturity. But comparing it to Hitchcock.....this one is not even close.