Shaun the Sheep Movie
Shaun the Sheep Movie
PG | 05 August 2015 (USA)
Shaun the Sheep Movie Trailers

When Shaun decides to take the day off and have some fun, he gets a little more action than he bargained for. A mix up with the Farmer, a caravan and a very steep hill lead them all to the Big City and it's up to Shaun and the flock to return everyone safely to the green grass of home.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Johnny H. Okay, I know that this film technically isn't silent, but it's totally dialogue-free just like the TV show it's based on. The most you get out of 'dialogue' is basically unintelligible grunts and gibberish that in itself is pretty funny alongside the animation style that comes with it. Aardman Animations are Britain's claymation equivalent to Japan's animation powerhouse: Studio Ghibli. The film's story is simple, short and sweet just as all animated family films strive to be.Shaun the Sheep has become a rather iconic part of British pop-culture both within the UK itself and abroad; it's arguably become even more iconic than Wallace and Gromit, the very franchise from which Shaun originally came from. And oddly enough this sheep has launched his very own compelling universe that achieves all the slapstick Wallace and Gromit had before it.This movie has a simple story and great physical comedy suitable for all ages, and it's got some touching moments as well. Give this children's film a go. It's worth it; especially if you love animation.
Blueghost I know the title of this review sounds cliché and somewhat pandering, but this film truly is a delight for all well mannered (perhaps even ill tempered) audiences of all ages.As other reviews have stated, the main character, Shaun the Sheep, is from the Wallace and Gromit short "A Close Shave", where in Shaun helps the duo overcome a mechanical threat of canine sorts. This film propels Shaun (a star in his own series) into the biggest adventure he's ever had since "A Close Shave" way back in the mid 90s. Shaun leads his flock through a series of very funny misadventures to rescue a member of their farm-family, so to speak.Everything here is pantomime, and hearkens back to the days of old before sound was added to film. This is, in spirit, a silent film in the sense that there's no dialogue, and all the communication is primarily done with showing the audience the story as opposed to telling it to us through dialogue. The gags are the usual clever Aardman offerings, but there's also some very witty use of classic silent era gags, yet with a very British flavor of understatement, which makes the comedy in this film all that much funnier.Truly I hadn't laughed out loud at a comedy film in who knows how long, and it was something that was much welcome in our day and age of low brow humor. Regrettably there are a couple of flatulence gags (I'm guessing primarily for the kiddies) that didn't need to be. But most of the other humor is keen, dextrous in execution and inventive in concept, and very British in overall gist.Finally, as with most of Aardman productions, there's a knack for demonstrating the villain who has more tech wizardry as an expression of brawn to make up for brain, or lack thereof. It is a running theme in some of Aardman Production's films, notably the Wallace and Gromit series, and should serve as a nice little, almost subliminal, message to young minds as they mature into full adults.Again, very delightful and very fun.Give it a shot. You won't be disappointed.
djansen24 No dialogue films have been around since the beginning of cinema. The best could tell a thousand words through the mere glance of a character's eyes. But how does one do that with clay puppets? Very very slowly, with great detail, and with insurmountable patience. Each minute in this film must have taken days / weeks to complete. Were the camera anchored in position, perhaps it would have been easier. The camera in Shaun the Sheep never stays still. It pans, zooms, shifts focus -- while the claymation is MOVING! While not the first film to do so (Nightmare before Christmas is an excellent claymation film that did the same), it is done so seamlessly that you almost forget about the technical prowess in making it. All of this, of course, takes a back seat to the solid story and character development. How does one take 5 minute serial cartoons and stretch them out to a full length movie? By expanding the backstory to the characters, of course. All cartoon serials made into feature length films have done this, but never as effectively as here. I think the answer is simplicity. They don't go for wackiness as much as for tenderness. The farmer is shown to be more of a father figure to the sheep. The entire farm is portrayed as a family. That raises the emotional stakes in the film which makes the simple funny moments funnier and the tender moments more heart warming. In essence, the simplicity and lean running time elevate the whole production. It rises beyond its origins and leaves the audience exhilarated. This is a movie you feel good you've seen. There is a purity about it which is lacking in most movies. Appropriate for absolutely any age, check this one out!
ferdimension Im from Argentina and i grow up with the series and when Shaun the Sheep Movie was released i was very excited. I saw the movie with my family, my twin brother already knew the series, my parents didn't know what it was and my big brother didn't know of the plot of the film, he had only seen the teaser in the cinema. In the cinema it was me, my family, a couple and another person in the background, and we laugh a lot! and after the movie ended all my family was with very positive results, most of my family believes it is excellent except my big brother who said it is good. Shaun the Sheep Movie is a movie for everybody and is another excellent and funny film from part of Aardman Animations. Yes, the story is simple but don't remember that the best animated films have simple stories?, Kung Fu Panda has a story simple, Ice Age has a story simple, Oscar winning Inside Out has a story simple and that's what great about Shaun the Sheep Movie, it has a simple story that can be followed during the 85 minutes of the film. I am also happy that there are no dialogue's because that respects the essence of the series that don't have dialogue's. I also love the characters, The relationship of Shaun and The Farmer is very solid, Trumper is a great villain, The Flock is also funny, all the characters are great. The animation Stop Motion is also great and the sets are amazing. Although didn't win the Oscar for Best Animated Feature I'm very happy that they have nominated, no matter what Inside Out is better, Shaun the Sheep Movie is officially the best animated feature of 2015. Its very funny, is cute, is emotional, it has a great soundtrack, it has great characters, in my opinion it is a masterpiece.10/10