PG-13 | 05 December 2007 (USA)
Juno Trailers

Faced with an unplanned pregnancy, sixteen year old high-schooler, Juno MacGuff, makes an unusual decision regarding her unborn child.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
2hotFeature one of my absolute favorites!
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
lachlannoleary-77322 I have my friends over all the time so we can watch movies, mostly action and horrors and I loved them all but my viewing of Juno has really made me realize what I was missing in other genres. Throughout the film I kept saying to myself that this isn't for me but throughout the film I kept on being proved wrong. I really enjoyed watching Juno because it deals with real life issues that could apply to me some day (dodgy relationships) unlike the action/horrors iv,e been watching which teach you nothing,and I mean Nothing. Juno also has a realistic sense of humor which is used to soften even the hardest of topics so even the light heartened audience members are able to enjoy it. which is why I can recommend Juno to people of all ages and tastes in film.
Raven-1969 When Juno, a single and pregnant teenager, announces that she is "losing faith in humanity," her long-suffering father asks if she can narrow it down a little. This scene, as serious and poignant as it is funny and charming, provides a glimpse of the tone and tenor of the film throughout. Everyone, even a convenience store clerk, has something snarky to say. Tense situations are disarmed by humor and sympathy.Juno is obviously not ready to be a mother, yet she handles her situation with inherent panache and a curious blend of independence, optimism, sarcasm and diligence. In searching for a well-off and decent couple who will provide a good home for her baby, Juno displays more maturity than most adults. The childish antics of her elders and the serious nature of her situation cause Juno to do some serious soul searching along with attempting to discover someone who loves her for who she really is.Ten years after the release of Juno and it is still original, cute and exceedingly snarky. The untraditional plot and dialogue are refreshing. Ellen Page (Juno) carries not only a baby, but the film as well. She is a natural for such a role and perfectly cast. Michael Cera, Jennifer Garner, Jason Bateman, Allison Janney and J.K. Simmons are wonderful in their supporting roles. I wonder how much their future success depended on their roles here? Depth and nuance (beyond being snarky), however, are lacking. There should be plain English subtitles for the language of other generations, young and old (ha, ha)! Maybe the wait is another ten years for such an app.
huggibear I loved it! This is how all teenage pregnancies should be handled, if I had my say in this world. The parents played their part very well. The young man who got her pregnant played his part very well. The movie was well put together. Good job directors! Watch it and judge for yourself. It's truly a wonderful gem!
Rob Wright Wonderfully happy film that puts a smile on your face and a song in your heart. The story flows effortlessly and has you hooked to the characters, Who they truly are and what they believe in. Ellen Page plays Juno like no other could and the rest of the cast do a superb job also with another great performance by the great Paul Rudd. One thing that really stands out is the soundtrack and just how bright and uplifting it is which complements perfectly with the on screen dilemmas of teenage childbirth and how hard choices have to be made, Which effects everyone around Juno and sets her on a path that will last a lifetime. Truly amazing original film and a definite keeper.