R | 08 March 2008 (USA)
Shuttle Trailers

When two friends return from a girls weekend vacation in Mexico, they find themselves stranded at the airport. Trying to get home safely, they board an airport shuttle for the short trip. But once their feet cross the threshold of the shuttle, a night that had started like any other turns terrifying, and the ride home becomes a descent into darkness.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Leofwine_draca The usual dark and grimy horror fare in which innocent people are caught up in a violent world and find themselves murdered by emotionless bad guys. This is very similar to the likes of HOSTEL and in particular the Thora Birch film TRAIN, and it attempts to be a single location film set entirely on a bus; however the action often diverts to outside of the vehicle given the limited filming opportunities inside.SHUTTLE is no better or worse than a dozen other similar genre films. The odds are stacked against it insofar as the script is entirely bland and lacking in appealing characters; Tony Curran's villain is just sort of there and doesn't have much in the way of presence. The emphasis is on violence and humiliation, which means that this isn't much fun to watch, but the film as a whole never manages to be frightening, just depressing. The sole redeeming thing is that this never goes all-out into torture porn territory, which is something to be commended.
theboysafter This movie may be low-budget but it has one hell of a kick. When you begin watching this movie you expect something a lot different, there may not be much blood or gore to this flick but it will put you on the edge of your seat. The movie itself is pretty good, keeps you entertained for a good hour and the two female roles are absolutely beautiful so that make's things even better. It has it's twists and turns but it is something to watch on a Sunday night. I didn't care much for one of the characters because he was an egotistical annoyance in my opinion but if you like something a bit action and something that will get your heart pumping then this is the right movie for you. It has it's pros and cons but doesn't every movie? I bought it on DVD before I knew anything about it and I must say, I don't regret it. Watch it and find out for yourself.
atinder I was looking forward movie and I thought it would be something better then this!, it not great movie, it good movie, it had some really entertaining moment did shock me, there was small twist just after half away mark, you already know twist even before they can say the world Shuttle.I did not really understand the ending of the movie at all, i am total clueless, there was also one annoying girl in this movie, she gave a bloody headache with her whining for whole, even her best friend told her to Shut the BEEP up. When she did that, I said Thank God for that and it's her took 50mins to do that!5 out of 10
spotlightne So okay here goes. Crazy bus driver takes a handful of 'kids' (late 20s to early 30s) and one timid middle-aged guy, hostage.He threatens them with violence and a gun. But get this, the 'kids' have countless opportunities to get away, but would rather make life more difficult by choosing not to.I promise, you'll scream at how pathetic these people are. I could only make it 50 minutes in and I had to skip to the end. I wasn't going to waste a further 40 minutes of my life on it. But let me just say, the conclusion was utterly stupid.What a stinker this movie is. Unlikeable and unmemorable characters.Bad acting, particularly by the timid guy and the bus driver. Truly awful. A very stupid plot.All in all I couldn't care what happened to these idiots, or the man with the gun. Boring beyond belief.I understand there's torture porn in this film. Do you know something, who cares!? Not me. Awful film. Just 1 out of 10.