Super High Me
Super High Me
R | 13 October 2007 (USA)
Super High Me Trailers

Determined to find out the true effects of marijuana on the human body, stand-up comedian and former Stoner of the Year Doug Benson documents his experience avoiding pot for 30 days and then consuming massive amounts of the drug for 30 days. More than just an amusing story of one man's quest to get superhigh, this documentary also examines the hotly contested debate over medical marijuana use.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Robert W. I had seen Super High Me on the shelves of my local video store but never would have rented it. I mean it is one of those movies that you can look at the cover and know exactly what you're in for and I'm not big on pot and I think something like this is just dumb. So why did I end up seeing it? Well it premiered on Netflix and I guess I had nothing better to do and thought I would give it a chance but it provided exactly what I thought. In all honestly it wasn't quite the complete waste that I thought it would be. I guess I have to give some credit to film maker, star, writer and comic Brian Unger for at least trying to work in some actual information and documentary worthy information by tackling the legalization and distribution of pot in California but I really don't thin anyone is going to come away from this educated or feel any differently about pot if you like it or hate. Work in some dirty comedy routines with a lot of four letter words and I think stoners will love the movie but the average movie watcher will groan and be done with the whole thing in the first 15 minutes. While Unger touches on the medical side effects of what he's doing he hardly makes it known because clearly as a stoner he supports pot and legalization and everything he is doing. He spends more time finding different ways to smoke it and promote it. The film is watchable if not just barely and I hope we don't have to sit through anything else he does and I hope the film's namesake Morgan Spurlock (Super Size Me) sues him for taking a truly great film and turning it into stoner trash. Skip this unless you're high and wanna giggle like Beavis and Butthead. 5/10
poodlefaker This is a film about a man devoid of talent. An artificial high times muppet desperately trying to be cool. Anybody and everybody should express themselves as they see fit. That said, this dull idiotic apple tastes way too bitter. Let's promote alcoholism and drug abuse yay! Cool! The dude 'aint cool with it - sad man. Nobody is after extended or even immediate use; those who claim otherwise are liars. Desperate folk in desperate times seeking hope and finding escape. Watch this movie to see how crap it is, and observe pineapple egg going all rotten and mistaken. Against the wall of medicine bursting clouds of ill regret and pips and seeds failing miserably to be real. Oh yeah! Macho Man Randy Savage let him rip it. Pigeon holes are cool.
Mike Legentil Nietsche used to say that «To accept common morality (not humane ethics) is a condemnation of Life!»... Perhaps it all boils down to everything being «political». Or is it all a matter of time (and a lot of unnecessary suffering before our so-called civilized» societies liberate themselves from some still «primitive» or «middleageous» moralistic laws and mores. This being said, I admit that I would have wanted that movie to be much less of a kind of self-promoting views of a marijuana «affectionado» and a take-off on «Super Size Me». And, at the same token, a more «objective» (relatively speaking) rendering on that controversial subject : none of the possibly «negatives» aspects of pot use were pointed out. Doug Benson's whole movie «enterprise» and approach SEEMED rather sincere but very rarely subtle or funny -- not even in his stand-up comic scenes. They were often very crude with a strong tendency towards scatology («Is there an anal obsession hidden somewhere, dear Dr Freud» ?) even if I kind of like their very directness. To me -- on a more «superficial» note -- physically, I globally saw Benson as a slightly cross-eyed guy (with his left eye much more opened than his small left one !). Obviously intelligent, eloquent and quick-witted, alas he looked like an unattractive young man well on his way to a quickly advancing chubby side. Good try and better luck next time, Doug !
Ithok1 Before saying anything about this movie let me say this. I do not smoke pot.I rented this movie thinking oh great, a funny stand-up doing material and thats what it was. A stand-up, who got all his stand-up friends to do little interviews about smoking pot. I gotta say, was laughing like crazy through most of it. But mixed in, was a lot of serious opinion and anger about government control of pot and clashes between state and federal laws.If you are looking for something truly scientific and credible, this isn't it. If you are looking for a good time and don't mind some opinions, I highly highly recommend this movie. Doug Benson is funny as are his friends who appear and even the studies are funny.Watch it, enjoy it, don't take it seriously!