Doctor Sleep
Doctor Sleep
R | 01 February 2002 (USA)
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While treating a policewoman for smoking, hypnotherapist Michael Strother has a telepathic vision of a young girl floating beneath the surface of a stream. The escaped victim of a ritualistic serial killer, the girl has become mute, and Michael is called upon by Scotland Yard to unlock the secrets she holds in order to catch a man who believes he has discovered the key to immortality.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Lawbolisted Powerful
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
lastliberal Writer/director Nick Willing did a very good job of keeping the action moving in this thriller (also known as Close Your Eyes, and Hypnotic) that kept you enchanted throughout.Of course, the premise of the story is a bit far fetched, that doesn't detract from a good mystery involving a Doctor (played perfectly by Goran Visnjic - "ER"), and a cop (Shirley Henderson - Moaning Myrtle in two Harry Potter films, and Jude in the two Bridget Jones films).I really liked the way Henderson played the cop. She was believable in a story that didn't make a lot of sense outside the chase for the murderer.Sophie Stuckey in her first film did a really good job as the object of the search.
Ina_no_name I have never heard of this movie until it came on the TV one night and when I heard it was a thriller, I decided to sit up and watch it since I love thrillers. And English thrillers are the best, even a better reason to sit up. The story is creepy. A girl won't talk anymore after been through something traumatic and her mother is trying desperately to get her to talk about what happened. A hypnotyzer get contacted by an investigator that wants him to try to make that girl to talk. It's not easy but somehow he finally get to communicate with her. Together they are trying to get through the case and clear everything up. But they have to be careful, 'cause they don't know who they are dealing with.
MrGKB I love going to the library and finding movies I haven't seen. It saves me money, and I get to catch films, good or bad, that I would never otherwise have investigated."Close Your Eyes" (aka "Doctor Sleep," the title of the book that inspired it) is a pleasant find, a supernatural mystery that doesn't insult its audience's intelligence or rely upon showy effects to achieve its ends. It struck me as more akin to "Rosemary's Baby" than "Silence of the Lambs," and certainly has no relationship to "Scanners," despite the blurb on the DVD case. A BBC production, the film is unsurprisingly British in its low-key build toward resolution, and the very unhistrionic acting and direction. Actually, now that I think of it, "Wicker Man" comes to mind as the film it most resembles in terms of pace and atmosphere.The leads are well-played, especially the mousily sexy Shirley Henderson, who first came to my attention in another UK film, "Once Upon a Time in the Midlands." Goran Visnjic is appropriately haunted and resilient as a somewhat telepathic hypnotherapist who is drawn into the manhunt for a serial killer (who turns out to be a bit more than that). Support from the likes of Miranda Otto and Fiona Shaw is right on the money, and even the child at the center of the affair is very good. The cinematography is appropriately non-showy, the art direction/production design is simple and effective, and the few "scary" set pieces are effective and memorable. The ending was a bit obvious, but thankfully not belabored, and so wrapped things up neatly. I would rate this film higher, but it strikes me as having little repeat viewability, unless perhaps one is obsessed with Ms. Henderson. Her understated performance as a determined police detective is a joy to watch, almost deceptively so, especially when her character's wry sense of humor peeks out from beneath the veneer of professional toughness. This is a woman I'd happily bring home for tea and crumpets, not to mention a few other things.But I digress. Give this one a chance if you like murder mysteries slash supernatural thrillers with an emphasis on substance and not flash. You won't be disappointed.
author_04 I have seen this movie a year ago, and I still remember all of it. It is gripping and terrifying, and I was staring at the screen, transfixed, for the entire length of it. It gave me some nightmares too, but it was well worth seeing. The characters were fantastic and scary (the baddies) and some parts were so scary I had to stop myself from screaming! Haunting and well-written, this mystery is great. The end (although I won't say what happens) is especially scary, and shook me, sending chills down my bones. Seriously, the end is fantastic (well, bad really, but the quality is fantastic) and leaves you thinking about the movie when it's dark and you're all alone... This film is fantastic. Go and see it. Rent a DVD/video. Watch it on the TV. But don't do it alone...