Zeitgeist: Moving Forward
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward
| 15 January 2011 (USA)
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward Trailers

A presentation of a case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society. This subject matter will transcend the issues of cultural relativism and traditional ideology and move to relate the core, empirical 'life ground' attributes of human and social survival, extrapolating those immutable natural laws into a new sustainable social paradigm called a 'Resource-Based Economy'.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Eric Stevenson This is the best entry in the entire "Zeitgiest" series and it's also one of my favorite documentaries ever made! I generally don't review documentaries, but this was an exception given that it's possibly the most voted on direct to video movie series ever created! I really did enjoy this because it really focused on the importance of the individual. This is also the longest documentary I've ever seen! It was great that it was very organized and divided into four different parts. I am also so glad that it didn't reference those stupid 911 conspiracy theories at all. This is a truly irrational idea that no one should support.This movie actually seemed to show off a much more positive aspect of religion. Well, it still doesn't quite support it, but it does mention some religious groups who would rather go to jail than go to war. The film's most important part is probably when it reveals what the biggest killer of all is. After mentioning some of history's worst dictators, it mentions how poverty is the most dangerous thing to the most people. Then again, Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong did in fact directly cause famines and deaths of starvation. Well, I'd probably have to do more research.We first see what it is that makes people evil. It argues the case that it's something that isn't natural. It's great to learn more about the economy. It makes you realize what the true value of money is and how our society is functioning. We realize that there are certain things that everyone must do no matter what your ideals are. You could consider nature a dictatorship as it dictates you must obey the laws of science and need certain things to survive. With the increasing population, these things will always will a problem. I don't always agree with these films, but I found this to be the best of them all. Seeing as how Donald Trump is becoming President, we need to be united more so than ever now. Hey, they could probably make a fourth movie now. ****
elutzen The future of humanity, its progress and prosperity lies in our willingness as individuals and as a collective to adopt the principles and ideas presented in this film. If you are interested in understanding why humanity is facing so many problems and interested in how we can solve them, then the best you can do for yourself is to watch this film.The ideas presented in this movie have no political affiliation, and there is no agenda behind it, except for the best interested of everyone on the planet.If you are a moral person and you care about people, animals, nature and life then it is your moral duty to watch this film.
danstalker True premises (with some exceptions)+ False conclusions = INVALID argument This is the dream material of a teacher trying to exemplify logic traps and intellectual manipulation. The Single Effect Logic Trap is frequently used but a trained eye can identify many other traps.The leftist bias is overt and overwhelming neighbouring partisanship.All history teachings are ignored with the insolence that only true ignorance can spawn, however, I suspect is actually a fake ignorance.The high score is testimony of today's education level and a good measure of time dedicated to reading in our society.Just to be clear: I am not wealthy myself and I agree that extreme inequality is "toxic" for a society. I also agree that the society values and goals need a profound reevaluation, which is probably a perennial truth regardless of the societal paradigms of the moment.
Sa Ahm Watched it few hours ago. followed all three parts of it. had a good bunch of great thought provoking stuffs, blended along with some severely argumentative illusions that i might not adopt. a ton of questions floating in my mind trying to reveal feasible answers coping with their arguments, remained inconclusive still. i remember i emailed a bunch of relevant and serious questions regarding earlier parts long time ago, still impounded with no logical answers till date. i hate current imperialistic monetary-market system as they do; still some part of me telling me to like the zeitgeist ideas and the other logically arguing not to. just few of my large chunk of new questions might be(some might say i am tripping...lol!): 1. the current imperialistic monetary-market system owners have history of demolishing every entity that might stand in their way. if some of you are threat enough to them, why they have not taken any strong action on or eliminated zeitgeist (or julian assange, or alex jones or few such more) yet?!?? with due respect, sorry to say that you guys haven't showed much about that the world doesn't already know. are you just alternative strategic deployed players of their potential single New World Order system?!? are they strategically implanting relevant key players in both sides of the game to ensure a win?! 2. how different are, 'a world with many countries' and 'a world with many cities'?! mirror reflection as it seems. 3. 'global resource management system'...who would be in control of that management system and what would be the management hierarchy?! we all know, all decisional opinions can not be singular, so someone has to decide; who would that be?! we also know, money has no intrinsic value of itself; don't you think the singular power and control on 'global resource management system' would have some significant intrinsic value?! how to decide who to lead when?! the 'democracy' again...:)?! wouldn't that be another scam of politics?! 4. who gets to eat caviar or only potatoes...hang luxury art piece or mere calendar on wall...watch entertaining movies on 100inch plasma TV or just able to watch boring news on 20inch crt TV...sail to world tour or only can view sunset from rooftop...who decides about the quality and quantity of final products each can consume?! inequality doesn't depend on only as monetary disparity, but also on consumption opportunities. 5. what if there is large permanent migrations between these modern so called 'cities' resulting in overcrowding and underpopulation among different cities!? how to decide who lives where!? 6. i could not find or rely on a number of statistical facts it's given. moreover, it talked about if a hypothetical similar new earth found...which is not available realistically; rather in this current world, enough damage is already done to create a significant natural imbalance among various regions. how to regain dynamic equilibrium in this already unbalanced natural world as 'Nature is a dictatorship' itself!?there could be many more to clarify...but no offence...i have been a major encouraging initiator for any positive change as always among my peers and students. however, i believe in the saying, "hope for the best, but plan for the worst." :) :)