Black Mass
Black Mass
R | 18 September 2015 (USA)
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The true story of Whitey Bulger, the brother of a state senator and the most infamous violent criminal in the history of South Boston, who became an FBI informant to take down a Mafia family invading his turf.

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ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
gsmit-09549 Wow lol kevin bacon can't do a boston accent that's so funny
nickboldrini The film tells the true story of Whitey Bulger, and there are various strands of it which could have been the focus of that story (his links to his Senator Brother, links to the IRA, etc) , but the one chosen is his partnership with the FBI. This reveals the murky nature of the FBI at that time in which his agent handler is more concerned with using Whitey to further his own career, protecting him as a source, rather than using Whitey as an informant to bring down the Italian Mafia. This is because they grew up togethor. The inter-relationships are sketched out more as politics, and business, rather than personal, and whilst engaging, the lack of that personal element is what keeps this film as a steady film, rather than an outstanding one, despite some excellent acting, and period style.
Smoreni Zmaj Honestly, I decided to see this movie only because of Johnny Depp and what I got is ... Johnny Depp and close to nothing else. Movie has terrible reviews but because of my experience with Depp's movies I refused to believe. Anyway, I most often love movies that are widely bashed on internet. This time, unfortunately, that was not a case. The film is based on the true story of the famous Boston mobster who spent decades at the FBI's Most Wanted List. Classic cliche crime drama about the mafia the likes of which we've seen many times in the past, and which does not bring anything new to this outworn genre. Not a trace of originality. Observed individually, this movie is pretty much nicely done, but in the context of the genre it is shallow and dull. Acting is good and it's practically everything that this movie has to offer.6/10
JuanX For some reason I do not remember, I ended up watching this movie in the cinema. As the plot progressed, it became more and more pretentious, something like a failed attempt to copy the work of the great Marty Scorsese. Johnny Depp is an actor with abilities, manages to build a truly sinister character. Joel Edgerton effectively achieves an exasperating character for his idiocy and his pathetic pretense of being a gangster. The story is told in the typical flashback format from the point of view of a former gangster belonging to the Whitey Bulger (Depp) gang. The formula is repeated, we see his rise, his position in the neighborhood, his ally FBI agent John Connolly (Edgerton) who protects him, business with dirty politicians, loose ends, and of course all this converges in the predictable fall of these characters. Nothing new.Hollywood sometimes gets bored, and it comes up with the idea of ​​ producing films with little innovative content, which repeat themselves as can be seen also in "American Hustle" (2013), in desperate attempts to emulate the masterful narrative of great films such as "Goodfellas" (1990), "Casino" (1995), or "Scarface" (1983).