The Associate
The Associate
PG-13 | 25 October 1996 (USA)
The Associate Trailers

Laurel Ayres is a businesswoman trying to make it but unfortunately she works at a investment firm where she does all the work but all the senior investors like Frank Peterson grab all the credit. She then leaves and starts her own firm. While trying to find clients Laurel pretends that she has a male partner named Robert Cutty. And when she starts to do well all of her clients wants to meet Cutty which is difficult since he doesn't exist.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Benedito Dias Rodrigues Forget about all lack of accuracy how create a person from nowhere,it's too dummy,comedies are to be enjoy instead convince if is true or not,too easy and amuzing it's driven to breaks the walls of the men's offices,make a conterpoint to self called unfair men practices,the target is that....all remains is just for fun!!!ResumeFirst watch: 1999 / How many: 3 / Source: Cable TV-DVD / Rating: 7
vincentlynch-moonoi I'm surprised this film wasn't a bit more successful (it lost a ton of money) and better regarded than the rating it gets here. Overall, I enjoyed it.I thought Whoopi Goldberg was great as a struggling and then successful financial adviser. I wasn't clear -- was that her as Robert Cutty, or a stand-in? A real treasure here is the supporting part by Diane Weist as the secretary. Every time I see her I think what a treasure she is.The other supporting actors do their jobs, but hardly stand out. It is nice to see Eli Wallach as a rich businessman...he was 80 when he made this film, and although always a supporting actor, he always did a fine job. Tim Daly was appropriately sleazy in his role. And, it was nice to see Bebe Neuwirth (who most people recognize as Frazier Crane's wife) in a different part.Overall, the plot was handled nicely, with the overarching moral lesson being that in all walks of life there will be people who are inherently talented, but sometimes go unrecognized if they don't fit the usual racial (or other) pattern. The one part of the plot where things sort of fell apart was Robert Cutty's appearance at the hotel; this was sloppy and just didn't feel right. And blowing him up in a car -- the man who didn't even exist -- also seemed a bit slapstickish. But aside from those two areas, the script was pretty good.No, it's not the greatest comedy film ever made, but it's pretty decent and had a good moral point. Recommended, though it may not find its way to your DVD shelf.
Chrysanthepop For me, 'The Associate' makes a decent one-time watch. It starts on a promising note with a female black lawyer trying to make it in the man's world. However, at some point as the plot moves, it fails to engage and it's quite clear what will happen in the end. The point 'The Associate' tries to make is that woman can make it on top but it (perhaps unintentionally) presents the men under a negative light. Some of the male characters are presented as stereotypical chauvinists. There are some funny moments that bring a few chuckles but not much that would make one laugh out loud. The best scenes are the ones with Wiest and Goldberg together. Wiest is adorable as the sweet and smart Dugan and Goldberg is adequate as Ayres. However, Goldberg has played several such roles and done numerous similar movies before and even though she's very versatile, she hardly presents anything new in 'The Associate'. I would like to see more of her and Wiest in better movies.
raoul33 I thought "The Associate" was a great film dealing with one of the major problems of today's society : judging everything and everyone on the way it looks instead of what it is. In this case : she is (and looks like) a woman, and therefor she must be inferior to men. The acting was very, very good, but that's what we're used to see from such people as Whoopy Goldberg, Diane Wiest, Eli Wallach, and so on. Then why am I only giving a vote of 8 ? Because of the final scene! The whole film was, though in every way a comedy, very realistic, but that last bit was completely over the top and utterly unbelievable. This is, in my view, one of the big flaws of American films : they just MUST HAVE a happy ending, no matter how far fetched it may be. Nevertheless a film worth seeing and seeing again.