The Princess Diaries
The Princess Diaries
G | 03 August 2001 (USA)
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A socially awkward but very bright 15-year-old girl being raised by a single mom discovers that she is the princess of a small European country because of the recent death of her long-absent father, who, unknown to her, was the crown prince of Genovia. She must make a choice between continuing the life of a San Francisco teen or stepping up to the throne.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
alyonabelonogova Honestly, the first time I've actually seen this film was when I was pimply teenage girl who also dreamed to become a princess one day. So, that time I found the plot very impressive and captivating. These lovely stories where unattractive freaky geeks suddenly turn into beautiful self-confident kickass people always seemed very fascinating and inspiring to me. To my amazement, after watching "The Princess Diaries" about seven years later I'm still claiming this story is quite convincing. I laughed at Anne Hathaway's grimace and other characters's jokes were pretty amusing. What's of great importance is the main message the author wants to share with the audience (from my point of view). The premise is that we all often do not value the simple things until we lose them by reason of our stupidity. We don't value our real friends (who love our attractively weird personality, not our beatiful appearance) until we reject them for some popular guy built of lie and flattery. We don't value our privacy and freedom until we become the subject of gossiping. And we definitely don't value our happy and carefree childhood until we have to grow up and make responsible decisions. Anyway, the movie is neither tiresome nor second-rate and I'd higly recommend watching it with your family or just by yourself. The excellent acting of Anne Hathaway (and watching her clumsy geeky character transforming into cut a dashing figure), Julie Andrews, Héctor Elizondo and other exceptionally talented actors certainely worth seeing.
lisafordeay The Princess Diaries is a 2001 Disney movie starring Anne Hathaway,Julie Andrews,Mandy Moore,and Hector Elizondo and tells the story about a young girl named Mia(Hathaway) who is considered a nerd in her school. She has a crush on this guy called Josh even though his got a girlfriend who is the bitchy cheerleader Lana Thomas(played by a very young Mandy Moore when she was sporting her natural hair colour blonde in this movie) and she has a best friend called Lilly. But when Mia's grandmother wants to see her(Julie Andrews) she of course is shocked to discover that she isn't a nerdy teenager at all, but a PRINCESS. Mia doesn't want to be a princess of course but she has to wonder can she rule Genovia and make the people of Genovia and the entire world rule upon her or will she ditch being a princess?Overall this was an OK movie. Yes granted im a fan of Anne Hathaway since her days in this movie and Mandy Moore since 1999 along with Julie Andrews(who looks so ravishing in this movie btw)but the whole concept to it is boring,Moore played a bitch in it,Hathaway looked slightly uncomfortable and the story was just downright boring.Overall its a 4
levityak This royal film's got it all: a princess, a queen, a classic Cinderella story, a ball, "cute boys", a quirky BFF... you name it, you got it! I'd say pretty much any female will find this movie a pleasure to watch, as it fulfills the childhood fantasy we've all craved in a humorous and tasteful way, and in the end leaves you satisfied and feeling good.The characters are all endearing and special in their own ways, from Mia's disgruntled neighbor, to the classic "mean girl", to her typical "backstreet boy" crush. I admit that sometimes it does become a little trite and cliché at times, what with the overdone stereotypes, but it keeps the viewer intrigued so it's not at all negative. It might even make you chuckle believe it or not! However this movie, like many other movies, is not for everyone; rather, this movie is better suited for tweens and teens. And when I say that, I am in NO WAY belittling it or putting it down, because to me 'Princess Diaries' is and always will be an enjoyable, funny, and at times childish film. (Not gonna lie--most guys will probably find no joy in watching it, but that fact does not a bad movie make.) I've seen this movie numerous times, and it seems I can never get tired of it. Cheesy? Yes, but in this case, the cheese works.
las-784-172217 "The Princess Diaries" is titled "Pretty Princess" in Japan. Mia is a inconspicuous student, and lives in San Fransisco with divorced mother. One day, her estranged grand mother comes to visit her suddenly. The grand mother is queen of Genovia, and she tells that she wants Mia to be a princess, because father is a prince, but he died. Mia don't know that and she is shocked. She needs a professional makeover to be a princess, because she is a normal teen. She has princess lessons under the ground mother temporarily, but she must make a choice between life of San Fransiisco or the life of Genovia as a princess.Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews co-star in this movie. Their combination are very funny, and their relationship strengthen gradually, that is heart-warming. Moreover, Anne is so lovely! When she is dressed up, she is very prettily, this is a girl's dream! The plot is good, but little childish, because Mia is in love with a friend, but hardly development. This movie is a typical chick flicks movie, but kind of comedy, not romantic comedy, I think.
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