Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
PG-13 | 03 October 2008 (USA)
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist Trailers

Nick cannot stop obsessing over his ex-girlfriend, Tris, until Tris' friend Norah suddenly shows interest in him at a club. Thus begins an odd night filled with ups and downs as the two keep running into Tris and her new boyfriend while searching for Norah's drunken friend, Caroline, with help from Nick's band mates. As the night winds down, the two have to figure out what they want from each other.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Micitype Pretty Good
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Jakemcclake I have bought the DVD and watched this at least 25 times, since I first saw it on cable last fall. I found this to be a tremendous feel good movie. I also listen to the music quite often, and really liked "Last Words" by the Real Tuesday Weld and Ottoman by Vampire Weekend. There are some other songs that are good in the movie, and they fit the mood of the movie, with the music. I saw many episodes of "Two Broke Girls", and I have seen the "Thor" movies and used to wonder why Cat Dennings is famous. I now know why she is famous. She is adorable in this movie. Her smile absolutely rocks the screen. When you meet her character Norah Silverberg, you quickly see she is about loyalty and self sacrifice. Norah is far from the wise cracking woman Cat plays on Two Broke Girls. When you get to know Norah, it makes a person want her to come out on top, somehow. Nick is played by Michael Cera who attempts to add some comedy to the movie. Then there is Ari Gaynor playing Caroline. She represents a lot of the comedy in the movie and she delivers all the way through the movie. Some people reviewing this have said, Ari steals the show, but, there are some gross things that take place with her also. The movie also features Nick's gay friends Dev and Thom (Rafi Gavron and Arron Woo) who ironically show far more sense about girls and women than Nick does. Best of all is where the movie goes with Tris who is played very well by Alexis Dziena. I don't often comment on acting, but Alexis can express more with the look on her face than most actresses can. There is also a piece of gum in the movie, that makes it through from early in the movie to the end. All and All This movie is a Feel Good Experience. .
Chase_Witherspoon It's shamelessly clichéd, and yet the headline couple make such an awkward and adorable pair that they compel you to watch til the end. Both Cena and Dennings are very likable in their own inimitable styles, Cena his usual gawky yet awkwardly smug self, Dennings also typical in her independent, sharp-witted disguise that conceals a softer centre. Their midnight antics as they try to locate a missing mutual friend, and the oddballs they encounter is a great night out, something perhaps to which a lot of viewers could relate.Maybe a little uneven at times, there's a very awkward scene towards the end that seems superfluous and it surprises me that it made the final cut as it really had no bearing on the outcome. Not to labour the point, I just felt it was insignificant in the context of the plot and seemed disjointed and out of place.One of those films where the chase makes the movie entertaining, but the destination is not as gratifying. Solid effort despite the rather cryptic and clumsy title.
callanvass Nick is dealing with a bad breakup with everybody's dream girl, Tris (Dziena) Nick's outlook starts to get a bit brighter when Norah asks Nick to be his girlfriend for 5 minutes, so she can make an impression on Tris. It lasts longer than expected when they are forced to team up with Nick's buddies to track down Caroline's drunken friend. This is a very good coming of age film! It's got heart and originality in spades, something you don't see as often as you'd like in Hollywood. I'm sure there are many that will shake their heads at this, but Caroline's drunken adventures reminded a bit of Brenna's adventures in Babysitting! It's probably far- fetched, but maybe that was a tribute of sorts? Anyway, this movie has much more than meets the eye! It has two of my favorite things in this world! Romance and music. This film manages to combine both very well. I was really impressed by the realism and how genuine this movie was. A lot of the situations rang true for me. I liked some of the gags as well. A horny couple mistaking a yellow Yugo for a cab was hilarious. I'm not a huge fan of Cera's. His "awkward" shtick works very well in this movie, and I have to give him credit. His witty banter with Dennings felt like conversation you would see between two people in real life. I empathized with his situation. We've all had that girl we go crazy over...despite that she's a witch. Kat Dennings was the star in my mind. It's easy to see why she went on to stardom on 2 Broke Girls. Her character is easy to fall in love with and easy to relate too. She oozes charisma. Ari Graynor is likable as the dense best friend of Norah's. Alexis Dziena is good as the embittered and devious ex. I didn't think she was that hot though. Jay Baruchel is awful as usual. Andy Samberg has a cameo near the end. I can promise that you'll grin and smile at least a few times during this movie. If you want a feel good movie to uplift your spirits, this movie will do the job. Music buffs should love the soundtrack7.8/10
Wevs like i said wevs OK, I won't go on about how bad this film is but I just want to know one thing.Are kids in America seriously like that ? I mean I know movies exaggerate to be entertaining but they usually derive character traits and local culture automatically into them based on the writers surroundings and immediate environment. So I wonder.... are kids in America really like the ones in this film ?Because within the first 4 minutes after the credits, I wanted felt so embarrassed by the characters personalities (or lack of) that I found it hard to keep looking at the screen. I turned off the film within the 10th minute just because I didn't care in the slightest for any of the characters including the main guy who I know I was meant to like.This was the script that I heard:Girl 1: Hey whatever, your a bitch. Girl 2: You're a bitch slut. Girl 1: Ha ha that's so funny. Going out tonight? Girl 2: Yeah slut but not with that whore Girl 3: Who you calling a whore bitch .....etc etcI mean what happened to Hello, how is you day ?