Grizzly Park
Grizzly Park
| 07 February 2008 (USA)
Grizzly Park Trailers

A giant grizzly bear stalks 8 troubled young adults and a park ranger in a forest reserve called Grizzly Park after making the demise of an escaped serial killer.

StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
brokensilent This movie bored me so bad that I didn't finish it. I have a quirk, where for the most part, I have to finish a movie, even if I can't stand it but this movie was actually bad enough to make me turn it off. It was on television and I thought it sounded fun.The serial killer story had potential to be interesting but for some reason, they nixed that in one of the first few deaths. It didn't even make sense for them to have the serial story, as it provided no substance to the story and didn't carry anywhere. So, right off, I was disappointed with that tale. That meant from thereon out, a movie that claimed a group of teenagers were going to face a serial killer and bears, was really only about nature killings. Which, don't get me wrong, nature killings can be entertaining to watch too but this movie failed in that area too.Every character except for Ranger Bob was poorly written. The acting was about as good as you could expect considering the characters were horrible. They had no and I mean NO redeeming qualities at all. And there was the reason why I shut it off. I didn't even care enough about their bad qualities to enjoy seeing them die. They were just a bunch of soulless evil little twits who didn't seem like teenagers I've ever met (yes, I've met soulless but these guys seemed old), and I just wanted a big rock to fall down and smash them all. So, after two died, and I realized the film really wasn't going anywhere entertaining, I turned it off.The idea behind the film was interesting and perhaps with better writers and directing, it could have been something worth watching. But the carryout of the idea fell far too short to even be worth finishing. Shudder, will skip this movie next time I see it on TV.
dwayne-miller This flick revolves around eight brainless, disregarding, and non-caring young adults that were originally to amend their criminal misdemeanors through a week of community service. I could just sum it up exactly as that and you could get the depiction of this "headless zombie" of a movie.Man this one lied in wait before it kicked off and the feeling with this film wasn't much horror-like at all. It was quite like watching teenage soap or Dawson's Creek for about an hour with Ranger Bob in there directing traffic and taking some disrespectful behaviour by the youngsters before things got to the gory action.Glenn Morshower (Ranger Bob) is quite a decent actor and perhaps the only interesting and likable guy in the casting. The rest were just behaving very poorly stupid. Even a few lines in there that were indeed incoherent like "how do you tell the time, do you use the sun or something". How does a sun tell time? Unless she had a sundial, then I'd understand. To other incoherence, what happened to the imposter ranger who made impact at the beginning of the film? His scenes were pointless since they placed him as a force to reckon with, then just wrote him off before he could do serious damage.The acting performances of the casting besides Ranger Bob, were just horrid at best. I'm sorry, they conducted a really terrible job trying to make believe. At the end, I must say I liked that what they did there. Cool little ending. All in all, this movie ain't nothing special, it ain't nothing much, it's just there to catch a glimpse off of. It's got some entertainment. But fast forward at your own will, I know I did some parts.
kai ringler Don't you just love watching a bunch of stupid kids, getting knocked off one by one by a slasher,, well this movie does you one better,, a big huge grizzly bear,, now i will tell you the one thing i absolutely hated int his movie was only one thing, and that was that ridiculous bear song at the beginning of the movie,, but hey i am very forgiving, the bear was not no CGI bear either,, real bear here folks. i loved the ranger,, pretty neat character if you ask me,, now the ending is really great i thought, but i can't give that away,, you'll just have to watch it for yourself.. there is also a killer on the loose in the park also,, which is something else to look out for too. all in all the movie had it funny moments, and some gore too,, not the greatest movie,, but a lot better than some of the garbage i've seen.
bones-knight For the last 21 years we have waited for a sequel to The Lost Boys which in my opinion is the best modern vampire flick ever to be made. So upon its release I purchased my copy and was delighted to find that not only would Corey Feldman be reprising his role as Edgar Frog but that Keifer Sutherland's younger half brother Angus would be playing the role of the lead vampire in the film. Well here's the verdict folks! It SUCKS! This is nothing more than a cheap departure from what made the original both special and successful! This is just another cheap excuse for a horror flick in 2008! Up until now I thought that Grizzly Park would have to win the Razzie for worst film of the year but that is no longer the case. It will clearly go to Lost Boys: The Tribe. I was also excited to hear that the original theme "Cry Little Sister" written by Gerard Mcmann would be covered in the film by a modern rock act, supposedly, by the name of Aiden. That was also lacking! In fact the producers of this film should have gotten the guy that penned the song "Dead Man's Hands " for Grizzly Park to do the cover of this song! As I am sure Gerard Mcmann himself would totally agree it would have been much more honest and believable. Bottom line- Do not buy this movie unless you want to support Feldman's drug habbit! bones