13 Going on 30
13 Going on 30
PG-13 | 13 April 2004 (USA)
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A girl who's sick of the social strictures of junior high is transformed into a grownup overnight. In this feel-good fairy tale, teenager Jenna wants a boyfriend, and when she's unable to find one, she fantasizes about being a well-adjusted adult. Suddenly, her secret desire becomes a reality, and she is transformed into a 30-year-old, but adulthood, with its own set of male-female challenges, isn't as easy as it looks.

Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Scotty Burke It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
robertmaybeth I don't usually watch movies of this type, but I was hooked after just a few minutes. A simple story, very similar to "Big" and other movies featuring kids in an adult's body, but very pleasant to watch for viewers of just about any age. Jenna's instant aging to 30 happens very early in the movie and as usual, only the viewer and Jenna are aware of what has happened ("magic dust" sprinkled by the Mark Ruffalo kid character causes her to get her wish to be 30). This angle is played for laughs, of course, and it's often amusing to watch her deal with 2004 technology (computers, cell phones, digital cameras et. al.). Fortunately Jenna is a quick study and she isn't too baffled by all the new stuff. So the story becomes Jenna adjusting to her instant adult life, and dealing with real adult problems using her 13-year old mind. This angle is much of the story, naturally, but it's never strained for a quick laugh, nor does it become uncomfortable to watch. The movie proceeds at a fast pace and there's no filler. There's not one wasted or gratuitous word, scene or character and that's why I rate it a solid 10. Maybe one of the few movies that might be enjoyed equally well by kids and parents too.
Nicolas F. Costoglou Which is the strongest part of this charming, funny and romantic fairy-tale.All the parts of the film that shouldn't work, work because of it's premise. The movie tells the story of a little 13 year old girl who wants to be an adult because her life is soooooooo much crap...at least she thinks that, everything's pretty normal actually, but from the perspective of this girl it's fully reasonable for us as audience to roll with this idea, otherwise it just would be a fairly weak motivation for our protagonist.And even when she's 30 she has no real problems, everything works pretty good, the only problem is, that she sees it with the same mindset, and that's why this movie is so great. It has almost something cynical, because we know that nothing she deals with is actually that big a deal, and that most people would want such a lifestyle.The reason we can fully appreciate this mindset is because of Jennifer Garner, who gives such a believable and most of all sincere performance. At no point in the movie it felt inappropriate, or took me out of the movie, when she does little girl things as an adult. There was never a moment where i thought to myself:"It feels weird and uncomfortable to see an adult do these innocent things..." which is a big compliment for her performance.For example: There is a scene in the movie which even the director didn't wanted to make, where she has a sleepover with some teenage girls, while she's an adult and they all talk about love, dress up and sing karaoke. Normally this would feel uncomfortable and girly, but even the director said that he thinks that it's one of the best scenes in the movie, and i agree.Also the other actors are very good in reacting to how she discovers the world. Andy Serkis as her boss is a delight and Mark Ruffalo is a fully believable friend who's conflicted with his love to her and his future wife. Everyone else is as good, and no one gets out of line.That the "original" timeline of the movie is set in the 80's is also a big part why i like this so much, all she does "today" is highly influenced by this time, and i'm a big fan of the style and music (and movies).Also all the innocent child-like things she does to help other people, or to safe the company (and stuff) also works surprisingly well for this kind of movie, it's not TOO Hollywood-ish, but certainly fantasy for sure.I mean she safes a party by starting to dance to Michael Jacksons "Thriller" and everyone joins her, and it's actually pretty charming instead of embarrassing, this is also due to the good direction.The last time i watched this film was in the year 2005 when it was on television, and i remember thinking it was very enjoyable. Now that i watched it again i can fully appreciate the view of a child on it's own future and how well it works.This movie is surprisingly charming, funny, and most of all sincere, a large part of this is due to the great direction and Jennifer Garners excellent performance...
adonis98-743-186503 Packed with a bunch of beautiful performances by a great cast and a cute idea for a movie 13 Going on 30 is not your usual Romantic Movie with girly stuff. Great Soundtrack with songs from that time and from the 80's and a great love chemistry between Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo. The movie sure has the same old things like other movies have Friendship goes to love, they break up they get it together again they get married and those stuff but even tho it's not an original movie it's still great on it's own way. Also watching Hulk get married with Elektra Natchios and living on a Pink House is enough for those who want to laugh a little bit cause this movie is sweet, funny and great. I give it a 10/10.
Marko Zivanovic The story of the movie is as follows: Jenna Rink (Jennifer Garner) is a 13-year-old girl, who was not among the popular in his school. Her wish is that he becomes friends with girls who are popular. After a really bad day, ruined birthday party, Jenna was locked in a closet and wants only one thing, that is 30 years old. Her wish is fulfilled, the day became thirty years girl. The story has already been exploited so many times that at the very beginning know the storyline and ending. I'm not saying that the movie is a complete failure when it comes to jokes. Has a few silly scenes, but they are rare. As for the stars Jennifer Garner was good, I think, is not a difficult task to play a girl of 13 years. But she was definitely the best part of the movie. The film received several nominations for the Teen Choice Awards. Which is fully justified, because it is designed for teenagers, who have 13 years old. Which will after this movie sigh, and think something like, "I'd love to love like this happen to me" or "I wish I was as Jenna Rink. Skip this movie if you have more than 13 years.