One Day
One Day
PG-13 | 19 August 2011 (USA)
One Day Trailers

A romantic comedy centered on Dexter and Emma, who first meet during their graduation in 1988 and proceed to keep in touch regularly. The film follows what they do on July 15 annually, usually doing something together.

Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Chantel Contreras It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
saletehnolog The film's action is meaningless. Not from the aspect of emotions, which are obvious, but from the aspect of their mutual relationship. Are you aware that the frame of the story of this pair has been put into a span of 15 years? The two of them are 15 years old and after so long, he comes to see each other and within a few hours he decides to leave a jazz musician and go to him ?!Instead of being self-indulgent at least make a happy ending, you have made a complete breakdown. After all, she moves after work to see him and kick her by bouncing a truck from a bicycle. For God's sake, are you real ?! On this I would add that a scene in which a sick mother comes drunk and drugged represents something that is far from reality. I will not comment on the actors because in this story they could not show the best of themselves.
Kirpianuscus romanticism. humor. slices of drama. meetings. and the same July 15Emma and Dexter. the seed of graduation and the passing years. and the inspired performance of Jim Sturgess in a film who seams ignore the characters. because One Day is only chronicle of a relation. the characters are only silhouettes who the public must imagine. the story is nice and seductive and emotional but not always coherent. or credible. something missing. and it is not exactly a small detail. because on the screen is presented a growing up relation . but the subject is far to be original and the end reminds too many similar. I admit, I have not read the book. and this does to supposed that the film is just a part of the industry around a popular literary success.but it is not a sin. because it is a nice story of a relation, better then many contemporary romantic films.
eastwest-257-811887 I'm not the target audience for a film like this, I'll freely admit that, but sometimes I'll just watch almost anything. Well I decided I was going to watch this. Well for the most part and I'll throw some spoilers in here, but there were three parts of this film I liked.I liked the beginning where Anne Hathaway comes out of the bathroom wearing her graduation gown and cap and not much more. I also liked the part where they cuddled up in bed to go to sleep for the night and then I liked the part where Hathaway grabbed that other mans hand in the restaurant on like there 10 year anniversary or something. Out side of those three small very well acted parts the rest of the movie wasn't that good.For one in real life Dexter and Emma would have long since parted ways. They had no reason to stay friends for 20 years like they did most people in real life would have parted ways and they would have never seen each other again. Let's be honest in real life friendships come and friendships go people change paths change direction etc etc. The whole film I'm sitting there going "there's no reason for these two Dex and Em to be dragging this friendship out this long. It was painful to watch because you could tell the two characters were really struggling to keep a "friendship" alive that well to be honest had no real reason to be kept alive. I guess the acting was okay I just thought the film was a bit slow and the story wasn't really all that romantic.
becca One Day will fulfill all your chick-flick needs. This British romantic comedy does a great job at hitting all the stereotypes and will leave you laughing, crying, and conflicted. This film uses unique filters, interesting camera angles, and well-known actors to cover up the lack-luster plot line. One Day is a romantic comedy that follows the lives of two friends who are flirting on the line of a relationship. Emma, the nerdy female love interest played by Anne Hathaway, finds herself in bed with Dexter, a handsome male played by Jim Sturgess, which quickly turns south and they decide to be friends instead. The film follows the two almost-lovers as the progress through the ups and downs of life while attempting to maintain their friendship. The stereotypical plot shows both friends date the wrong people at different times with their timelines frustratingly never quite matching up. The Director adds a blueish gray filter periodically throughout the film to emphasize the gloomy content of various scenes. While this technique works well for tragic scenes, it gives an off-kilter feeling for scenes that would otherwise be cute and romantic. This filter may aide the film in taking your emotions on a roller coaster ride – as you might expect from a romance movie – but upon closer examination, the filter seems overdone and out of place. The well-known Anne Hathaway's acting turned out to be subpar and was overshadowed by her co-star, Jim Sturgess. The chemistry seemed to be lacking between the couple and only seemed to pick up when Jim incorporated that knowing stare that can only be given to someone you truly love. The accents seemed to waver as the years go on and it was difficult to tell if this was intentional or a slip in the acting. When the accents were present, they sounded forced and annoying, but is it even a rom-com if the male lead doesn't have a sexy accent? The flirting and awkward moments between the two friends aren't quirky and unique, they are overused and expected. The film included an awkward encounter between Dexter's wealthy parents and Emma that has been seen in every romantic comedy done before this one. The aesthetic seemed a tad off as the film progressed through the years. The clothing only had minimal changes as they covered a time span of almost 30 years. If it wasn't for the text telling you what year it was, it would be difficult to differentiate between the progression of time and flashbacks. One Day is the perfect film to watch when you just want to see a predictable love story. The story line isn't original, but it touches on everything that makes a romantic comedy such a popular genre. This film will have you crying and laughing as you reminisce on relationships that could have been, but in the end you will be lacking the feeling of love. The film is missing a sense of plausibility that makes it difficult to relate to and will therefore not be your favorite movie, but may be good enough to occasionally snuggle-up under the covers to watch.