My Sister's Keeper
My Sister's Keeper
PG-13 | 26 June 2009 (USA)
My Sister's Keeper Trailers

Sara and Brian live an idyllic life with their young son and daughter. But their family is rocked by sudden, heartbreaking news that forces them to make a difficult and unorthodox choice in order to save their baby girl's life. The parents' desperate decision raises both ethical and moral questions and rips away at the foundation of their relationship. Their actions ultimately set off a court case that threatens to tear the family apart, while revealing surprising truths that challenge everyone's perceptions of love and loyalty and give new meaning to the definition of healing.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
liviailha The movie is great and the actors were able not only to tell the story,but to make you feel the story. I would highly recommend you to watch this movie,because it makes you realize that you can find all the happiness in the world in the little things.
Coral Grainger I cannot understand how anyone rated this 4 stars. this movie is terrible. The movie keeps loosing focus, at one point the little girl, Anna is told that her court hearing will be on Friday, since they don't give a date, we can only assume that its this Friday, yet in the period of time between now and 'Friday' Anna's sister Kate, gets a boyfriend, goes on loads of dates, goes to the prom with the by she is madly in love with, looses her virginity to him and he dies! all before Friday! wow, quick relationship! the age gaps, make no sense, when we see a flash back to Kate and her brother Jesse as kids we see that they both look about 4-5 so we can assume they are twins, or very similar in age. but the synopsis says they are a 4 year age gap! what! later on, we here that Anna is 11, so that means that Kate is about 14-15, okay, well she does look that age. but then why is she going to prom and loosing her virginity! plus at the end of the movie Anna explains that Jesse went back to school, back from where! hes 14-15 why isn't he in school! sure your sister is dying but the school system doesn't accept that as an excuse. and lastly the one thing I'm sure your all thinking! why is the mum such a B*TCH!when she found out that her daughter had cancer, she immediately took to making another child so that her first daughter could have a chance of living! I'm sooooo surprised this movie isn't called "spare parts" because that's what it felt like it should be called! the whole way through it seemed like Anna was a slave! made to donate parts of her body to her sister. if Kate wasn't ill Anna wouldn't exist. how is Anna not more messed up by the fact that her parents only had her so that they could chop her up and steal her blood and bones and organs! OMG what is wrong with these parents. why did no one ever discuss the moral issue here! the parents said that they didn't want to see their child in pain and they wanted to make Kate better. it doesn't make sense that they would make one child better by breaking the other and operating on a child against there will! imagine if Anna had gotten really ill from all these surgeries, what you gonna do make another kid to fix that kid, then that one get ill, whoops! better have more kids so we can get more free spare parts! OMG THIS FAMILY GAHHHHH!
aarongrierson-79741 *WARNING - MASSIVE SPOILERS IN BOTH BOOK AND MOVIE AHEAD!!!*Well, we're watching this movie in school because we're talking about donor siblings. There were, give or take, 10 girls in my class, and I think all of them cried at some point. But I just sat there, mouth agape, wondering how this movie could be worse than "The Notebook".Its main problem is that it doesn't really follow the book at all. In the end of the book, Anna is involved in a car crash after winning her case and, while she is brain dead, her lawyer, turned attorney, makes an arrangement to give Kate her sister's kidney. Kate recovers but Anna dies. In the movie, Kate dies. There, that's it. Maybe they thought Anna's death in the book was too upsetting for the movie, and by all means I can understand that, but it's a core part of the book that Kate recovers. It would have given the movie a feel-good look, that cancer doesn't always equal a death sentence. Instead, they kill off Kate, and it doesn't feel right.Cameron Diaz isn't very convincing either. The movie seems much more interested in making you cry than giving a story that seems believable.All in all, this isn't the worst movie I have ever seen, but there are some very major flaws. I wouldn't recommend it if you're a big fan of the novel, because they botch it up here in the movie.
SnoopyStyle Anna Fitzgerald (Abigail Breslin) was deliberately conceived to provide for her dying sister Kate (Sofia Vassilieva). As Kate's condition deteriorates, Anna is expected to donate her kidney to save Kate's life. She hires lawyer Campbell Alexander (Alec Baldwin) to sue her parents Brian (Jason Patric) and Sara (Cameron Diaz) for medical emancipation.This tear jerker melodrama tries to add some court drama. It follows the various characters from their points of view. The actors push their emotional limits. The important thing here is that there are no villains, a kid is dying and there is family dysfunction. I would prefer to follow Kate for the whole movie. She has the most compelling melodrama in a teen romance. Also she's the center of everybody's stories. The court drama poses a few problems with limited solution. The twist solves most of the problems but leaves one dangling thread. There is no way Kate would do that to Anna based on their relationship on screen. Overall, the movie gets a couple of sniffles and the court drama became less important.