PG | 17 July 1996 (USA)
Kazaam Trailers

When Max fools a gang of local toughs, he finds himself in big trouble. Fleeing from the thugs, Max runs into an old warehouse and bumps into a boom box. By doing that, he manages to release Kazaam, a genie who has been held captive for thousands of years.

Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
riftin-99737 This movie is very underrated, with betrayal, love, hardships, a gold script with 0 errors and an Oscar worthy performance from Shaq, this movie is very underrated. Had incredible special effects and blood effects, honestly this movie is unbeatable. Now my opponent is the type to stall to wait for the buzzer to go off so he doesn't have to explain anything and he is a liar and cannot be trusted and is not fit to be elected as president of North Korea. Mr. Trump what is your response to this? Well twitter bios I love them, LOVE them. And my bio? The best, UNbeatable. Unlike crooked Hillarys bio, full of lies, no truth, sad. Mrs. Clinton, what is your response to Trump? Saturday morning jumped out of bed And put on my best suit Got in my car and raced like a jet All the way to you Knocked on your door with heart in my hand To ask you a question 'Cause I know that you're an old-fashioned man, yeahCan I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know You say I'll never get your blessing 'til the day I die Tough luck, my friend, but the answer is 'No'Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too? Why you gotta be so rude? I'm gonna marry her anywayMarry that girl Marry her anyway Marry that girl Yeah, no matter what you say Marry that girl And we'll be a family Why you gotta be so RudeI hate to do this, you leave no choice Can't live without her Love me or hate me we will be boys Standing at that altar Or we will run away To another galaxy, you know You know she's in love with me She will go anywhere I goCan I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know You say I'll never get your blessing 'til the day I die Tough luck, my friend, 'cause the answer's still 'No"Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too? Why you gotta be so rude? I'm gonna marry her anywayMarry that girl Marry her anyway Marry that girl No matter what you say Marry that girl And we'll be a family Why you gotta be so Rude RudeCan I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know You say, I'll never get your blessing 'til the day I die Tough luck, my friend, but 'No' still means 'No'!Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too? Why you gotta be so rude? I'm gonna marry her anywayMarry that girl Marry her anyway Marry that girl No matter what you say Marry that girl And we'll be a family Why you gotta be so Rude Why you gotta be so Rude Why you gotta be so rude?
mwcanadian-99023 *may contain spoilers* OK, this isn't the worst movie I've ever seen, however, it's not a good movie. the child actor wasn't great here and was kinda mean and rude to Kazaam. Shaq (playing Kazaam) was as good as he possibly could be, which of course isn't good. Shaq's just not an actor, he's a physical specimen, he's a monster basketball player who you don't want to play against, but acting isn't his thing and if that was his real rapping, then that also is really bad. He actually said, "Let's Green Egg and Ham it." Anyways, the plot is that Shaq's a rapping genie who gets let out of his radio type lamp and gives Max three wishes and Shaq "raps" (or as i call it, doing bad poetry) almost everything he says. If you like Shaq and just want to see his presence or are curious to see his very short rap career, then, watch the movie. i, however, didn't love it, but again, it wasn't the worst I've seen.
Anders Twetman I've just started watching my way through IMBDs bottom 100 and this definitely belongs there, I'm pretty sure it deserves to be higher up than number 99 too. I've seen a video review of this so I kind of knew what to expect but it turned out to be so much worse. The other two films from the list that I've seen so far were immensely boring because nothing ever happened in them. This one at least had some action in it but every single thing that happened was just stupid. Now, I can enjoy stupid movies; films that are so bad they become funny, this one though was painfully unfunny. On top of that, the film is in the mid 90's and the film makers make that abundantly clear with the way people dress and above all the horrible hip hop music playing throughout the film. It reminds me of all the bad things about the 90's and none of the good ones. By far the worst thing though is Kazaam himself who, despite being thousands of years old is hip, but not in a good way, and goes around rhyming every sentence he utters like some kind of idiotic hip hop artist. That Shaq can't rap doesn't exactly make it any better.This whole thing feels like a bad 90's music video - starring an untalented rapper - drawn out to a full length feature.
Kristine The other day my girlfriends and I were having our pizza night and looking for movies to watch. Kazaam was on demand and I asked if any the girls had seen it, only one of my friends did and I asked if it really was as bad as everyone says it is. She said she didn't remember since she saw it as a kid so we all decided to go for the bait and see if Kazaam really does deserve one of the worst movies in cinema titles. Oh, yeah, it really does. I could not believe how bad this movie was. Shaq has the acting quality of a wooden shelf, the kid who is supposed to be a hero is actually a brat, the villain of the story looks like a chewed up version of Mario from Super Mario Brothers and the story does not make sense for the child audience it was aimed for. How in the heck is a child supposed to relate to this story of trying to get his pirate music stealing father back with his mother while being stalked by a 7 foot tall grown man offering him free treats and all the presents in the world and OH MY GOD does that not sound so bad?! There are so many things wrong with this movie it drives me insane.A schoolboy named Max is confronted and chased down by a group of bullies through the city of New Bronslin. Max is chased into the abandoned building, where he discovers a magical boom-box and accidentally unleashes the genie inside. The genie, who introduces himself as Kazaam, tells Max that he is now Max's genie. Max returns home to find that his mother is marrying a fireman. It is revealed that his mother lied to him about his real father's whereabouts, and that he is actually located in the city. Max set out to search for his father in the hopes of rekindling some sort of bond between them. He suddenly encounters Kazaam during his travels, who pesters Max into making a wish. Max eventually finds his father, only to learn that he is a musical talent agent who specializes in pirated music. A employee of the nightclub shows interest in Kazaam upon the realization that he is a genie, and hopes to control Kazaam through Max's father.Between the awful acting, the terrible script and the lousy effects, this movie is just plain bad. This is how bad this is, Shaq literally slam dunks the villain to defeat him! If that's not a plug in for his career, I don't know what is. The kid Max has no likable qualities, he has a very loving mother and a possible step father who cares for him, yet he acts like a total jerk because he's not getting his way with not having his dad around who is a criminal no less! Even when his criminal father kicks him out of his life, Max still does everything to save him, sick isn't it? Shaq, I don't know the writers were thinking. Maybe that it's so funny that a giant basketball super star should be a genie and it's a great way to make a quick buck for those sucker parents who's kids are begging to see the film. I don't know how to say this other than just say it, it really is as bad as everyone says it is if not worse. Trust me, don't waste your sanity on this horrible movie, Shaq's acting is enough to make you wish this movie never existed in the first place.1/10