The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
PG | 10 March 1989 (USA)
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen Trailers

An account of Baron Munchausen's supposed travels and fantastical experiences with his band of misfits.

Cortechba Overrated
Steineded How sad is this?
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
ElMaruecan82 Terry Gilliam is a name I discovered primarily as a Monty Python member, which means in my teen years, it's only in my twenties that I discovered the director and in my current thirties his most famous movies, and it's always a case of half-full half-empty glass. I admire the artist, he strikes me as a real Steven Spielberg without the usual schmaltz and technical gift for sentimental manipulation but on the other hand, one ought to be a little Spielberg sometimes. I love the artist but I hate when his own artistry steals the thunder of the stories they're supposed to serve. Gilliam is the kind of polarizing directors (actually, he is THE polarizing director) whom you don't know whether he's a misunderstood genius or a man who can't handle his talent and feels the need to kill it with special effects and overdose of extravaganza, you don't know if the effects serve the story or the opposite. I never really enjoyed his films except in the few moments where the story overcame the effects and let his writing and storytelling talent blossom. This is why I respect "Brazil" and "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" but I love "The Fisher King"… now where does that put me regarding Terry Gilliam's take on the adventures of the iconic baron?Well, this time, I have a little bias because despite the fact that it would take me twenty more years to completely know about Gilliam, I discovered "Munchausen" as a child, I can even tell you when: Tuesday January 7, 1992. I was nine, it was with my Dad and we had a lot of fun. So should I review the film or the childhood memory? I think I'll let my inner child talk for once (he might be more magnanimous than the adult). Indeed, there's something so appealing to childhood in the Baron's adventures, something that goes beyond the power of imagination, like only Disney and Spielberg could have pulled but this time, it is Gilliam, and I've got to hand it to him, his inner child inspired a great and visually stunning movie with unforgettable characters.He didn't spoil it with any raunchy or crude material (although I could spot some adult subtleties sneaking here and there), he didn't overdo the violence, it was always handled in a close-to- comedic tone, it is in fact made as something to primarily appeal to kids. My only complaint is that the film drags a bit too long, a little more trimming and a little more clarity could have saved it but given how passionate Gilliam was in this adaptation, I knew he couldn't kill any bit of his darling. I believe most of his movies suffer from their lack of a proper editing, "Munchausen", almost gets away with it. And no matter how long it felt, while my Dad went to sleep, I finished the film till the end.Now, I can't recollect which part stuck to my memory, if I had three in minds, it would be the sultan harem sequence with the torture's apprentice piano and the post-decapitation wink from the squire, also Berthold (Eric Idle), the hilarious servant trying to outrun a bullet. This sequence is comparable the funniest Looney Tunes and Tex Avery cartoons. Not only does he run faster than the bullet but he manages to deviate it at a nick of time, this is just something about the film, the way it combines characters with different gifts, the fastest man in the world, a dwarf with extraordinary blowing capabilities, a man of Herculean strength, Munchausen is as close to a cartoon as a film can get, and this is a real gem of fantasy film, in the same year than "Who Framed Roger Rabbit". The casting of John Neville is top notch, as he's the perfect straight man and accentuates the comical effect by constantly staying true to his heroic and stoic nature, I also had a crush on Sally who looked exactly like a girl in my class, of course, 25 years later, I couldn't believe how breathtakingly beautifully, Uma Thurman was. Now, where was I? Oh, I forgot the third point. Yeah, I didn't get the ending, I didn't understand how come he was supposed to die in the very film he story he was relating. But it didn't prevent me to enjoy the film, it was fun, crazy and discovering Gilliam made it reconciled me a bit with the director. I had a great time watching the second disc on the DVD and I can see what's eating this guy, he's just such a predisposition for creativity that his energy knows no bound, sometimes, the movie suffer from it, but maybe in this case, Gilliam's way of extravagant did justice to a tale that is supposed to be a hymn to imagination, even with that resignation about lying. Who cares about facts anyway when the truth is elevated with that little spark from Munchausen. Gilliam even said that the film ended up as a box-office failure, which was like the perfect conclusion to a movie made under such hellish circumstances and those who saw the bonus know, it's the kind of projects that ruined friendships indeed. But here we are, almost thirty years later, the film is still here and it's a classic, Gilliam made his baby and it will survive him, no doubt. So, maybe it was all worth the pain after all, like one would say, sometimes Cinema should show the agony of making the film. "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" is the result of painstaking efforts, elevating Gilliam to a level of bravery similar to the one that pumps the Baron's heart, and this is the stuff great adventure movies are made of. Gilliam embrace the feel of his movies and vice versa.
Kirpianuscus it is one of the splendid films for the children. maybe , more, for the inner child. because it reflects entire imagination, eccentricity, delightful scenes, mix between kitsch and nice details, cultural references and a well known story who defines the universe of Terry Gilliam. a film out of borders. this is it. nothing new or special or great. only impressive, using the same emotion from the first ages when you discover extraordinary adventures and unbelievable events. the clue of its charm - the cast. a fabulous John Neville, a young and seductive Uma Thurman, Oliver Reed as powerful and sensitive god and, obvious, the Queen and the King of the Moon ( and the not comfortable allusions ). the only sin - maybe the end who must save the decent rules of genre. but this is only a small detail. because , more than a film, it is a test. about the level of maturity of viewer. if you discover its fake side, you are too old for be reasonable about this special film. if not, you are real...happy.
mike48128 Terry Gilliam and his motley crew goes far and beyond anything you have ever seen before in this live action extravaganza. A scrumptious cast including Robin Williams as "The King of the Moon" and Uma Thurman as Venus! I found some of it overly long (the visit with the King and Queen of the Moon") and very confusing (his "magic" white horse just kind of "pops" in.) It reminds you a bit of a good retelling of Gulliver's Travels, such as the Hallmark/Jim Henson version. Lots of explosions and fire! Staring every fabulous character you could ever possibly think of, including: Winged Death, Vulcan, Venus, the world's: strongest man, best marksman, most windy, tallest giant, and more. All utterly illogical, nonsensical, and preposterous. He travels by a balloon made up of elastic ladies girdles, on a cannonball, falls through the Earth to the other-side, flies in the sky, and, with the help of his comrades, defeats an entire invading army. Although he dies right after doing all that, he miraculously comes back to life to tell his tales. (Playing cards inside of a whale with his friends (and Mr. Death) is most amusing, indeed.) Engaging and exhausting to watch and somewhat hard to follow, you must view it more than once to see and understand it all. Also stars Sarah Polley of "Avonlea" TV fame as a precocious and totally adorable little red-haired girl. A fairy tale for adults although children will love it as well and the slightly naughty references will be "over their head".
Danny Mullaney (Danmansan) They don't make films like this anymore, I know that this phrase is a cliché, but for this movie it is one hundred percent accurate. Terry Gilliam is one of those filmmakers with an unmistakable style. You could see one scene and know that it is his work. A rare thing in Hollywood nowadays.'Baron Munchausen' has more imagination and effort put into to it than most blockbusters these days, CGI being a curse more than a blessing. Good old fashion set designs, models and pyrotechnics. It's what I grew up with and loved. I loved this movie when I was 9, 19, and 29 and will no doubt appreciate it for many years to come. It has what a lot of movies now lack; imagination. You can only imagine the amount of hardwork that went into its creation; the intricacies of the Turks' cannons, the air balloon made of undies, even the clam that a nipple slipping Uma Thurman steps out off.Oliver Reed is excellent, his portrayal could almost be called pythonesque, no doubt the influences from his co workers. Jonathan Pryce, a Gilliam regular, is also likable as the bureaucratic dictator. And not forgetting Sting's tiny cameo, a good effort on his part.I made my girlfriend watch this film on bluray recently, and I think that the magic was lost on her as I'm sure it is on plenty others. But it is my review and in love it! So there!
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