R | 23 January 2015 (USA)
Mortdecai Trailers

An art dealer, Charles Mortdecai, searches for a stolen painting rumored to contain a secret code that gains access to hidden Nazi gold.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
keremataburak The film was very good, funny. It seems is underrated on imdb. We had grate moment while watchin it.
The Movie Diorama Oh Johnny, why must you do this? Sometimes you can say no, in fact it's good to say no when you are given this absolute drivel. A dash of 'Austin Powers', a splash of 'Pink Panther' and a colossal uninspired sprinkle of 'The Tourist' (which we all know wasn't great anyway). So what has Mr Depp graced us with his presence this time? Rich stupid useless man is recruited by inspectors to obtain a painting that holds a secret. Mildly amusing, occasionally watchable but I just...don't...get it. Why? Did they really think they could pull off an 'Austin Powers' spoof with Johnny Depp pretending to be British harnessing a moustache and an all too similar Jack Sparrow impersonation? Painfully unfunny, I mean I didn't laugh once...or even smile. The acting was questionable, with some very unusual casting choices. Bettany as a "man slave", Paltrow as a busty wife, Munn's a nymphomaniac (plausible I guess) and McGregor is just himself again. A committed central performance from Depp who always will be one of the best character performers in modern Hollywood, with Mortdecai being another memorable character. Yet the script is so horrendously dull that it gives no life to these characters. It's as if the story was brushed with a moustache comb, ridiculously fine yet with no soul. I didn't care where the painting was, heck I just wanted to laugh at something! Literally anything! Annoyingly, the film is only 107 minutes long and yet somehow felt like a good (well, bad...) 130 minutes. The narrative simply comprised of set pieces where stupidity ensues and Mortdecai exclaims "beluddy hell, ma sympafetik gag refwex!". The film takes itself utterly seriously, it really does and it shouldn't have done at all. This simply should've been a spoof, nothing more. Unfunny, weirdly acted, stupidly slow and just overly strange. Will this be a cult classic in years to come? I hope not. But hey, it's not the worst film I've ever seen, and if anything I did take away the important message of: "everyone needs a Jock"...*cough*.
diogomanuel I could almost name this movie as a parody to the 007 genre but I won't do it because I think this is so much more than that. Johnny Depp once again shows us a character that if done by someone else would be quickly forgotten, but his way of acting makes us believe in the character and laugh with it.The story, the scenery and even the Rolls Royce was a nice selection to a movie that so many people apparently don't understand what it is. Those who do appreciate the constant innuendos and the carefully executed humorous gags do have some fun throughout the movie and know "everything will be OK in the end!"Is it worth watching? Absolutely!
FilmBuff1994 Mortdecai is a good movie with a well written plot and a terrific comedic cast. The chemistry between the cast members is without a doubt what makes it so enjoyable for me. Johnny Depp, Paul Bettany, Gwyneth Paltrow and Ewan McGregor all have great individual chemistry with one another, I particularly liked how Depp and Bettany played off each other. They all fit in to this universe very naturally and effectively. The humour did have its weaknesses, it had far too many running gags that it kept going back to, despite not being all that funny in the first place. Particularly the constant jokes about Mortdecai's moustache were quite repetitive. The characters are also underdeveloped, we learn significantly little about them prior to their adventure beginning. I definitely would like to have learned more about Mortdecai and Johanna's marriage, as well as Jock's personal life. It aims to be a very different, unique comedy, it's style and pacing is not typical, while many people will not agree with me, I thought it achieved this. While it is flawed, Mortdecai is great fun and worth the watch if you are looking for a good comedy, just do not go out pf your way to see it. An art dealer rushes to find a valuable painting before it gets in to the wrong hands. Best Performance: Johnny Depp / Worst Performance: Olivia Munn