Friday the 13th
Friday the 13th
R | 13 February 2009 (USA)
Friday the 13th Trailers

A group of young adults visit a boarded up campsite named Crystal Lake where they soon encounter the mysterious Jason Voorhees and his deadly intentions.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
jahbless-82210 Best " Friday the 13" so far!! You need to watch this movie ASAP..
Sam Panico Marcus Nispel directed the remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre in 2003, so why shouldn't he get a shot at Jason? This film is more than just a remake of the first film. It's really a bit of the first four all in one.We watch Jason as he watches his mother get killed by a camp counselor. Thirty years later, he kills every single teen who has comes to Crystal Lake looking for marijuana, except for Whitney, who reminds him of his mother.Weeks later, some rich kids come to stay at a fancy cabin. They're all fooder, too. Only Clay, Whitney's brother, can save her. Finally, Whitney acts like Jason's mother and stabs him, but he comes back at the end, rising from the lake.This is a slick, CGI animated take on the Jason mythos. I'm more into the Savini school of gore, so there's a lot of this that didn't work for me. It's not a horrible film by any means. But it's not the best of the series. And while it did well at the box office, it was also the end of the series.
TheLittleSongbird 'Friday the 13th' may have been panned by critics when first released but since then it is one of the most famous and influential horror films, the franchise containing one of horror's most iconic villains. The film is popular enough to become a franchise and spawn several sequels of varying quality and generally inferior to the one that started it all off. It is very easy to call the 2009 'Friday the 13th' as a remake, for reasons that are easy to understand. Personally am actually to judge 'Friday the 13th' (2009) as a reboot rather than a remake. While not quite as bad as has been said, it even fails by reboot standards. There was no point to it whatsoever, the series should just have stopped at the last sequel and even then the series was severely fatigued, the fifth or sixth for me was the last watchable 'Friday the 13th' film, and there is very little to recommend it judging it as an overall film. Entries like 'Jason Takes Manhattan' and 'Jason X' may have been heavily problematic and less than mediocre, but credit is due to them for trying to do something different. 'Friday the 13th' (2009) has very few ideas of its own and the very few attempted were either cheaply executed (such as an out of character Jason), felt like they were lifted from another film (too many of the deaths are sadistic enough to be near-'Saw' territory) and more horror genre clichés done to death.The story is suggestive of the series being completely stale and takes forever to get going after the first 20 minutes, with very little happening and with a lot of gratuitous, cheap and pointless elements. Apart from one respectable performance, the acting is horrendous even by 'Friday the 13th' standards, the characters are ones you want dead fast and have nothing interesting about them and the dialogue would likely make even more forgiving people embarrassed. The ending is far too abrupt and anti-climactic, as well as going too far with the ridiculousness.Very few of the deaths are that memorable or disturbing, they're just too sadistic and paced too fast to make much impact. There is a severe shortage of suspense and scares, next to zero in both departments past the opening, replaced instead by childish humour and an overdose of gore, nudity and profanity that adds nothing. Pacing is erratic and the direction is often lifeless, especially in most of the first half. Can remember very little distinguished or memorable about the music, mostly one of the series' best assets now completely forgettable here.Despite these many drawbacks, there are positives. The first 20 minutes were absolutely great, it was tense, scary, clever, suspenseful and compelling. It actually gave the feeling that the series had redeemed itself.Technically, apart from some slapdash MTV-like editing that just didn't belong the production values were stylish and atmospheric.Although no Kane Hodder, Derek Mears is a wholly respectable and imposingly unsettling Jason. Overall, started off so well and then went downhill like water down the plughole. 3/10 Bethany Cox
mathijsschaap I do not understand the hate for this movie. I really don't.Back in the eighties I was more of a Freddy Krueger fan instead of being a Jason Voorhees fan, but Kane Hodder as Jason in part VII 'The New Blood' made all the difference.Two years ago I wanted to make a Dutch video for YouTube in which I reviewed ALL Friday the 13th movies, so I watched all of them again. And the original movies, especially the first four of them, were quite bad. Betsy Palmer made a terrible performance in the first one and the actors as Jason in Part II, III and IV were walking like a Frankenstein monster, because they were unable to move their neck due to the heavy prosthetic latex make-up on head, neck and shoulders. The special effects were really bad and obviously fake. The acting was quite bad also. Back then, there was not one good Friday the 13th movie in which Jason Voorhees was just a mortal man.Derek Mears made all the difference in this reboot/remake. Even though I missed the crazy elder man that we saw in the original first two movies, this is a good movie. Derek Mears made Jason Voorhees terrifying again. The mortal Jason, that is, because this is a reboot of the first 4 original movies. For as far as I'm concerned, only two actors did Jason Voorhees justice: Derek Mears as the mortal Jason and Kane Hodder as the immortal/supernatural zombie that Jason became from part VI and on. I didn't like the movies after part VII (Jason in Manhattan? Jason in space? Did they steal stories from the Muppets or what?)The acting is good, Jason with a sack over his head this time does not look like 'The Elephant Man', special effects are convincing and stand the test of time. This IS a good movie! Haters are just hating this movie because of their own personal emotional-psychological reasons.Whenever I think of Jason Voorhees movies, I think of part VII 'The New Blood', because this is my all-time favourite from the old days and this movie. I cherish them both...