Ten Inch Hero
Ten Inch Hero
R | 25 April 2007 (USA)
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Four friends search for love and happiness while working at a California sandwich shop.

BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
kayla-mccallum The movie is about Piper moving to Santa Cruz under the impression she is to meet the daughter whom she adopted out as a baby covertly. She works part time in a sandwich shop which is the dynamic setting for our main cast who we can all easily know and love. Overall the movie is thoroughly enjoyable, and recommended for anyone who is in the mood for a 90s romcom.the movie has some believable and vulnerable scenes from Clea DuVall which bring an element of realism. Some twists and endearing moments portrayed by the lovely Elisabeth Harnois Some comedic moments by everyone, in particular Jensen Ackles, who steals the show with his quirky character. I do feel however, disappointed that to be seen as the "ideal good guy" he needed to change how he appeared. the ending is predictably tied up and has a great neat and sweet feel to it.
copperncherrio Damn you Supernatural and Dark Angel. You made me love Jensen Ackles, currently playing Dean Winchester on CW's Supernatural. I started to look into what other films you might be in. Just to see your type-casted lovable character.The total misunderstood sweetheart and loyal, bad boy. So you ended up playing the same character in Ten Inch Hero. I was happy even though you had a punk rock out cast look.What I hated was the movie. I wasn't expecting too much but the cast made it semi-promising and enjoyable.I was expecting something along the lines of Sex and Death 101. BUT NO! That could not happen. Even though I like Clea DuVall 's work in HBO's Carnivale, the movie Identity, among many other things…. and the guy from Boondocks Saint is in this film. Sean Patrick Flanery if you wonders what he's been in.. well this is one of them.(*huge side note, I watched Boondock Saints II All Saints Day, and it sucked. William Dafoe was only in one scene and it is an exact replica of the first.. Also Sean Patrick Flanery got all bloaty in the face and he looked like Edward Norton, in my humble opinion. Which isn't too awful of a comment.)Overall this film was trying to bring many stories together, with the common hold of all the people work at a sandwich shop. It had purpose in the beginning, but then it fell apart with it's focus on facts rather than good cinema.I felt no connection with the characters, although I could imagine how someone might feel in their situation, but it was just too hokey dory for my taste. Although it had its moments in a little bit of funny parts, you can just tell how great I feel about a movie when all I comment on are the actors and what distracted me from the screen.I do admit this movie does cater to others.But, at times I felt it was worth watching just to see Jensen Ackles in a Mohawk and in a kilt and buying tampons.
aa052530 I actually watched this movie because I am a fan of Jensen Ackles and I just loved the movie. "Ten Inch Hero" is a delicious feel good movie with quick dialogs and personages that you can relate to. Well, the character Priestly might prefer 'challenging' looks (green hair, mohawk, eyeliner) but he is still charming and cute (thank you Jensen Ackles, you played a wonderful part). But the other actors were great as well, and the overall result is lovely! The movie gives hope that everyone can find happiness and sometimes in unexpected places, times and ways. You just have to be open for it. I just wish there would be someone like Priestly to give me a push in the back like he did for Jen, when she backed out of a internet-date because she thought the guy was too good looking.
bergenishome Being a fan of Jensen Ackles, I was willing to make a lot of concessions for this movie. I thought that with a decent script, acting and some good moments I would be more than happy. I'm used to see comedy and romantic movies and if they are not that stupid I actually will love them, but this one was a complete disappointment. The script was completely predictable and full of holes. At some points I was wishing for the damn thing to be over so I could go and watch something actually interesting.Though the acting was very decent, the script didn't work on favor of any of the actors, especially on the completely unnecessary nudity scenes of Danneel Harris. I think a good sex scene or nudity scene can be used for the benefit of the film but in this case you can note the intention of the director, writer and producers to add something to sell the film, at the inability of the script to do it by itself.I think the whole idea of the movie was good, and Jensen Ackles' role has some good moments and all the actors seem committed to achieve a good result but the script and the filming weren't up to the level, with errors like the apparition of microphones on the scenes, making it seem like this movie was filmed by amateurs. I'm not trying to be hard here, I'm just being honest. The movie has it's moments but all and all, after I watched it I could understand why it was only released in DVD. To watch under your own risk.