Zeitgeist: Addendum
Zeitgeist: Addendum
| 02 October 2008 (USA)
Zeitgeist: Addendum Trailers

Zeitgeist: Addendum premiered at the 5th Annual Artivist Film Festival. Director Peter Joseph stated: "The failure of our world to resolve the issues of war, poverty, and corruption, rests within a gross ignorance about what guides human behavior to begin with. It address the true source of the instability in our society, while offering the only fundamental, long-term solution."

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
William Dais This film is basically an indictment of all types of governments and economies which have ever existed on the planet. The film is centered around the ideas of the earnest Jacque Fresco, who thinks technology will free all humans from competition with each other, will allow us to do away with monetary societies, dictatorships, socialism, and replace these with a resource based economies.If you accept Fresco's thinking that there is no such think as innate human behavior, ie: that literally everything we do is culturally dictated (the blank slate theory), then you might be susceptible to his impassioned line of hogwash. That is, if you aren't very well read, and are about 16 yrs. old.But anyone who has even the slightest knowledge of evolutionary biology and child development knows there is a HUGE biological component to human behavior. Like all animals, we are hardwired for certain behavior patterns, although our specific environments do indeed work upon our genetic endowments.I would expect most 12-yr. old school children in developed nations have enough common sense to realize the fallacy of Fresco's argument; if everything we do is shaped by our environment, how did our impoverishing monetary-based slavery system even evolve in the first place? The answer is, economic and governmental systems evolved and continue to better themselves organically, in the most efficient ways possible, according to how intellectually advanced the people in a given country/region have become.In Fresco's utopian world, there are no lazy people, no criminals, and no need for police. He thinks by doing away with the evil U.S. monetary system, and creating technology to replace the jobs of 90% of the population (his figure), people would be so relieved and happy that peace on earth and good-will toward men would rule the day.The problem Fresco doesn't answer is: who the hell is making all those machines which will give 90% of us a life of leisure? Who is running the show, and what on earth would prevent those leaders from allowing absolute power to corrupt them absolutely? Oh yeah...human nature is infinitely malleable, according to Fresco. But...WHO is doing the molding? Apparently Mr. Fresco is. What would that make him...a Technology Tzar of the universe?A silly film, all said and done, and palatable only to dreamers who would deny human nature. Social engineering hasn't worked in the past anywhere in the world. America isn't perfect, but our levels of economic and political freedom provide the highest standard of living human beings have ever experienced in the history of mankind. I just hope our socialistic president hasn't led us down the same path to ruin which Europe is currently on. Long live free markets! Down with the utopian social engineers who know better than we do what is good for us.
mcmua002 This film is well worth watching, it exposes the Capitalist system for it's inherent greed and corruption, and then provides a new aim for the world putting humanity first, as a united species.Some have said this film contradicts itself for first saying that automation leads to concentrated wealth, but is also our salvation. this is not a contradiction, however, since no-one is claiming that automation is wrong, only that capitalism is. For under capitalism the ownership and use of machines leads to unemployment and so the concentration of wealth. And yet under the system proposed, the machines could be used to free humanity from menial tasks to the benefit of everyone.I watched this film before I saw the original, and I must say the original is terrible in comparison. Please do not let the original stop you form watching this masterpiece. Keep an open mind, and enjoy the film.
jamesgalloghly Its good to see both 'Zeitgeist' and 'Zeitgeist Addendum' getting good reviews on IMDb which is a lot more than can be said for wikipedia. The only reviews it shows are journalistic slants by people who generally just refuse the information upon first viewing. My opinion is these people are so caught up in their 'psychological conditioniong', they find it difficult to comprehend so much information which totally rejects what they are used to reading and seeing in the commercial news daily. And they often use language which is difficult for the normal person to understand. Its complete intellectual materialism. These people may boast thorough university educations, but there's no way you can absorb all the information in 'ZI' and 'ZII' in one viewing. It requires multiple viewings, which are extermely rewarding.Having studied film at university, I personally think Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist Addendum are more important than any other form of media ever produced. By that I mean any film or television show created. Peter Joseph is a Messiah of the 21st Century as he has clearly spent a lot of his own personal time to spread the real message of truth to the people. He doesn't do it for profit or reward, but simply to inform the people. Kudos
Todd Kelly This is the obvious follow up to the 3rd part of the first film. It is just as eye opening but at one point in the film the decision to involve the concepts of "The Venus Project" is a bad decision. The problem is that there are some major issues with The Venus Project that are very short sighted.I have studied the concept in immense detail using a specific ability I has to see eventuality using probability algorithms. It fails in enough areas to invalidate it. There definitely needs to be an intermediary step before any utopian based project is implemented.I applaud Peter Joseph for caring but he needs to study the concept in much more detail before deciding to piggyback his cause with The Venus Project.