American Beach House
American Beach House
| 02 July 2015 (USA)
American Beach House Trailers

What happens when six lucky strangers, three handsome young guys and three beautiful sexy young women, from all over the world, win a random contest-- an all expenses paid trip to an amazing beach house in glamorous Malibu, California, thanks to a big Internet company--only to discover they have to share it with each other.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
DJGillin28-953-64857 I am so anxious to watch this movie despite all the horrible reviews? Why? Because I have worked with Straw and since we made a film together I wanted to see if his own film would have the same flavor as what he spun in my movie in post. After these remarks I have read on his film, my thoughts of his work are just his work. Guess my not being pleased with the edit confirm it's his actual style which mirror the comments of the viewers of bad humor, random hot girls for show with no depth to the story etc...Its tough to make a film today and in all defense of the film in least it got made I guess. Touche Straw. You are still doing it! Congrats
Lucas Oh my god! That was one of the worst movies ever. I wanted to see Mischa Barton somewhere but I shouldn't do that. Everything in this movie is wrong. Actors, story. I was so annoyed by this movie I had to skip some parts because I couldn't see the whole thing. It is called comedy but I didn't laugh. Parts with the old woman were terrible, I guess they thought this is very funny but it wasn't. And Lorenzo Lamas was terrible too. One little good thing was music - that was sometimes OK. But that isn't enough. I wanted to relax a little but I was just disappointed. So warning to you all, you don't wanna see it - for your own good :D. My rate would be zero but it isn't possible so I gave 1.
quincytheodore Let's be honest, the most interest this movie generates is from curiosity, either by how they drag Lorenzo Lamas or how much attractive girls in poster will shed their clothes. That is much more attention than this movie deserves, as it has no appeal whatsoever aside from few superficial flashes of half-naked ladies, even that is debatable as merit.It's like a parody of reality show, and would have been funny if it didn't try to shoehorn cringe worthy romcom script. Nothing more than a few people prancing in beach, the drama is barren at best and the comedy is so outdated, it wouldn't have worked even in 80s.All characters don't look authentic, and Lorenzo Lamas pops up every now and then to offer vague advice and grope random girls. There are even awkward soundtracks to accompany the whole lackluster parade.A few good looking people in bikini can't sugarcoat how bad this movie is. Highly recommended to avoid.
ovidemeertens Bad actors, bad storyline, bad idea! This could be one of the worst movies I have seen. It is suppoosten to be a comedy, but I don't get the humor. My mistake, I looked at the movie rating, but I didn't notice there were only 6 ratings. My guess is that this movie won't even get more than 10 ratings. Even if you are home on a rainy day with a hangover, this movie is still bad. So Save Your Money And Time and look further. I stopped looking after 10 mins. Then I watched a movie called "trash". A way better choice than this one. So please to whoever reads this, think again. Choose another movie. There is lot more to offer.