My Bloody Valentine
My Bloody Valentine
R | 16 January 2009 (USA)
My Bloody Valentine Trailers

Ten years after a Valentine's Day tragedy claimed the lives of five miners, Harry Warden returns for a vengeful massacre among teen sweethearts gearing up for another party.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Married Baby Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Marynewcomb2013 This is my first review & I had to do it!! This is a joke of a movie!! I understand you don't do a carbon copy of the original but at least keep the spirit of the original & this does not. The only thing this has in common with the original besides the title is, coal mine, killer & names. The original was a scary movie that didn't show much gore!! There are kills you don't ever see in the original but you do see the aftermath of it. This movie is about gore, full blown nudity and nothing else!!! There is no build up, no getting a feel for the characters, it's just jump right in to the gore!! Harry Warden was found crazed and eating those that died in the original, he didn't kill them like this remake says!!!! After a year, he came back to kill the men who left before the miners were out in the original, not this remake!! The nudity I mentioned before, this remake has a girl run out after the guy she just had sex with completely naked and carrying a gun. There was no point in that whole thing!!! I could go on and on about this fiasco of a movie but I recommend NO ONE sees this. Watch the original!!
Davis P My bloody valentine the remake is a pretty good time, it does have its flaws, but all in all, it delivers on its promises. One thing I didn't like was the extremely graphic sexual content and full frontal nudity, there is even a pretty prolonged scene featuring full frontal female nudity the whole time, I just thought was overload. Also, the gore got to be a little too much, some of the killings were just like oh my god I need to cover my eyes LOL. But other than that, the movie was actually pretty well written, the dialogue was a lot better than usual slasher movies. Jenson Ackles is good in the lead, I thought that was a good casting decision. And the rest of the cast did a well enough job here too, they weren't like the run of the mill stupid horror movie characters, that sure is good to see. The cardboard cut out characters in modern day slasher films are getting pretty darn old! The ending was great! I really did enjoy the ending to this film, well not the very last like 30 seconds, when/if you watch it you'll understand what I'm talking about. The last 30 seconds are kind disappointing, but overall this is a pretty well made modern day remake of the 1981 original horror film. Unfortunately I cannot compare the 2 because I have not seen the 1981 version. 8/10, had to take off points for some of the overly graphic content.
midway_nights This is unique slasher film in its own right, the suspense the tension in some of scenes and the pace of the story are all kept on good level. its actually one of those movies where i didn't need to take a break for a minute. the direction and acting were fine and the pace of the movie just make you keep watching till the title rolls. sound effects were good and i felt like the movie has that 80's appeal to it. there is some nudity but without it whats a slasher Hahn? i am also glad that the villain didn't die at the end of the movie which could be a good reason for a sequel. for the good times watch this one, highly recommended.
Spikeopath My Bloody Valentine is directed by Patrick Lussier and collectively written by Zane Smith, Todd Farmer and John Beaird. It stars Jensen Ackles, Jaime King, Kerr Smith, Kevin Tighe and Tom Atkins. Music is by Michael Wandmacher and cinematography by Brian PearsonA remake of George Mihalker's 1981 slasher, the 2009 version was released in a blaze of 3D frenzy, where it absolutely coined it in at the World's box offices. It's not hard to see why, for no matter how much we may moan about remakes and the general languid nature of slashers turned out just for coin, there's a big market out there for them. As it happens this isn't half bad, oh it's all very familiar, there's another Michael Myers clone stalking the residents of some American town and offing them in gruesome ways. Here the perp is The Miner, dressed up in his work clothes, armed with a pick-axe, face covered by a gas mask that in turn makes him creepy looking and gives him Darth Vader breathing exercises to do.The mystery element is that this new series of murders are being re- enacted from crimes ten years previously, so is the old killer back from the dead, or is there a copycat at large? Enter troubled teenagers, townsfolk acting suspiciously and mucho blood and screaming sitting in tandem together. There's the requisite amount of nudity, including one of the longest nude scenes ever, while Lussier shows a good knack for blending humour with the terror. The 3D is of a high standard, and the sound mix is incredible, this really is one to give your sub-woofer a work out. It pans out as expected, but it manages to eek out good suspense for its finale and having Atkins and Tighe in the movie is a reassuring presence.The original was no great film anyway, and although this is better, it's still just a bunch of acting props being killed in different ways. But it is effective and above all else it's fun. 7/10