Christmas Cottage
Christmas Cottage
PG | 11 November 2008 (USA)
Christmas Cottage Trailers

Inspired by the picturesque paintings of Thomas Kinkade, The Christmas Cottage tells the semi-autobiographical tale of how a young boy is propelled to launch a career as an artist after he learns that his mother is in danger of losing the family home.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
itsjfk I'll have to say from the start that the review of this movie is based on what I would deem as Peter O'Toole's best work. He had a wide repertoire both on stage and screen. Indeed he was the actor most nominated for an Oscar never to have won one. But this movie appears to be 'off the radar' in many ways as it is a 'made for TV' movie and a Christmas- themed one to boot. O'Toole plays mentor Glen Wesman to the protagonist's character, Thomas Kinkade. Glen painted to his old age, to somehow convey his sorrow and capture the essence of his beloved, long since departed, Nicole. His portrayal of a man, weakened by age and sorrow, is heart-wrenching. He portrays the frailty and compassion of his character, aware that his ability to paint is receding. But he remains determined to carry on, in the search for the essence of Nicole.
Barbara Alley Sons coming home for Christmas and their discoveries about themselves, their family, and their Source of inspiration leaves the watcher wondering about what they value most, who has influenced them. An excellent film to watch with your entire family. The acting, the wisp of humor, the characters are all captivating! The true story will and does inspire the artist in each of us to draw upon those experiences that change us. Thomas Kincaid is an artist that is known world round and this movie is a tribute to his mother and Peter O'Toole who captures the character perfectly. This film carries in it the quality of "Its a Wonderful Life". A great holiday flick for the family.
chrismulkeyisgod I was extremely disappointed in this movie for the mere fact that I had seen it being sold in Christian Book Stores. This is NOT what I would consider a family-appropriate move in that the FATHER gave the gift of a SUGGESTIVE MAGAZINES to his SONS. I was waiting for the redeeming qualities in the movies to take place & when there were more negatives (language, sexual content, and disrespect showed in GOD'S HOUSE) in the first forty five minutes I simply TURNED IT OFF TO RETURN IT TO THE BLOCKBUSTER OR Hollywood VIDEO STORE. I did not feel it was suitable for my family, consisting of my husband, my SELF, and our eight year old daughter (to name JUST A FEW) to "watch". It was shocking and disappointment. Don't waste your time, much of it was not necessary. It makes me rethink how Christian this MAN really IS.
westcrow2002 I loved the story line. It was a wonderful family movie. There were some very touching scenes between Jared Padalecki and Peter O'Toole. I was very impressed with the film and with Jared's acting ability. I have to admit that the ending almost made me cry. Jared's character Tom Kincade is a college student and struggling artist who returns home for Christmas and helps his Mom avoid foreclosure on her home. He does this by painting a mural of the town in exchange for 500 dollars. The character's journey and inspiration to become a better artist is simply heart warming. I would definitely recommend this movie as a feel good family movie.