NR | 20 October 2021 (USA)
Shortbus Trailers

In post-9/11 New York City, an eclectic group of citizens find their lives entangled, personally, romantically, and sexually, at Shortbus, an underground Brooklyn salon infamous for its blend of art, music, politics, and carnality.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
paulclaassen At first glance this sexually explicit comedy drama might seem like a porn movie, but delve deeper and you discover a truly moving and emotional film with exceptional acting. It also teaches us to look for signs when someone might be in need of guidance and advise, or detect suicidal notions. Ultimately, I believe, the film is about finding your inner bliss. This was an unusual but wonderful movie experience.
Casey59 Have put off watching Shortbus for a long time. Never really heard or read anything good about it. But tonight I was bored and wanted to watch something different....that was Shortbus. Not really sure what kind of movie it was, maybe gay, maybe porn, maybe a comedy, maybe a drama, or maybe an art film. But it's doesn't matter to me. It was just a f'ing awesome movie. I liked everything about the movie, well almost everything. Some of the sex was a bit over the top for me, but the movie would not have been the same without it. So I'm glad it was there. I found Shortbus to be funny, touching, romantic, honest, insightful. I'm not going to ramble on about this movie...But I can recommend it. But I must warn you it is f'ing weird...but in a really good way.
Paul Magne Haakonsen I didn't think that this movie was as explicit as it turned out to be. I thought it was just a comedy with a sexual theme. So when real sex started showing on the screen I was quite surprised. I am not a prude or easily offended, but I think the movie would have been equally good, if not actually better, if they had opted to do the movie without real sex scenes.They story follows the lives of a couples therapist unable to get an orgasm, a homosexual couple looking for a way to spice up their relationship, and a dominatrix who is unable to connect to anything. Their lives and fates become entwined as they visit an underground club of carnal lust named "Shortbus".It should be said that the story is well-written and equally well put to the screen. And the characters were colorful, vivid and full of life. The story is driven by a myriad of strong characters and individual stories.As a character-driven story it is extremely important to have a cast of talented actors and actresses. The actors and actresses in "Shortbus" were really doing good jobs with their given roles and characters. Especially Sook-Yin Lee (playing Sofia) and Paul Dawson (playing James) were putting on fantastic character performances."Shortbus" is a very interesting movie story-wise. I just think tit was a shame that director John Cameron Mitchell decided to go for real sex scenes. Personally, I think it just gave a very unnecessary sleazy taint to an otherwise impressive movie.
Tim Kidner Seeing Shortbus for the second time and reading a few reviews, it struck me that there's strong similarities with the Andy Warhol "presents" sex movies made by Paul Morrissey of the late 1960s.Filmed in the basement of his brownstone of 6th Street, 'Trash' became a cult, ultra-low budget underground movie, starring gay hustler Joe Dallesandro and featured absolutely natural full-frontal everything. 'Heat' and 'Flesh' followed and remained notorious fare for those 'who knew' for years.True, I have just been off at a tangent to the film in question but I think this connection is relevant and interesting; admittedly more to those old enough to know about and to have seen them. It does strike me that real people, from every sexual persuasion appear totally with their defences down - and a lot more - in Shortbus and in the drug-fuelled days of 1969, Underground New York similarly was a hotbed of "everything goes" sex.That's probably where the similarities do end, though - those 16mm fuzzy, grotesquely dingy home movies simply didn't live up to their hype and personally I don't rate them above novelty/historical status. Shortbus' flesh scenes though are clinically sharp, brightly lit and it's a 'proper' film, scripted, rehearsed (to a many takes does a real sex act need?!) drama that peels away the facade of shallow and instantly gratification to provide a multi-layered emotional drama, that can be of surprising depth.I personally don't like the character of the Chinese-Canadian 'couples counsellor' (sex therapist, in real words) and her often aggressive stance puts a barrier between us and the other, more interesting and more complex characters. The gay couple who are the centre of the movie provide many interesting and challenging interactions and questions and are, actually very believable, whereas the Club is a carnal diversion that certainly adds spice and zest. The just post 9/11 time period casts an air of loss and uncertainty, making these often insecure souls even more so.Once you get over the misconceived idea that Shortbus is nothing more than a hardcore porn movie and is actually an extremely frank multi- relationship drama that happens to feature a lot of sex, then you're there, enjoying it and appreciating it. There maybe should a warning sticker on the DVD that says "Not all scenes contain sexual acts", because often, there's not.All-in-all a worthwhile, well made drama that will never be (thank goodness) for everyone but for those who do, it does pay dividends.