| 01 June 2007 (USA)
Zeitgeist Trailers

A documentary examining possible historical and modern conspiracies surrounding Christianity, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and the Federal Reserve bank.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
simontellebrendmoe I was told by a friend to watch this film. But little did i know how much it would upset us. We were a party of three. One Christian and two non- religious. And i recall the my one Christian friend losing his grip on reality when the first part took up the part about God. But when it neared it ending. We were all sitting with our computers on our laps trying to fact check every piece of information. It ended being one of the films I have thought the most about. Would recommend. But at parts it seems to fall apart, and some of the facts served as truth ended up not being as true as stated. All in all 8/10. And I hope that all of you will get the same feeling of disbelief in our world and system, because a dose of healthy skepticism can take you far.
Ken4Pyro As my daughter, who is just now finding out who she is at 31, called us with the breathless news that this movie would give us a serious insight into the world which we don't possess, my wife and I honored her request that we view it.I felt as though I needed to take a long hot shower after being pelted with the choppy and disconnected lunacy of this two hour epistle to conspiracy. There are numerous examples from other reviewers of the errors and mischaracterized rhetoric in this movie, so I'll not belabor them here. I very carefully told my daughter the next day, "Do your own research from a library, not the internet, and see how many of the claims in this movie you can confirm, then call me back." It makes me weep that the daughter I love is blinded by this propaganda.
classicalsteve At the beginning of the film, there is a comparison between Christianity, the life of Jesus as portrayed in the Gospels of the New Testament, and myths associated with paganism. No question, pagan ideas infiltrate much of what becomes "Christian mythology". Fair enough. However, then the discourse moves to the other far extreme of the spectrum, trying to claim Jesus was not an historical figure. Their reasoning? It's one big fallacious hoax concocted by first century forgeries. This is absolutely ridiculous, and this is coming from someone who believes the Gospels are an interplay between historical facts and mythology. While we don't have a lot of sources independent of the New Testament to corroborate the historicity of Jesus, most biblical scholars are confident we have enough to prove he did exist. (Whether or not he claimed to be the Son of God is another matter entirely.)The film falls into some of the rhetoric I've heard Evangelicals claim but in the other direction. They claim the writings of Josephus, a first-century historian who mentions Jesus, albeit only briefly, is a forgery. I have read many writings composed by the top biblical scholars over the years, including Bart Erhman, John Dominic Crossan, Elaine Pagels, and many others, and not a-one contests that Josephus is some kind of a hoax and/or forgery. While some of his details are certainly disputed by scholars on finer points, Josephus is generally regarded as a reliable primary source for events close to his own time, particularly those in the first century.The film then goes onto claim that the 9/11 attacks, similar to the conspiracy of the historicity of Jesus, is also a giant conspiracy hoax. The filmmakers claim the attacks were engaged not by Al-Qaeda led by Bin Laden but by a secret world order/government in order to perpetuate the war on terror. While I do believe there are many unanswered questions in terms of how the Bush Administration handled the attacks, and even questions which might indicate some people in intelligence knew something was going to happen, there is not enough evidence to demonstrate that in fact the Bush Administration was acting as some pawn for a secret world government. I do believe the Bush Administration acted recklessly in its deployment of troops in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq.A film which takes conspiracy theories to the extreme. Because of the lopsided rhetoric, many will dismiss the film outright and may be reluctant to understand issues raised about 9/11 which should be explored. While I am not adverse to the idea of some conspiracies (I believe there was a Lincoln conspiracy but not a JFK one) I believe the film fails to adequately address the questions. It falls into the same trap as other documentaries which favor completely exonerating the Bush Administration of any wrong-doing. This is just far left-wing propaganda pure and simple.
Jim Wickham If you're one of those who wears an Alfoil hat to prevent the CIA stealing your brain waves, you'll love this and give it 10/10.If you're not, you'll probably recognize a few facts, mixed in with a few eyewitness accounts (when dealing with 11/9, as we non- Americans write the date), and the occasional pertinent point.Sadly it all adds up to a fairly rambling conspiracist rant, which is entertaining, but just as dangerous and damaging as other productions it seeks to ridicule. Like Michael Moore (all his stuff) and Al Gore (himself an inconvenient truth), thou shalt have no other god but Peter Joseph when it comes to 'Zeitgeist'. All these film makers have valid points to make. Alas they allow themselves to wade into the same blinkered thinking as those they openly oppose....