PG-13 | 31 May 1996 (USA)
Eddie Trailers

Eddie is a New York limo driver and a fanatical follower of the New York Knicks professional basketball team. The team is struggling with a mediocre record when, in mid-season, "Wild Bill" Burgess, the new owner, as a public relations gimmick, stages an 'honorary coach' contest, which Eddie wins. The fans love it, so "Wild Bill" fires the coach and hires her. She takes the bunch of overpaid prima

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
fedor8 Some people feel that this pitiful comedy is underrated and unjustly forgotten. Maybe they're just rabid Goldberg fans for whom she can do no cinematic wrong, or maybe they grew up locked away in various basements, being allowed only to watch bad French comedies."Eddie" is a movie totally lacking in comic timing. The direction is uninspired and sleep-inducing. The ridiculous premise could only be acceptable in a ZAZ-type movie, which this is very far from being; in fact, the story actually gets sentimental and serious as it goes along, asking the viewers to actually take the premise and these silly characters seriously. (You can't have your funny cake and eat its sentimentality, too... One of the most common mistakes made in U.S. comedies.) Some of the "gags" bomb so badly that they're frankly even embarrassing to watch - and that's the absolute LAST thing you want your audiences to feel. (First comes cringing, and then running out of the theater, or throwing the DVD out of the window like a useless, one-throw Frisbee...) Goldberg is more annoying than charismatic in her absurdly written role, but it's really the direction, as mentioned, and especially the script which are to blame for this mediocre mess. As much as I dislike the somewhat overrated Goldberg, even this dumb vehicle is beneath her talents.
edwardi-koch Whoopi Goldberg is ideally cast as a passionate and loud-mouthed Knicks fan with the best of intentions. The film does as a good job of setting up its fantastic premise: Whoopi appointed as coach of the Knicks to help the owner break obnoxious coach Dennis Farina's ironclad contract. Farina is terrific as the ex-coach of the Knicks who tries to edge the Knicks out for the last playoff spot in the East as the Coach of the Hornets. Vlade Divac is hysterically funny, but not-at-all over-the-top as Ivan. Frank Langella is perfectly sinister but never unbelievable as the larger-than-life Cowboy owner who buys the Knicks to try to sell them for a profit. There are hilarious cameos throughout especially by two former NYC mayors.
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews I remember passing up many an opportunity to watch this film... I would catch commercials stating that it would air within days, I never made a point of watching it(in fact, I rather made one of missing it). Tonight, I saw it (as the famous line in Spaceballs goes) for the first time, for the last time. The movie is just not funny. I never laughed, smirked, heck, I didn't even smile. It wasn't charming, clever or even sporadically amusing. I'm generally not into movies about sports... but I have liked them. I didn't like this one. Didn't care for it a bit. Whoopi Goldberg has her moments, but they are few and far between... and none of them are in this flick. The plot is daft and poorly written. The acting is unimpressive. The characters are thin, clichéd stereotypes. The humor is simplistic and unfunny. The timing is off, more often than not. The sports scenes aren't particularly exciting or involving. The score is decent enough, with one or two great songs. All in all, the film is just not all that interesting... it might be decent entertainment for fans of basketball. But then again, the same could be said of Space Jam, and we all know the level of quality presented in that film... exactly. That film may actually be more entertaining, since it at least has one or two comedic talents(take that, Goldberg). I suggest you skip it, unless you *really* want to see a basketball flick. I recommend this to fans of basket and/or Whoopi Goldberg. Everyone else probably shouldn't bother. 5/10
taruss I have a friend who mentioned that she had been looking for a used copy of this movie for her collection, and I found one by accident at a flea market the other day. I had not seen the movie and wondered why, out of all the movies that a person might possibly want in their collection, she had wanted this one. So, I decided to watch it before sending it on, with the excuse for opening it, that I wanted to make sure it still watchable, being as some of the movies I have found at flea markets have proven to be well worn out copies, on occasion.Well, there was nothing that I did not predict way before it happened in this one. It was an enchanting story, but nothing about which to think deeply. I did notice a veiled feminist vein in the premise, and I suppose this is what my friend saw that made her desire this movie. It will not bore you, but I doubt you would find yourself wanting to tell everyone to go see this one either. I hope my friend is happy with her gift. See it or not . .. there is nothing you have not seen before, just the sport/characters were changed.