To Write Love on Her Arms
To Write Love on Her Arms
PG-13 | 13 March 2015 (USA)
To Write Love on Her Arms Trailers

The story follows 19-year-old Renee who has always loved fairy tales: the idea of a princess, a hero and a happily ever after. But Renee’s life is that of a darker tale: she’s a young woman battling addiction, depression and self-injury. In a creative blend of artistic fantasy balanced with harsh reality, the movie follows Renee on her courageous journey towards recovery.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
softspokenghost Dennings takes on the role of Renee Yohe (a depressed 19-year-old with substance abuse problems) and does it flawlessly. She perfectly depicts a young woman who never quite feels like she's winning. From the minute you see her on screen she grabs hold of you and takes you on her journey. The movie is colorful and vibrant at first, then becomes dark and cold. Renee pushes her family and friends away after a rave her and said friends (Jessie and Dylan) attend. Things to down hill for Renee after and two years later they reconnect and try to get her help. After 5 days of detox, she's submitted into rehab. Now, once she gets out she soon discovers she's still "messed up" and has a drawback. One day at a time is what she's told to do. This movie is wonderfully done. It brings awareness and light to an audience that might not know a lot about this topic. Through her personal struggles, the foundation To Write Love on Her Arms was made to help people going through similar things know they're not alone.
frownaround Wow. That simple, hey? Just go sleep it off for a week. Then get into rehab. Seriously? You can't go to rehab until your clean? Ugh. I'm still trying to figure out why she was going through opiate withdrawal because of cocaine. But hey, get some sleep and distraction for a few days, chill in rehab then you're all set to help others with their life destroying turmoil. Anti-Drug propaganda created by people who know little to nothing about drugs or the millions upon millions of people who use them. Dumb. Most people who use drugs are not messed up. Non users just have no idea because most people who use drugs are just. like. them.
flblueeyedboy All her life, Renee Yohe was a dreamer. Until life took away her dreams. Caught up in the mid-Florida drug world, she reconnects with her friends whom she left two years ago, asking for help to overcome her struggles. What she doesn't know is that her story would provide hope for people like her around the world.This film is a perfect depiction of what really goes down, and how rehab really goes. Throughout her entire career, Kat Dennings (Renee) has always played sarcastic, hilarious characters. And one of the truly serious roles in her career, she nails. I'm surprised she wasn't given at least a nod from the Academy for Best Actress.Everybody's performances to couple with hers give the whole movie a sense of solid tangibility, as a BOATS (Based On A True Story) feature should. To think that one woman, whose story we've heard a million times, would inspire a non-profit organization that shares the same name as the movie, motivating depressed, addicted, and even suicidal young adults to never give up, because Renee didn't.This movie should have won awards across the board, but even though it didn't, it shows that anything is possible when you ask for help. A definite must-see
Patrick Loan 9 out of 10, what am I, crazy? Hear me out.For one thing, the story alone is about someone going through a difficult time in their life that is able to overcome one of the hardest obstacles that most people cannot even imagine. This person, with there friends whom abandoned them originally, is able to recover from a difficult scenario.Now for the rating. Often times you find directors often cutting the film so often its like staring into a strobe light on full blast. This film is not afraid to do long cuts and as a result draws you into the film as if you are experiencing it yourself. Kat Dennings plays an amazing performance that has you feeling as if you are apart of everything and going through the same experiences as she is.The visual effects in this movie are also note-worthy. It brings you back to your childhood where every static thing becomes a reality- moving, breathing, a life-hood of its own.If you have never watched this movie, owe it to yourself and give it a go. Ignore the haters, watch it with an open mind, and you will find something about yourself in this film.