Across the Universe
Across the Universe
PG-13 | 14 September 2007 (USA)
Across the Universe Trailers

When young dockworker Jude leaves Liverpool to find his estranged father in the United States, he is swept up by the waves of change that are re-shaping the nation. Jude falls in love with Lucy, who joins the growing anti-war movement. As the body count in Vietnam rises, political tensions at home spiral out of control and the star-crossed lovers find themselves in a psychedelic world gone mad.

Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Katherine_7 did such a horrible thing. These so called writers just scrolled through The Beatles discography, on drugs, while watching "Hair" and had an idea of making a movie based on these things, but it just went terribly wrong. 1. Everything literally revolves around the songs. "Who minds the plot, the plot is the song and follow it! We are gonna make small meaningful scenes inspired and based on these particular songs, because I like 'em and just mash all the scenes together. While we are at it, I liked that song...what was it called? Pewdence, Paddence, PRUDENCE! Let's add a completely random character and call her Prudence. Hell, make her a lesbian too! I like Sexy Sadie too. Add a girl named Sadie, make her a MILF. One of these better make an appearance through the bathroom window (Get it? Like in the song!) cause I like that song too. Also, main character, gotta name him Jude. So when we get around the end of the movie (when the boy realizes he wants to go after the girl he loves), we can put "Hey Jude" right there. That "You were meant to go out and get her" part gonna hit them hard. Powerful stuff ey?"2. I'm a HUGE Beatles fan. I was raised with all these songs, but this was abysmal. From the musical arrangement to the autotunish, horrible, unhuman-like singing. Only descent singers were Martin Luther and Dana Fuchs. Why make the actors sing if they can't sing, just do a voice-over. Or, if it has to be the actors who do the singing, well, hire ones that can sing damn it! This sounded like hippy High School Musical. If you want a musical anti-war drama, go watch Hair. If you want a movie with songs of The Beatles, just then go watch a Beatles movie.
AnimatronicBearLLC Those four lads from Liverpool had unfortunately broken up before I discovered them on AM radio, but in my pre-teen years their singularly unique sound weaved it's way into my life and has remained there for half a century. How I missed the release of this wild ride of a film I can only attest to an ill-timed move across the country combined with the 2008 global financial crisis. Although a decade late taking it in, I would like to express appreciation to the talented team of professionals who lovingly crafted this ode to musical genius - a genius which transcended all that went before & possibly all that has come to be since- IMHO. A bit inspired I think by Mamma Mia! with a dash of Forrest Gump, this film brought back memories sad and happy as the familiar songs punctuated the films narrative... sparking reflections of people and events long past. This magical mystery tour may not be for everyone as it is not your typical musical fare, but for someone who lived through the tumultuous 60s and 70s, it struck a chord. As a Beatles fan, I loved it.
mrgakn I watched it 2 years ago. My friend Scott told me it was great. I always trust his presentation. That why I seen it. It's by American director Julie Taymor. All the actors are great, but I liked Evan Rachel Wood and Jim Sturgess the best. Across the universe is a fictional love story set in the 1960s amid the turbulent years of anti-war protest. It's a romantic story and the film paired many songs by The Beatles that defined the time. I thought it was an interesting and exciting film, so try to watch it if you want.
cubsckc Phonie acting, emotion, and rape of classic works of art by a legendary band. I watched it once in the theaters when it first came out, and one more time recently. It rarely happens that my conception of a film remains the same or gets worse.In this case, it definitely got worse. I feel that being more interested in art in movies as I've gotten older, really demonstrates how bad this film really is. Before it was simply a dislike of the horrible way the actors were trying to sing the music differently for my younger generation. It was just absolutely disgusting and pathetic. They tried really hard to change it to stay in tune for this younger generation that they warped the music and took away its meaning. I mean, you can't say those Beatles songs mean the same thing in this movie. AT ALL. The songs held meaning for a decade in history, and in this movie, though they tried to add it, it focused on a stupid and phone love story. The acting was so horrible, I think you'd be lying to yourself if you didn't think about rolling your eyes at least a couple times during this film. I'll get back on it a little later. But these are just surface things about the movies. Back to the songs though. JUDE! LUCY? Strawberry fields? You've got to have a stupid sense of imagination if your eyes didn't roll right to the back of your heads. Did people seriously sit there and go... "HOW CLEVER!" Its absolutely pathetic because this film's only support is that of songs from a legendary band. Rewatching it, I definitely disliked the film more for destroying the classical and true meanings of the songs. Perhaps more so because the characters were played pathetically. If you think about it, Jude's story feels forced into the film simply to be clever and play "Hey Jude" and have some (if any) connection to the roots of the music by having a character from Liverpool. His character doesn't really fit in the movie though. He really has no emotion, real drive, reason for thinking the way that he does. If you think about it, every other character has a stronger sense of feeling or doing what they do because they have a stronger back story. Jude is as useless as Prudence if you think about it. Prudence's only reason for being in the film is to add Dear Prudence song. And to prove it, she's gone the rest of the film until the end. You have all these random songs being played because they are good songs, and the film tries to put them by adding a random character or scenario and having these random plot strings that kind of trail off and die. As far as actually filming, the acting is terrible, but I've said that a couple times by now. Why are Jude and Lucy in love? They met at a bowling place, and she shared a simple story with him about her boyfriend dying. Next thing you know she goes all the way to New York and sleeps with him. That'll do it I guess. I'm not sure Jude makes Lucy feel special enough for the connection to transfer to this longing for one another at the end. To be fair, Bane/Mad Max who is pretty much Lucy's boss and secret lover in reality, had a stronger connection with her than Jude. I'm really surprised at the lack of connection. This moves to the camera angles, art, and color added to make scenes look better in the film. The film did use color correctly and even had good concepts of film angling, but it was done totally inappropriately. We can sense a lack of connection with Jude and Lucy really... in my opinion when they get on the bus and find the circus. The reason being because the story is bringing about the decade more in its revolution. Where Jude is having fun, Lucy is living a revolution. I get the love part in the water with the blue and green color, but again, inappropriate, considering the plot has moved on. We continuously see a lack of connection, and all of a sudden we have Jude and the use of love with red in the Strawberry painting. How random, and also convenient to have a Strawberry Fields concept thrown in there. We see how the film has separated the two characters. Lucy is in revolution due to personal losses, but then the film also artificially keeps Jude in his own bubble. The only explanation is he stays in the apartment all day doing mediocre art. There are no real camera angles that depict the true meaning and plot of the film, except when they are all drugged up. Thats all fine and dandy, but all of a sudden Lucy and Jude are to be taken seriously.All in all, bad film. Bad acting, along with a plot that is all over the place due to the fact it is trying to be clever with famous Beatle songs makes it completely pathetic.